Louie Gohmert Politics

John McCain on Louie Gohmert – He Has “No Intelligence!”

Sen John McCain of Arizona has been adamant, strongly voicing his disagreement on his fellow Republicans and the way they shut down the government. I cannot remember him ever calling Louie Gohmert by name, but for some strange reason, Gohmert went to the Values Voters Summit and attacked McCain.

Said Gohmert;

“Some senator from Arizona, a guy that liked Qaddafi before he wanted to bomb him, a guy that liked Mubarak before he wanted him out, a guy that’s been to Syria and supported al-Qaeda and rebels, but he was saying today the shutdown is a fool’s errand.”

You know McCain was not going to just sit back and let that one fly. In an interview with Brian Williams of NBC News, McCain swung back when he was asked about Gohmert’s statement.

“Sometimes those–comments like that are made out of malice, but if someone has no intelligence I don’t view it as being a malicious statement.”

When McCain was through calling Gohmert a dumb doorknob, he then said, “I intend to maintain civility!” LOL!

Consider yourself fortunate folks. You have a front row seat to witness the dismantling of today’s Republican party

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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