Politics vote

Laura Ingraham Thinks… Oh, Nevermind… She Doesn’t

I was going to name this post, “Laura Ingraham Thinks Black People Voting is Pointless,” but who am I fooling. Laura Ingraham does not think, so the title would have been absurd.

As she filled the seat of Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, who was missing in action, Ingraham focused on the voter registration efforts going on in Ferguson MO., after the murder of unarmed black teen Mike Brown. It is apparently Laura’s thinking (there I go again with the thinking thing) that black people going to the polls to have a say in who gets elected is a divisive act, spearheaded by Democrats to keep senate seats. Nothing else.

“The racists are coming, the racists are coming” Laura says, implying that those words are being used by Democrats to get Blacks to the polls. And she concluded by saying that having back people vote would not stop the next Mike Brown, would not keep black men out of jails or give black people jobs.

Now, besides the obvious racism in Laura’s commentary suggesting that black men are jobless convicts with no hope or future, her suggestion that blacks should not vote because their life will remain the same shows her obvious bias and racism. If voting is pointless for blacks and minorities, then shouldn’t we expect similar commentary telling whites to stay home on election day?

Of course that advice to whites will never come, for it is the hope of racists like Laura Ingraham, to keep minorities in the minority. To have them think that voting is silly and trivial, and a waste of their time. Laura Ingraham and all the other Republicans in government know, that the best way to keep minorities in the minority is to take away their right to vote.


Mike Brown Politics

Hillary Clinton Finally Spoke About Mike Brown’s Killing

After a growing public uproar surrounding her silence on the Mike Brown shooting in Ferguson Missouri, Hillary Clinton – the more than likely Democratic nominee for president in 2016 – finally spoke up on the issue, saying that as a country we must all do what we can to fix the “iniquities” in our justice system.

“We can’t ignore the inequities that persist in our justice system that undermine our most deeply held values of fairness and equality,” she said.

Clinton’s comments came at the end of a paid speech she gave in San Francisco. And she said that watching Brown’s funeral broke her heart.

She then compared the white privilege with the black reality.

“Imagine what we would feel and what we would do if white drivers were three times as likely to be searched by police during a traffic stop as black drivers, instead of the other way around,” Clinton said. “If white offenders received prison sentences 10 percent longer than black offenders for the same crimes. If a third of all white men—just look at this room and take one third—went to prison during their lifetime. Imagine that. That is the reality in the lives of so many of our fellow Americans and so many of the communities in which they live.”

Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

Why It’s Extremely Hard to Convict a Killer Cop?

In the wake of all the police brutality activities finally coming to light, Dean Obeidallah of the Daily Beast tried to answer this question and did a little research in his quest to answer – why do killer cops walk free?

Seems a Supreme Court decision has something to do with it.

I would predict that few have issues with the police shooting dangerous criminals who are truly threatening them or the public at large.  Regardless if we are white or a minority, we want the police to protect us. In fact, we pay them to do just that.

But the problem arises when we see the police kill a person in circumstances that shock our conscience. In these instances, our sense of right and wrong demands that the police officer be held criminally responsible for his actions.

However, this happens very infrequently. Why? In large part, this is due to a 1989 U.S. Supreme Court decision that held a police officer can legally use deadly force if the officer has an “objectively reasonable fear” that someone will be killed or suffer serious bodily injury. This ruling, by design, insulates police officers from criminal liability because of the unique, life-threatening challenges of being in law enforcement.

Chris Matthews eric holder Mike Brown Shooting Politics

Chris Matthews Wrongfully Criticized President Obama’s Leadership in Ferguson – Video

In a recent MSNBC interview about the events in Ferguson Missouri, Hardball’s host Chris Matthews attacked the president by comparing him to Eric Holder.

Earlier this week, Eric Holder made a visit to Ferguson, the place where citizens protested the murder of Michael Brown by a Ferguson cop, Darren Wilson. The protests have gone on for 12 days now with violent clashes between protesters and police officers with police using rubber bullets, tear gas and snipers to intimidate the protesters. Holders visit came on Wednesday, and is seen as a turning point in the protests. The violence is now minimal or even nonexistent as people are now hopeful that the federal government’s investigation will bring some form of justice to Ferguson.

In his interview with Craig Melvin, Matthews praised Holders visit, and used it to criticize the president.

“It may be a lesson for the president, too,” Matthews said. “And I’m not usually a critic of him but I have to say that I thought that in a very positive way Eric Holder showed how you lead in this country. And a big part of leading is showing up.”

What Matthews conveniently chose to ignore is the fact that Holder is part of the Obama administration, and his visit to Ferguson was initiated by the President himself.

Back on Monday during a press conference, the president called for calm heads to prevail in Ferguson and announced that he will send Eric Holder for a first hand account of the situation.

“The attorney general himself will be traveling to Ferguson on Wednesday to meet with the FBI agents and DOJ personnel conducting the criminal investigation and he will receive an update from them on their progress. He will also be meeting with other leaders in the community,” Obama said during the press conference.

Matthews refused to mention that fact in his criticism. He apparently thinks Holder’s visit was independent to the President’s decision to send him to Ferguson.



Police Sargent at Ferguson Protests Seen Addressing The OathKeepers Militia – Video

Crooks and Liars posted this video showing one of the police officers working the crowds in Ferguson Missouri, at an apparent “OathKeepers” gathering.

The video is a bit long, but there are bullet points highlighting the juicy parts, where the police officer, Sgt. Major Dan Page, talks about his feelings toward women, gays, black perverts, doing his fair share of killing people, no need for hate-
crime laws, etc., etc., etc.,

1:07: Talks about all men being created equal then went on to say “That does not mean affirmative action”.
1:26: Rants about hate crime laws
3:22: Black (little?) Perverts
5:25: Talks about doing a fair share of killing
15:40: Calls supreme court justice a homosexual sodomite.
18:30 “If I die I go to heaven… I died a long time ago”
20:30: Talks about St. Louis County schools
26:40: Calls President Obama an illegal alien
27:00: We can kill you anyway we want
31:38: Goes on anti-muslim rant
37:00: Talks about being a Saint Louis County Cop
43:00: Talk about killing people again
46:41: Goes on rant over being briefed about the 9/11 attacks on Aug 1st 1999 then says 9/11 happened 30 days later also talks about no weapons of mass destruction being found in Afghanistan.
49:22: Continues rant about having secret clearance at Fort (Leavenworth?) and training with Russian spetsnaz
52:40: Says people involved in domestic violence should “just shoot each other and get it over with”.
53:15: Somebody like me is going to come in and kill you
56:20: I don’t trust nobody and I hate everybody. I hate y’all too I hate everybody. I’m into diversity. I kill everybody.
58:02: Audience member: So what happens when good men like you are retiring from the military. What kind of military do we have left then?
58:15: Sodomites and females. End of statement.
1:01:00: Rants about female green beret
1:03:00 He’s handed an oathkeeper patch.


Mike Brown Shooting

Gov. Duval Patrick on Recent Police Killings of Unarmed Men – “I’m Sick Of it”

The popular Governor of Massachusetts, presently the only black governor in the nation, Gov Duval Patrick, weighed in on the recent killings with police being the culprit, telling a Fox station in Boston that he is “sick of unarmed black men being shot by police.”

I’m sick of unarmed black men being shot by police. I’m sick of the lawlessness on the streets. I think everybody’s tired. When are we gonna get through with this kind of thing? I’m hopeful, with the Attorney General of the United States going out, that federal law enforcement will be fully engaged, and I hope bring to a decision quickly. But that’s a really tough mission that he’s set out on, and I know that from some experience.

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Mike Brown Shooting

Officer “Go F*CK Yourself” to Undergo a Psychiatric Evaluation

Ok, so his real name is Ray Albers, and he has been a police officer for 20 years, so Albers is not a rookie. He should have known what his name was and he should have easily recited it when reporters asked for it. Instead, he said his name was “go fuck yourself
,” as he pointed a semiautomatic gun at reporters in Ferguson. That name turned out to be a lie.

So Mr. “go fuck yourself” obviously has some issues that need dealing with ASAP! And it’s a good thing St. Ann Police Chief Aaron Jimenez, is there to help.

Jimenez has scheduled a psychiatric evaluation for the dirty mouth cop.

“It’s frustrating, because we told [our officers] before we went down there that there would be lots of people trying to antagonize to provoke them into saying something,” Jimenez told the Huffington Post. “Whether you’re a pedestrian or protesters, you have to be professional, and [Albers’] actions weren’t in any way, shape or form.”

Jimenez said Albers was correct to have raised his gun, as he had spotted one in the crowd, but was disappointed that Albers didn’t give his name.

“When he was asked the name, you need to be giving your name so they know who to contact,” Jimenez said. “So when he said, ‘Go F yourself,’ that was uncalled for too.”

Albers was removed from Ferguson duties following pressure from the ACLU; he is set to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

Featured Michael Brown Racists

Warning – This Video Shows The Police Shooting of a St. Louis Man

You know it was just a matter of time before video of the latest St. Louis police shooting made its way on the Internet.

After I heard about this latest shooting, I chose to not be judgemental. I mean, what police officer will shoot another black man in the midst of nationwide protests against a police shooting of Michael Brown? You’ll have to be real stupid, or you just don’t give a damn to murder another man.

So I watched the press briefing by the Chief of Police after the shooting and I was under the impression that the two police officers felt their life were threatened, and they used deadly force to stop that threat. The police chief said the man had a knife and was charging the offices, so they both shot to stop that threat.

I thought stopping the threat meant a couple shots were fired, but theres a video.

After watching this video, I found it extremely hard to see how this one man with a so-called knife made two police officers think their life was in danger. Two police officers, with semiautomatic pistols!

And whatever happened to the use of a taser or stun gun? Is there ever a situation when non lethal weapons can be used?

This video contains strong language and other content that may be objectionable to some.

Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

Ferguson’s Trigger Happy Officer Darren Wilson is Texting

Darren Wilson, the trigger-happy Ferguson police officer who gunned down an innocent teenager last weekend, is now using those fingers to text his friend of 14 years.

According to his friend, Jake Shepard, Wilson texted to thank him for all the support his friend is giving, after Shepard went on CNN to defend Wilson. Wilson informed Shepherd that he has 24 hour security and cannot go outside, presumably because of all the fuss his trigger-happy finger is causing the people in Ferguson Missouri.

Shepard told MailOnline that he is coming forward with this information to shed a different light on his good ole pal Darren Wilson.

Shepard also told MailOnline he thinks Wilson did the right thing according to his training. But he believes that the police in general should have better training to use non-lethal force before opening fire.

He said: ‘It’s sad for Mike Brown and his family. Darren could have just Tasered him and Mike would have spent six months in jail or something and maybe got his act together after that.

‘Darren could have gone on with his life too but now both of their lives are over. It sucks.

‘I’m sure Mike’s family is having a hard time but at least they have the support of the whole nation behind them, openly. Darren doesn’t get that’.


chris hayes Mike Brown Shooting MSNBC

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes is Stoned in Ferguson Missouri – Video

No, he wasn’t injured. It was actually a rather lame effort by the person throwing the projectiles. However, at least two stones with thrown in Chris Hayes’ direction at yesterday’s protest in Ferguson Missouri.

As the stones were being hauled over a fence protecting the MSNBC host, a protester is heard in the background telling Hayes to “tell the true story!” Hayes replied that he was reporting the truth.

“People are angry man, they are real angry,” Hayes said, as he nervously glanced back and forth in the direction of the thrower.


CNN Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

CNN’s Jake Tapper Calls Out Ferguson Police for Inciting Violent Protests

On the ground in Ferguson Missouri, CNN’s Jake Tapper became irate! Not at the protesters, who, for the most part were peacefully following the new set of protesting rules set on them by the Ferguson Police Department. No Tappa was upset with the Ferguson Police and the obvious response their actions had on these peaceful protesters.

“I want to show you this, okay? To give you an idea of what’s going on. The protesters have moved all the way down there… they’re all the way down there. Nobody is threatening anything. Nobody is doing anything. None of the stores here that I can see are being looted. There is no violence.

Now I want you to look at what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri, in downtown America, okay? These are armed police, with — not machine guns — semi-automatic rifles, with batons, with shields, many of them dressed for combat. Now why they’re doing this? I don’t know. Because there is no threat going on here. None that merits this. There is none, okay? Absolutely there have been looters, absolutely over the last nine days there’s been violence, but there is nothing going on on this street right now that merits this scene out of Bagram. Nothing.

So if people wonder why the people of Ferguson, Missouri are so upset, this is part of the reason. What is this? This doesn’t make any sense.”

Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting Politics Racism


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

August 18, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

I was one of the first people to call the killing of Mike Brown an execution. This was based on the several eye witnesses who told the same story. A story of an 18 year old boy who was shot multiple times, most said 5-7 or 6-8 times in the arms and head. They also said he was falling down and on his knees when he was shot again in the head. Now we get an autopsy that corroborates that testimony from those eye witnesses.

Tiffany Mitchell

“Michael and the officer wrestling through the [car] window.” Brown, she said, was struggling to get away while the officer continued to try to pull him closer. Concerned, Mitchell pulled out her phone, at which point she said the first shot was fired “through the window.” Mitchell then saw Brown break away from the officer’s grip and run down the street from the police vehicle.

“The officer gets out of his vehicle,” Mitchell said, “and he pursues him,” continuing to shoot at Brown. “Michael’s body jerks as if he was hit,” Mitchell explained, “and then he put his hands up,” and the officer continued to shoot at Brown until the teenager collapsed “all the way down to the ground.”

Philip Walker

Brown “was giving up in the sense of raising his arms and being subdued,” Walker said Monday, AP reported. He also reportedly said that the officer “had his gun raised and started shooting the individual in the chest multiple times.” He then “stood over him and shot him,” he added.

Dorian Johnson

“He shot again, and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air, and he started to get down,” Johnson said, according to AP. “But the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.”

The fatal shot was a shot in the top of Michael Brown’s head. Unless Darren Wilson was seven feet tall or Brown was shot by a sniper this wound shows that Brown was down on his knees/falling down, not a threat, in a submissive position when he was killed by Wilson. This is an execution, pure and simple. If you don’t like that word too fucking bad. It is what it is.

Several witnesses with the same story that aligns with the autopsy yet we don’t even have a simple arrest. Let me make this very clear. If you are opposed to an arrest and a charge you are a racist. That is the reason. You can try to disguise your racism with bullshit excuses and your supposed knowledge of the law, but you can’t fool me. There is NO DOUBT, NO FUCKING DOUBT that if Michael Brown or any other black man, hell any other person including myself, were to have killed a cop or anyone in the same fashion as Wilson killed Brown, with the amount of evidence we have, there would have been an arrest and most likely no bail based on the gruesomeness of the crime.

If you disagree with this assessment you can give me reasons till you turn blue in the face, but what you are is a racist, reaching for legitimate reasons to not be labeled one. The sneaky excuses don’t fool me at all. If Michael Brown were white you wouldn’t be bullshitting that there is no cause for an arrest, you would probably be silent. You know that. I know that.

I have received so many tweets from disgusting racists. All of them from this country of course,  trying to disparage Michael Brown the same way the Ferguson PD has tried to do.

“He was a thug, he deserved it.”

“Come on Mike, you know Wilson was justified in killing a felon.”

“He was a thief and he got what he deserved, the officer is a hero.”

This is the shit I deal with on a daily basis. Many of these people don’t think they are racists. They actually believe the law backs them up. Brown may have stolen some shit so the officer was justified in carrying out his execution. That is the penalty for shop lifting. If that is the case then half of Brooklyn. N.Y. where I come from should be dead. Including all of those nice Italian boys who may have stolen a slice of pizza or some soda when they were 15 or 18.. Correct?

Probable Cause n. sufficient reason based upon known facts to believe a crime has been committed or that certain property is connected with a crime.

That is it. That is what you need to make an arrest. Unlike some of the nonsense you have heard from talking heads who it would seem purposely confuse an ARREST with a TRIAL, you don’t need overwhelming evidence that can lead to a conviction in order to make a simple arrest. Now I believe there is plenty of evidence for a conviction but that’s not what the people in Ferguson are asking for. Make an arrest and then allow due process. And after an arrest the collection of evidence can continue.

Cops arrest people for many things based on the thinnest of probable causes like the smell of pot or residue that might be cocaine. Yet six gunshots to an unarmed teenager with several witnesses doesn’t warrant an arrest?  Are you kidding me or are you just a racist?

This is what the people of Ferguson want. A simple fucking arrest would make most of the unrest stop. A simple arrest! Yet “Tricky” Jay Nixon calls in the National Guard? Utilizing more oppressive force and tax payer money (where are the conservatives?!)   Hell what could go wrong with the National Guard? 

The Ferguson PD agitated the peaceful protesters, the world screams about the militarization of the police, yet Nixon calls in the military. We see how successful his unconstitutional curfew was. Meanwhile the FBI has to be called in to interview witnesses because the Ferguson PD refused to do so. They release a video of something totally unrelated to the case yet when it comes to things directly related to the case there is no information released. How in the fuck can people expect the same police department that showered with Wilson, the same 50 or so guys (mostly white) who whipped a towel on his ass after a long day’s work, to collect evidence that might lead to his conviction of murder? Are you kidding me??

It took them six days to just release his name. We know he is on a paid vacation while Michael Brown’s body lies cold in the morgue. We know the Ferguson PD has not interviewed any witnesses and has withheld any evidence or information they might have. We know police are arresting peaceful protesters, hitting kids with tear gas and also arresting reporters. Chris Hayes and other reporters were threatened with getting maced if they dare pass the police. Even the local clergy have witnessed the police shooting tear gas unprovoked.

So cops have “probable cause” to arrest journalists but not Darren Wilson? 

We are not only seeing blatant racism and injustice but oppression as well. Who the fuck do these cops think they are? There should be hundreds of First Amendment violations filed by the justice department against these cops.

You see how mad I am? You can only imagine what the people of Ferguson are feeling. Their disgust and hate and distrust will and SHOULD continue. The protests, the screaming, the marching SHOULD continue. It must all continue until there is justice. Until someone takes the lead and arrests Darren Wilson for murder.

Until the justice system prevails over the racists (the KKK is raining money for Wilson) all of the unrest will continue.

Any further bloodshed is on the hands of those in charge, those obstructing justice.


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