Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting Politics Racism


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

August 18, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

I was one of the first people to call the killing of Mike Brown an execution. This was based on the several eye witnesses who told the same story. A story of an 18 year old boy who was shot multiple times, most said 5-7 or 6-8 times in the arms and head. They also said he was falling down and on his knees when he was shot again in the head. Now we get an autopsy that corroborates that testimony from those eye witnesses.

Tiffany Mitchell

“Michael and the officer wrestling through the [car] window.” Brown, she said, was struggling to get away while the officer continued to try to pull him closer. Concerned, Mitchell pulled out her phone, at which point she said the first shot was fired “through the window.” Mitchell then saw Brown break away from the officer’s grip and run down the street from the police vehicle.

“The officer gets out of his vehicle,” Mitchell said, “and he pursues him,” continuing to shoot at Brown. “Michael’s body jerks as if he was hit,” Mitchell explained, “and then he put his hands up,” and the officer continued to shoot at Brown until the teenager collapsed “all the way down to the ground.”

Philip Walker

Brown “was giving up in the sense of raising his arms and being subdued,” Walker said Monday, AP reported. He also reportedly said that the officer “had his gun raised and started shooting the individual in the chest multiple times.” He then “stood over him and shot him,” he added.

Dorian Johnson

“He shot again, and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air, and he started to get down,” Johnson said, according to AP. “But the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.”

The fatal shot was a shot in the top of Michael Brown’s head. Unless Darren Wilson was seven feet tall or Brown was shot by a sniper this wound shows that Brown was down on his knees/falling down, not a threat, in a submissive position when he was killed by Wilson. This is an execution, pure and simple. If you don’t like that word too fucking bad. It is what it is.

Several witnesses with the same story that aligns with the autopsy yet we don’t even have a simple arrest. Let me make this very clear. If you are opposed to an arrest and a charge you are a racist. That is the reason. You can try to disguise your racism with bullshit excuses and your supposed knowledge of the law, but you can’t fool me. There is NO DOUBT, NO FUCKING DOUBT that if Michael Brown or any other black man, hell any other person including myself, were to have killed a cop or anyone in the same fashion as Wilson killed Brown, with the amount of evidence we have, there would have been an arrest and most likely no bail based on the gruesomeness of the crime.

If you disagree with this assessment you can give me reasons till you turn blue in the face, but what you are is a racist, reaching for legitimate reasons to not be labeled one. The sneaky excuses don’t fool me at all. If Michael Brown were white you wouldn’t be bullshitting that there is no cause for an arrest, you would probably be silent. You know that. I know that.

I have received so many tweets from disgusting racists. All of them from this country of course,  trying to disparage Michael Brown the same way the Ferguson PD has tried to do.

“He was a thug, he deserved it.”

“Come on Mike, you know Wilson was justified in killing a felon.”

“He was a thief and he got what he deserved, the officer is a hero.”

This is the shit I deal with on a daily basis. Many of these people don’t think they are racists. They actually believe the law backs them up. Brown may have stolen some shit so the officer was justified in carrying out his execution. That is the penalty for shop lifting. If that is the case then half of Brooklyn. N.Y. where I come from should be dead. Including all of those nice Italian boys who may have stolen a slice of pizza or some soda when they were 15 or 18.. Correct?

Probable Cause n. sufficient reason based upon known facts to believe a crime has been committed or that certain property is connected with a crime.

That is it. That is what you need to make an arrest. Unlike some of the nonsense you have heard from talking heads who it would seem purposely confuse an ARREST with a TRIAL, you don’t need overwhelming evidence that can lead to a conviction in order to make a simple arrest. Now I believe there is plenty of evidence for a conviction but that’s not what the people in Ferguson are asking for. Make an arrest and then allow due process. And after an arrest the collection of evidence can continue.

Cops arrest people for many things based on the thinnest of probable causes like the smell of pot or residue that might be cocaine. Yet six gunshots to an unarmed teenager with several witnesses doesn’t warrant an arrest?  Are you kidding me or are you just a racist?

This is what the people of Ferguson want. A simple fucking arrest would make most of the unrest stop. A simple arrest! Yet “Tricky” Jay Nixon calls in the National Guard? Utilizing more oppressive force and tax payer money (where are the conservatives?!)   Hell what could go wrong with the National Guard? 

The Ferguson PD agitated the peaceful protesters, the world screams about the militarization of the police, yet Nixon calls in the military. We see how successful his unconstitutional curfew was. Meanwhile the FBI has to be called in to interview witnesses because the Ferguson PD refused to do so. They release a video of something totally unrelated to the case yet when it comes to things directly related to the case there is no information released. How in the fuck can people expect the same police department that showered with Wilson, the same 50 or so guys (mostly white) who whipped a towel on his ass after a long day’s work, to collect evidence that might lead to his conviction of murder? Are you kidding me??

It took them six days to just release his name. We know he is on a paid vacation while Michael Brown’s body lies cold in the morgue. We know the Ferguson PD has not interviewed any witnesses and has withheld any evidence or information they might have. We know police are arresting peaceful protesters, hitting kids with tear gas and also arresting reporters. Chris Hayes and other reporters were threatened with getting maced if they dare pass the police. Even the local clergy have witnessed the police shooting tear gas unprovoked.

So cops have “probable cause” to arrest journalists but not Darren Wilson? 

We are not only seeing blatant racism and injustice but oppression as well. Who the fuck do these cops think they are? There should be hundreds of First Amendment violations filed by the justice department against these cops.

You see how mad I am? You can only imagine what the people of Ferguson are feeling. Their disgust and hate and distrust will and SHOULD continue. The protests, the screaming, the marching SHOULD continue. It must all continue until there is justice. Until someone takes the lead and arrests Darren Wilson for murder.

Until the justice system prevails over the racists (the KKK is raining money for Wilson) all of the unrest will continue.

Any further bloodshed is on the hands of those in charge, those obstructing justice.


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