Louie Gohmert Politics

John McCain on Louie Gohmert – He Has “No Intelligence!”

Sen John McCain of Arizona has been adamant, strongly voicing his disagreement on his fellow Republicans and the way they shut down the government. I cannot remember him ever calling Louie Gohmert by name, but for some strange reason, Gohmert went to the Values Voters Summit and attacked McCain.

Said Gohmert;

“Some senator from Arizona, a guy that liked Qaddafi before he wanted to bomb him, a guy that liked Mubarak before he wanted him out, a guy that’s been to Syria and supported al-Qaeda and rebels, but he was saying today the shutdown is a fool’s errand.”

You know McCain was not going to just sit back and let that one fly. In an interview with Brian Williams of NBC News, McCain swung back when he was asked about Gohmert’s statement.

“Sometimes those–comments like that are made out of malice, but if someone has no intelligence I don’t view it as being a malicious statement.”

When McCain was through calling Gohmert a dumb doorknob, he then said, “I intend to maintain civility!” LOL!

Consider yourself fortunate folks. You have a front row seat to witness the dismantling of today’s Republican party

ObamaCare Politics

Quote of the Day: John McCain – “Republicans have to understand we have lost this battle”

The New York Times.

“It’s very, very serious,” warned Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona. “Republicans have to understand we have lost this battle, as I predicted weeks ago, that we would not be able to win because we were demanding something that was not achievable.”


Sen. John McCain – The Teaparty Republicans Did It

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) blamed tea party Republicans for the government shutdown during a CNN interview on Wednesday, saying Congress never had a shot at defunding Obamacare.

“We started this on a fool’s errand, convincing so many millions of Americans and our supporters that we could defund Obamacare,” McCain said.

While McCain didn’t name names, he faulted members of Congress — “tea partiers specifically” — for wrongly telling “millions of Americans” that Obamacare can be defunded.

That “obviously wouldn’t happen until we had 67 Republican senators to override a presidential veto,” McCain said.

McCain denounced the fight to defund Obamacare at the cost of a fiscal impasse even before the govenrment shut down last week. McCain called out Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for his anti-Obamacare speech, and said “the people spoke” when they reelected President Barack Obama in 2012

Politics Syria

McCain and Graham on Syria – President Must Make Strong Case to Congress

(AP) — Two Republican foreign policy hawks say President Barack Obama must make a strong case for attacking Bashar Assad’s Syria if he wants to win congressional backing for the operation.

Sen. John McCain tells reporters at the White House that Obama’s intervention now will be more difficult because Assad “is moving his forces around.” Both McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham questioned the wisdom of the administration publicly signaling in advance its intention to strike.

The GOP senators, who often speak with the same voice on foreign affairs, talked in the White House driveway Monday after a private meeting with Obama.

McCain said he believes lawmakers awaiting a critical vote on Syria “must be assured that this is different from the past two years of neglect” on the part of the administration.

Politics Syria

Republicans to Obama – Forget The Constitution, Bomb A Foreign Country

President Obama did exactly what the constitution requires – before taking military action, consult with Congress. And before he made the decision to do just that, Republicans in Congress were quick to point out that they should be consulted first.

At least two separate letters containing hundreds of congressional signatures made their way to the president, demanding that Congress first debate whether to take military action in Syria.

The president listened and decided to do what is constitutionally required. But his loudest critics in the Republican party are now calling him weak.

They now wonder why Mr. Obama is coming to Congress first. Amazingly, these same “protectors of the Constitution” would rather the president drop bombs in Syria, without their congressional input.

Senator John McCain for example, would have preferred the president took matters into his own hands, bypass his constitutional responsibilities to Congress, and fired missiles into a foreign country.

President Bashar Assad will be ‘euphoric’ about Obama’s decision to wait for Congress over Syria, according to Senator John McCain.

Referring to Obama’s famous remark when he said the use of chemical weapons in Syria would cross a red line, McCain said:, ‘He didn’t say, “It’s a red line – and by the way I’m going to have to seek the approval of Congress.” He said it was a red line, and that the United States of America would act.

‘And that’s a big difference, and that’s one of the reasons why this is so problematic.’

Obama is hoping one of Congress’s most intractable foreign policy hawks will help sell the idea of a U.S. military intervention in Syria to a nation deeply scarred by more than a decade of war.

Having announced over the weekend that he will seek congressional approval for military strikes against the Assad regime, the Obama administration is now trying to rally support among Americans and their congressmen and senators.

Immigration Immigration Reform Politics

John McCain on Fox News – “Fox News is a bit schizophrenic”

If Republican John McCain keeps this up, I’m going to have to write more good things about him.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was asked for his thoughts on the love/hate relationship that he has had with the personalities on Fox News Channel over the years. McCain told TNR’s Isaac Chotiner that he has never changed, but Fox’s opinion of him and the issues he tackles has shifted dramatically over the years. “I think that Fox News is a bit schizophrenic,” the Arizona senator opined.

“You have had conversations with people at Fox, The New Yorker reported, about immigration,” Chotiner asked, citing a report by Ryan Lizza which revealed that McCain had approached Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes asking him and his network to be more receptive to immigration reform proposals.

“There is a real divide in the party,” Chotiner continued. “What do Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch say about whether the party can come along on this issue?”

“It is well known that Rupert Murdoch is a strong supporter of immigration reform,” McCain replied. “Roger Ailes is also a realist. He believes that immigration reform is vital to the country first, but also the GOP. Yet he does not dictate. [Sean] Hannity has come out against it and kept his job. I don’t think Roger Ailes is ham-fisted.”

RELATED: John McCain Goes After Fellow GOPer On Senate Floor: He ‘Ought To Learn’ How Congress Operates

“But if you watch Fox, there are all these segments on immigrants and crime and so on, and people get riled up, and then they want reform,” the TNR reporter followed up. “It’s a difficult dynamic in the party.”

“I think that Fox News is a bit schizophrenic,” McCain shot back. “I saw a guy on “Hannity,” maybe “Huckabee,” and the guy said, “You know, the Chinese are coming across our border, and they are going to commit cyber-attacks.”

Chotiner expressed incredulity over the belief that one would have to cross a physical border to execute a cyber-attack. “Honest to God!” McCain assured him. “They are going to commit cyber-attacks.”

Immigration Immigration Reform Politics

John McCain: Without Immigration Reform, “the Republican Party cannot win a national election”

Arizona Republican Senator John McCain is finding his Mavericky ways again. He has begun to buck his party’s wish to go against everything President Obama wants with the goal or hope that the president fails, and McCain is actually working with other Senate Democrats to get things done. So it’s no surprise hearing this Mavericky Senator warns his fellow Republicans, telling them that doing nothing on Immigration will seal the party’s fate as a loser in future national elections.

“I think this fall is very important,” McCain said at a forum hosted by AFL-CIO and the Economic Policy Institute. “It’s very important because we get into 2014 — the next election cycle. I think the issue really has ripened to the point that enough Americans are aware of it, we are either going to act or not act.”

On PBS Monday, McCain said that if immigration reform is not passed, the Republican Party will never again win a national election.

“Let’s say we enact it, comprehensive immigration reform — I don’t think it gains a single Hispanic voter, but what it does, it puts us on a playing field where we can compete for the Hispanic voter,” McCain told PBS’ Gwen Ifill. “If we don’t do that, frankly, I don’t see — I see further polarization of the Hispanic voter and the demographics are clear that the Republican Party cannot win a national election. That’s just a fact.”

McCain compared the current system to “de facto amnesty because they are not leaving” and said that in his experience and from polls he’s seen, most Americans support the pathway to citizenship as long as the undocumented pay a fine, learn English and get on the back of the line.

“It (immigration) has a broader spectrum of support than any I have ever seen in my political career,” he said. He said that the broad range of groups and communities that support immigration reform “can galvanize” in the coming months to make passage a reality.

Politics trayvon martin

John McCain Calls President Obama’s Speech on Race “Very Impressive”

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) called on lawmakers across the country, including in his home state of Arizona, to review the Stand Your Ground law that allowed George Zimmerman to walk free in the days after he killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and conceded that the country still has “a long way to go” towards achieving full equality for African Americans.

Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, McCain described Stand Your Ground as “very controversial legislation” and rejected GOP claims that rolling it back could lead to more “gun control.” Earlier this week, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama called for a review of the laws, which authorize the use of deadly force and the right to “stand your ground” in fear of death, bodily harm, and even a forcible felony.

The senator also praised the remarks Obama delivered about the Zimmerman case on Friday, calling them “very impressive” and pledging to meet with more African American and Hispanic groups in Arizona. “I need Americans to talk to their friends and neighbors, not just those on their block or in their circle of friends,” he said.


John McCain Slams Rand Paul Over Filibuster – Video

After having dinner with Republicans last night, things have changed today. President Obama has a new friend in Washington and his name is John McCain. Of course we don’t expect this this new found relationship to last for too long, so while it exist, we will point it out.

Rand Paul said that his filibuster was because he needed information from the Obama administration that the president would not use drones to “kill Americans” on American soil. It is a baseless argument, because most everyone knows that the government will not use Drones to kill Americans. The argument being made by Rand Paul and some Democrats in Congress and even some journalist like Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, intentionally remove the word terrorist or enemy combatant from their argument, and leaves the impression that Obama is going to use drones to kill regular Americans.

The video below shows John McCain today, dismantling Rand Paul’s filibuster of an Obama nominee.

One Republican putting another Republican in his place? Yeah, we’ll highlight that any day.

It’s amazing what a dinner could do.


Benghazi Benghazi Osama bin Laden Politics

Hillary Clinton Holds Her Own, As Republicans Attack In Benghazi Hearing

Susan Rice. Remember her? She was one of the names being talked about to take over as Secretary of State when Hillary Clinton steps down later this month. But Mrs. Rice had to withdraw her name after Republicans, specifically John McCain and Lindsey Graham, placed a target on her back and relentlessly fired away, blaming her it seemed, for the events in Benghazi where four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens were killed.

The unwarranted attacks on Rice came after she went on television and repeated the talking points given to her about the events in Benghazi. Rice, who is the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, had no first hand knowledge of the events in Benghazi, but Republicans crucified her anyway, causing her to withdraw her name from consideration for Secretary of State. And it is noteworthy to point out that since Rice withdrew her name, the attacks mysteriously stopped.

For Months since the Benghazi September 11th, 2012 attacks, Republicans wanted blood. They wanted someone from the Obama Administration to pay for what happened in Libya. Their next target after Rice, was the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Previous attempts to get Mrs. Clinton to testify failed due to some health issues. After it was reported that Mrs. Clinton suffered a concussion in her home, Republicans tagged that news as her trying to avoid the testimony. They called it Benghazi-gate.

Well now the time has come. The climax of the Republican party is here. Hillary Clinton is testifying today about the events in Benghazi and Republicans are having the time of their lives and the time of their political career. This is their opportunity to bring the Obama administration to its knees. This is their chance to blame a high-ranking official for the four American deaths in Libya.

But their plan may not be working out just yet. Early reports from the testimony are showing that Mrs. Clinton is holding her own. Apparently she is not the raving lunatic Republicans would have us believe. Apparently she has a heart and although she acknowledged that things could have went differently, it seems that she and her department are doing everything possible, including implementing 29 recommendations from an independent review board, to make sure another future Benghazi does not happen.

Almost coming to tears at times, the Secretary of State tried to reassure the Republicans on the panel. “Make no mistake about it, we have got to have a better strategy,” she said. “I stood next to President Obama as the Marines carried those flag-draped caskets off the plane at Andrews,’ she said. ‘I put my arms around the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters.”

A Republican representing Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, dug in.”There were systemic [security] deficiencies and I know you know that,” he said. “To my knowledge no one has been held accountable.”

‘These officials were screaming out for more security.

Mrs Clinton replied;

“We can’t think now about what could have, should have, would have happened. Benghazi didn’t happen in a vacuum,’ she said. ‘The Arab revolutions have scrambled power dynamics and shattered security forces across the region. And instability in Mali has created an expanding safe haven for terrorists who look to extend their influence and plot further attacks of the kind we saw just last week in Algeria.”

Senator John McCain, the man responsible for the personally attacking Susan Rice and questioning her education and experience, called Benghazi “a cover-up from the beginning.” He is the newest member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

It is the hope of Republicans to take Hillary Clinton out now. She is the Democratic favorite to run for President in 2016 and tarnishing her exceptional job as Secretary of State they hope, will be a deciding factor for many Americans if she runs. But so far, these hearings are not turning out the way Republicans plan. They are coming off as a group of hypocrites, who ignored the attacks on September 11th where almost three thousand people died in New York, focused instead on Benghazi where four Americans were killed.

If they can ask about security now, why shouldn’t they answer that same question about September 11, 2001? After all, there are documented proof that their president, George W. Bush, had intelligence that Bin Laden was about to attack.

Where were the security measures then?

Benghazi Benghazi Politics

Claire McCaskill – Republicans Are “Looking For A Scalp” And Susan Rice Has One.

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill appeared on Meet The Press today and defended United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. Asked about Susan Rice and the roadblock Republicans are building to deny her the job of Secretary of State, McCaskill said;

“I think it’s terribly unfair what has happened to Susan Rice.

“I do not understand for the life of me — the talking-points came from the intelligence community, yet you don’t hear one criticism of [former CIA Director] David Petraeus. It was his shop that produced the talking-points that Susan Rice talked about, and she mentioned al-Qaeda in the interviews.”

McCaskill also compared Susan Rice to Condoleezza Rice, who worked in the Bush administration and promoted the Bush talking-points making it possible to start the war in Iraq.

“I mean, really? Is there a double-standard here? It appears to most of us that there is. A very unfair one. This is a strong, smart, capable, accomplished woman, and I think there are too many people over there that are looking for a scalp.”

Republicans led by John McCain and Lindsey Graham have vowed not to support Susan Rice’s nomination for Secretary of State if she is nominated by President Obama, and they claim the talking-points Rice used to describe the events in Benghazi is their reason to deny her the nomination. McCaskill correctly pointed out that these talking-points did not come from Rice, but this little fact makes no difference to Republicans.

Benghazi Domestic Policies

White House Source – Hillary Clinton Prefers John Kerry Over Susan Rice

A White House source is saying today that if Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were to pick her successor, she wouldn’t choose Ambassador Susan Rice, but would instead go with Senator John Kerry.

According to reporter Michael Sneed at theChicago Sun-Times, the source said, “Hillary is not close to Rice, who is tough — but is not the friendliest person. And Hillary’s brief comment recently that Rice had done ‘a great job’ was considered underwhelming and tepid.”

The source went on,

“It would be hard for President Obama to back away from Rice, but he’s dealing with what’s known as ‘the Club of the Senate,’ which includes powerful U.S. Sen. John McCain — a Republican — who is adamantly against Rice and a big supporter of Kerry’s.”

Although the White House has made no official announcement yet regarding the next Secretary of State, a decision is expected soon.

h/t Mediaite

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