Christmas Ebola

Announcement – There Will Be No Christmas Celebration in Ebola-Striken Sierra Leone

That was the announcement from the head of the government’s Ebola response unit. There will be “no Christmas and New Year celebrations this year,” Palo Conteh said in the capital of Freetown, according to AFP.

“We will ensure that everybody remains at home to reflect on Ebola,” he said. “Military personnel will be on the streets at Christmas and the New Year to stop any street celebrations.”

The majority of Sierra Leone’s population is Muslim, but Christians make up 10% of its people, according to the CIA World Factbook.

More than 6,500 have died and another 18,100 have been infected with Ebola in West Africa — mainly in the nations of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea — since the outbreak began nearly a year ago.

ISIS Westboro Baptist Church

This Muslim Expresses Her True Feelings on ISIS – PIC

I never thought there was a proper comparison for The Westboro Baptist Church, but now that this Muslim has dared ventured out on a limb and compared ISIS to the hate-mongers in Westboro, I can absolutely see the connections. They’re both the same. Beheading their ‘enemies’ as in ISIS, or rejoicing when others are killed as in the Baptiste Church, hate is hate and these two groups are masters of it.

Featured Politics

Erik Rush – Gun Reform Will Turn Us All Into Muslims – Audio

Erik Rush a frequent guest on your “news” channel Fox News, has said some dumb things in the past. And just when you think he couldn’t get any dumber, he goes on his radio show and insinuate that any gun reform will turn the country over to Islam. He then took it one step further, saying that one day you will wake up and realize that you’re a Muslim.

You think I’m making that up? Here is his exact quote.

Rush warned Americans, like others, may soon be “waking up and going, ‘holy crap, we’re all Muslims.’”

“They are trying to dilute, subvert and nullify our Second Amendment rights so we won’t have — we’ll have armed jihadis coming to our doors and we won’t be able to defend [ourselves],” he added.

ann coulter Christianity Politics

Ann Coulter – Single Mothers Produce The Most Criminals And Muslim Is Not A Religion

She has a way with words, but hearing what Ann Coulter had to say tonight on Fox News’ The Red Eye, made me take another look at the screen. The group was talking about criminals and one guest Joe Derosa, stated that the environment is responsible for creating “most criminals.” To which Ann Coulter chimed in claiming that single mothers produce the most criminals, a talking point that originated in 1995 with the Republican group, the Heritage Foundation.

Most criminals come from single mothers. It’s true. And I think you’ll agree on my other point which is why this leads to my conclusion, once you committed a violent crime let’s say, I say death penalty.

At this point, there’s laughter in the group but Coulter wasn’t finished. She then continued to say that if a criminal cannot convert to Christianity, then they should be put to death. Mr. Derosa asked if she’s only focusing on Christianity and not any other forms of Religion, to which Coulter answered in a rather sarcastic tone, “what, Muslim?” She then ended with “that’s a FANTASTIC idea!”

Watch the video below.

CNN Politics republican debate Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum Wants More Profiling Of Muslims

In tonight’s debate sponsored by CNN and moderated by Wolf Blitzer, the question was put to various candidates as to whether they support the Patriotic Act, a law that gives the federal government the authority to take extreme steps in gathering intelligence, even among American citizens. Just about all the participants agreed with the Patriot Act, except Ron Paul of course, who believes in freedom over security.

After  Rick Santorum got his chance to answer the question, Blitzer pointed out the fact that  “under certain circumstances” Santorum said he would support profiling. He then asked Santorum to explain in what instances would profiling be supported, “…is it ethnic profiling, religious profiling?”

Santorum answered;

Well, the folks most likely to be committing these crimes… obviously Muslims would be someone you’d look at, absolutely…. those are the folks who are the radical Muslims who would be committing these crimes,:

The Republican audience applauded… what else is new?

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