
Slate on Alan Colmes – “Colmes Was a Buffoon and Patsey… Original Liberal Weakling”

Alan Colmes died a few days ago but moments after his death, Slate’s contributor, Isaac Chotiner, said that because Colmes was “a nice guy and a liberal” who worked on Fox News, he was a “Buffoon” used by the conservative network.

“Alan Colmes, Buffoon and Patsy, Was Fox News’ Original Liberal Weakling,” wrote Slate’s Isaac Chotiner [Editor’s note: Nope, not going to link to it]. Chotiner doesn’t take exception to Colmes’ politics, but complained that he was not good enough at advocating for liberal positions.

“Colmes was the most absurd, useless, and mocked television personality in America for many years, precisely because he was nice. In the context of Fox News, being a nice guy — and a “liberal” nice guy at that — meant being a buffoon, and a patsy. Colmes not only played the part to perfection — he defined it,” Chotiner wrote.

Chotiner’s biggest beef was with Colmes’ role on Hannity and Colmes. “Yes, the two men appeared to have equal time during each segment, and yes, there was often a liberal guest and a conservative one…” he admits. “But the show, by design, was conservative, and often in racist or homophobic or Islamophobic ways.”

“While Colmes may not have been a genius, he wasn’t a complete moron either; in short, he was smart enough to know he was being used, and to take the money that his services demanded. If this is something less than morally reprehensible, it is still pretty gross,” he writes.


R.I.P Alan Colmes – Dead At The Age of 66

His website was a frequent place for me to get political stories to blog about. Then around a week or so ago, Alan left a message on the site saying that he’s taking a brief leave from blogging, and assured his visitors that he will return soon. Today, I made my usual visit to to see what was going on and was shocked to the core with the news that Mr. Colmes had died.

Rest In Peace Mr. Colmes. You’re already missed.

America’s Newsroom co-anchor Bill Hemmer announced the news during Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox program.

“We have, yet again, some sad news to report here at the Fox News Channel,” said Hemmer. “Fox News contributor and frequent guest here in America’s Newsroom, Alan Colmes, has passed away.”

Colmes is survived by his wife, Jocelyn Crowley, who issued the following statement to the network:

“Alan Colmes passed away this morning after a brief illness. He was 66-years-old. He leaves his adoring and devoted wife, Jocelyn Elise Crowley. He was a great guy, brilliant, hysterical, and moral. He was fiercely loyal, and the only thing he loved more than his work was his life with Jocelyn. He will be missed. The family has asked for privacy during this very difficult time.”

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Alan Colmes Explains To “Christian KKK” Leader That Jesus Wasn’t White – Video

An interesting discussion between Alan Colmes and a white supremacists leader in Pennsylvania… correction, a so-called Christian member and leader of the Pennsylvania chapter of the KKK!

Much of the discussion centered around the KKK leader referring to his group as “a christian group.” Colmes challenged that assertion by the man named William Walters, Grand Dragon of the East Coast Knights of the KKK. And as the discussion progressed, it became very clear as if we did not already know – there is nothing “Christian” about the KKK, they’re just a collection of uninformed, racist white folks intent on staying ignorant.

At one point in the discussion, Colmes pointed out that, although Jesus wasn’t white, he preached to all and believed in being inclusive. Colmes asked The Grand Dragon to explain exactly how they call themselves a christian organization, but refuses entry to non-whites. Of course, the racist had no answer.

Watch the confrontation below.

bill o reilly Bill O'Reilly

John Stossell To Bill O’Reilly – “You Were Obnoxious” To Alan Colmes

Following the freak show segment on The O’Reilly Factor on Fox “News,” where host Bill O’Reilly refused to accept Alan Colmes’s answer on naming two programs the President is willing to cut, O’Reilly’s next segment featured his guest John Stossel, who had a few choice words for the host – “You were obnoxious!”

Stossell was referring to the over the top reaction Bill O’Reilly had when he asked Alan Colmes to “name one program” President Obama would cut. Colmes named two and O’Reilly engaged in an explosive personal attack that at one point, had the much calmer Colmes trying to demand some respect.

After introducing Stossell for the next segment, O’Reilly admitted that he was “still feeling bad about Colmes.” To that, Stossell replied, “Good. You were out of line!”

O’Reilly, still unable to see the err of his ways replied, “I wasn’t out of line. I was maybe out of line with my tone, but not with the facts of the matter.”

“You were obnoxious,” Stossell would say. Some laughing could be heard off camera. O’Reilly eventually accepted the fact that he was “over the top!”

Watch it below.

bill o reilly Bill O'Reilly

Bill O’Reilly Blows His Lid In Fox The Land Of Make Believe

Ah, the good ole folks over there at Fox! They’re literally blowing their lids!

Bill O’ Reilly – host of Fox’s The O’Reilly Factor – had Alan Colmes on his “Factor” program earlier tonight and it was quite apparent that Billy forgot to take his medication. Or maybe President Obama cut the amount of medication Reilly was supposed to get!

Actually, that was the reason for O’Reilly’s massive flare up on Colmes. Reilly asked Colmes to “name one damn program Obama said he will cut.” Colmes named two – Medicare and Medicaid, but O’Reilly wasn’t hearing it. He kept insisting that Colmes should name “one program.”

Realizing that he wasn’t getting the calmer Colmes to jog down the insanity road with him, Reilly began personally attacking Colmes. This, understandably offended Alan and he firmly, but respectfully disagreed with O’Reilly.

“Don’t call me a liar! Don’t you dare call me a liar!” Colmes said, over and over again. But the show’s host insisted and continued calling his guest a liar although Colmes correctly named the programs.

Only in the land of Fox Make Believe would someone like Alan Colmes presenting facts be called a liar.

Guess what. The whole thing was caught on tape. Watch the exchange below.

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