arrested Celebrities

Scandal’s Actor Arrested on Felony Charge

Columbus Short, a lead actor on the television series “Scandal,” was arrested Wednesday on a felony charge that he seriously injured a man during an altercation at a restaurant earlier this month.

Short was arrested by police in Claremont on a warrant issued in a case that alleges he committed a battery that caused serious bodily harm.

The actor was involved in a dispute with a man at a West Los Angeles restaurant March 15 before Short hit the man and knocked him out, according to Los Angeles police and prosecutors. Further details about the altercation were not released.

Short, 31, plays attorney Harrison Wright on ABC’s hit series “Scandal.” Records show he was released Wednesday after posting $50,000 bail.

Featured News

George Zimmerman Signs Up For ‘Celebrity’ Boxing Match

George Zimmerman, acquitted in the high-profile killing of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, arrives in court Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013, in Sanford, Fla., for his hearing on charges including aggravated assault stemming from a fight with his girlfriend. (AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Joe Burbank, Pool)

There are many people who would relish the opportunity to take a swing at unconvicted killer George Zimmerman, and at least one lucky person will get that chance.

Zimmerman, who was found not guilty on murder charges after he followed and eventually gunned down 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012, will participate in a “celebrity” boxing match that will be aired online and on Pay-Per-View on March 1, 2014.

“It was my idea,” Zimmerman, 30, said in an interview with Radar Online.

“Prior to the incident I was actually going to the gym for weight loss and doing boxing-type training for weight loss and a mutual friend put me in contact with Damon and provided me with an opportunity and motivation to get back in shape and continue with my weight loss goals and also be able to help a charity out.”

The “incident,” of course, is his killing of an unarmed teenager.

Read more from Radar Online:

“Boxing isn’t new to me. It’s something I had picked up well before the incident and it’s something that I liked, I enjoyed, and I kept up with it and I was able to lose a tremendous amount of weight and get a healthy lifestyle,” he told Radar.

“So it’s not a new hobby, it’s something I have been doing and wanting to pursue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

“I don’t have a preference [on opponent] as long as it goes to charity, doesn’t matter to me. Hopefully someone that won’t hurt me too bad!” Zimmerman said, but after thinking about it a minute told Radar, “If I had my top three I’d say Papa Smurf, the Easter Bunny and maybe the Michelin Man.”

Zimmerman, who has taken full advantage of his notoriety, shared the news on his Twitter page.

Only in America can you become famous for killing a Black child in cold blood.

If you’d like the chance to fight George Zimmerman, email here:

h/t –

Featured News Teacher

7th Grade Student Knocked Out By Teacher For Joke About His Favorite Team

Reginald Wells, a 12-year-old student at Willie Ray Smith Middle School in Beaumont, Texas was allegedly knocked unconscious by his assistant math teacher last Friday after making a joke about his favorite football team, reports CBS News.

Wells was standing in the hallway joking with the teacher, when the encounter suddenly took a violent turn.

“All of a sudden he just hit me, in my shoulder,” Wells said in an interview with 12News. “… and I looked at him like, ‘What the heck?’”

The 4 feet 11 inches tall, 80 pound 7th-grader says that he responded by pushing the teacher’s shoulder. And, from there, the unthinkable happened.

The teacher was fired immediately and escorted off the premises, but was not arrested. To add insult to injury, he allegedly refused to apologize for his actions.

“He said ‘I can’t apologize for what I did, I was just having a bad day and I just snapped,’” said Wells.

“For you to just let a teacher do that to him and just walk off, he’s fired and walks off, I can’t accept that.”

h/t – HelloBeautiful

bill o reilly Bill O'Reilly

Bill O’Reilly Blows His Lid In Fox The Land Of Make Believe

Ah, the good ole folks over there at Fox! They’re literally blowing their lids!

Bill O’ Reilly – host of Fox’s The O’Reilly Factor – had Alan Colmes on his “Factor” program earlier tonight and it was quite apparent that Billy forgot to take his medication. Or maybe President Obama cut the amount of medication Reilly was supposed to get!

Actually, that was the reason for O’Reilly’s massive flare up on Colmes. Reilly asked Colmes to “name one damn program Obama said he will cut.” Colmes named two – Medicare and Medicaid, but O’Reilly wasn’t hearing it. He kept insisting that Colmes should name “one program.”

Realizing that he wasn’t getting the calmer Colmes to jog down the insanity road with him, Reilly began personally attacking Colmes. This, understandably offended Alan and he firmly, but respectfully disagreed with O’Reilly.

“Don’t call me a liar! Don’t you dare call me a liar!” Colmes said, over and over again. But the show’s host insisted and continued calling his guest a liar although Colmes correctly named the programs.

Only in the land of Fox Make Believe would someone like Alan Colmes presenting facts be called a liar.

Guess what. The whole thing was caught on tape. Watch the exchange below.


Excuse Me, Do You Know What Time Is It?

Another day, another Time of arguing, bickering, finger-pointing and disagreements. No, not your kids, Grown Ups in Washington. I don’t know about you, but I feel as though It’s Time for “Grown Ups” to start acting like “Grown Ups”.

Speaker Boehner is blaming President Obama for the upcoming disaster called the Sequester, President Obama is firing back stating the Congress needs to act before We, The People, fall into yet another catastrophic economic meltdown. GOP members Ted Cruz, a freshman, has joined the fray with the “blame game” stating the President isn’t doing enough on Immigration Reform. Adults, acting like children. Or, is it just children dressed up in Adult clothing?

Senator’s McCain, Graham, Rubio, Ryan and the lot are making a mockery of the office in which they represent by, instead of bringing solid solutions of important issues, they take it to the media for “soundbite” and talking-points. As a grown up, do you, average American, go to the Source of your disagreement or do you cower and discuss with everyone other than the one you have the disagreement with? Hmmm, I tend to believe it’s not the latter for most of us.

What Time Is It? Well, It’s Time To Get This House in Order

Every American, even if you don’t follow politics, has seen the News Tickers counting down to the Sequester. Or you’ve heard about the Immigration issue. You’ve seen and heard about the confirmation hearings with Chuck Hagel, a Republican, trying to fight his way through intense questioning about his “true” allegiances.  Ironically, it’s the Republicans that are holding up the process. Or how about the Gun Control Fight, or gay marriage issue or Obamacare? No matter where you stand on these issues, This House, The United States of America, is completely “Out of Order”.

We’re a Great Country that prides itself on multi-tasking, coming together to get big jobs accomplished, but as of late, oh, I’ll say since President Obama took office in 2009, members of the GOP have forgotten how to govern, how to work across the aisle, how to be grown ups. Newt Gingrich has boasted about how when he was Speaker of the House, he worked with President Clinton to pass important legislation. Speaker of the House Tipp O’Neil and President Reagan came together, contentiously,  to move this nation forward with “Reaganomics”.

Well,  That’s What Time It Is. Working TOGETHER. Or have we forgotten how to do that?

What Time Is It? It’s Time To Move Forward

Look, I know there’s tremendous animosities in Washington. The GOP and it’s surrogates don’t like President Obama but guess what? He’s the President so get over it. You were elected to work FOR THE PEOPLE of the United States of America. ALL of us, not just for your party. You took an oath before GOD and man to Serve the People. Well, do Your Job and Serve.

No more finger pointing. No more taking the arguments and/or disagreements to the media. Sit down, like grown ups, discuss, map out, dissect, compromise where it makes sense and Move Forward. Most jobs (if not all of them) have deadlines to meet. I don’t know of any successful job that waits for the last day or even goes past the deadline. Washington, Congress, Senators, House of Representatives, you’re not exempt.

Get it together…let’s Move Forward…that’s What Time It Is!

Newt Gingrich Politics

No More Mr. Niceguy. Gingrich Attacks Willard

Mitt Willard Romney and his secret PACS have used every dirty trick in the book to go after his fellow Republican Presidential challengers. His challengers, on the other hand, have mostly concentrated on attacking each other rather than going after Willard.

Oh, how times have changed. Yesterday, Newt Gingrich suggested teaming up with Rick Santorum to defeat Willard, saying, “I don’t think Romney can get much above 25 percent.”

“You take [Rick] Perry, [Michele] Bachmann, Santorum, Gingrich, you get a sense of what a small percentage Romney really represents,” Gingrich said, including himself in the “conservative” field in contrast to Romney and Ron Paul. Paul, according to Gingrich, is “a different kind of person and I don’t know how you would characterize his votes.”

And now this – an ad from the Gingrich campaign, calling Romney “timid.”

Its on folks! Romney has awakened the sleeping dog that is Newt Gingrich. Question now is, just how bad will his bite be?

Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics presidential Republican

Donald Trump Calls Ron Paul A “Joke Candidate”

Ron Paul said no to a Donald Trump moderated debate, and Donald Trump fires back.

 “Ron Paul’s not going to win. He’s got no chance. You have a better chance right now of winning, and you’re not running, and so he’s not going to win. He’s a joke candidate.”

Oh the wonders of the Republican party!

childhood obesity Glenn Beck Michelle Obama Mike Huckabee Republican

Glenn Beck To Mike Huckabee – I Challenge You To A Duel


My dear sir, I challenge you to a duel!

These words most easily explain what is going on between Glenn Beck and Mike Huckabee. Mr. Huchabee, a 2008 Republican presidential candidate fell on Glenn Beck’s wrong side because of his support for First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign which addresses childhood obesity. Mike Huckabee even went as far as saying, “I think we should thank and praise Michelle Obama.”

That support coming from a Republican to the Democratic First Lady caused Glenn Beck to call Mike Huckabee a “progressive!” Now normally, being called a progressive is considered a complement, but coming from Glenn Beck, progressives are considered scums of the earth! Mr. Beck even said on one of his shows, that progressives are like America’s cancer.

Mike Huckabee did not take this insult lying down. He fired back on his website, saying;

This week Glenn Beck has taken to his radio show to attack me as a Progressive, which he has said is the same as a “cancer” and a “Nazi.” What did I do that apparently caused him to link me to a fatal disease and a form of government that murdered millions of innocent Jews? I had the audacity—not of hope—but the audacity to give respect to the efforts of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign to address childhood obesity.

I’m no fan of her husband’s policies for sure, but I have appreciated her efforts that Beck misrepresented—either out of ignorance or out of a deliberate attempt to distort them to create yet another “boogey man” hiding in the closet that he and only he can see. The First Lady’s approach is about personal responsibility—not the government literally taking candy from a baby’s mouth. He seems to fancy himself a prophet of sorts for his linking so many people and events together to describe a massive global conspiracy for pretty much everything.

Sadly, he seems equally inept at recognizing the obvious fact that children are increasingly obese and that we now see clinical evidence of diseases in children that as recent as 20 years ago were found only in adults, such as Type 2 diabetes. The costs to our nation are staggering in increase health care expenses, but it even effects national security with now 75% of young men between the ages of 17 and 24 are unfit for military service primarily due to obesity! His ridiculous claim that John McCain and I collaborated and conspired in the 2008 campaign is especially laughable.

Is he not aware that McCain and I were competitors—not cohorts? Beck needs to stick to conspiracies that can’t be so easily de-bunked by facts. Why Beck has decided to aim his overloaded guns on me is beyond me. But he ought to clean his gun and point it more carefully lest it blow up in his face like it did this time.

Since falling off the media wagon, Glenn Beck has been left up to his own destructive devices. He has been fighting for recognition from the media, but for the most part, he’s been ignored. Consider this attack on one of his own as a way to be mentioned again, and for this brief moment, he got his wish… Glenn Beck.  Moving on…!

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