
Email from Head of Publishing Company Regarding Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh is feeling the heat, as advertisers abandon his hate machine.

After he was recently picked up by WOR, longtime advertisers on the station began objecting to having their products and services affiliated with Rush.

On Friday a Mexican-American Flush Rush volunteer contacted a WOR advertiser called Page Publishing to politely request that they not advertise on the Rush Limbaugh Show.

She specifically objected to Limbaugh’s characterization of Mexicans as being lazy by nature.

The response she received will make your day:

I am the president of Page Publishing, and I could not agree with you more. He is a disgusting, misogynistic racist. We have been advertising with WOR for quite a while, but they only recently added this moron’s program to their lineup, and we were assured that our ads would not inadvertently  run during his show. Thanks for pointing out that it did (I don’t have the stomach to listen to his show to verify if our ads do run). I will insist that our ads never run during his bigoted show. It amazes me that his show has any audience at all here in New York City- a progressive and liberal place if ever there was one (the place where I was born and raised, and a place that is amazing in its diversity).

Your email reached me because the staff here universally despises Limbaugh and everything he stands for, and they know of my feelings as well. The ironic things about most of the nonsense that he spews, in particular his references to Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, is that there probably isn’t a harder working group of people in the nation right now.

He has the right to say what he wants, and we have the right to refuse to support him with our corporate advertising dollars.

Thanks for the email,

Stephen Matthews
President and CEO
Page Publishing, Inc.

Express Yourself

Amazing What An E-mail Can Mean

I remember around this time last year I was sitting in my math class and my teacher told us to go to and write an e-mail to ourselves in the future. I’m pretty sure I sat there for about twenty minutes staring at the blank “Your Letter” box thinking what I would write. Fast forward another twenty minutes I had a miniature novel typed to myself to be delivered on my birthday, August 11th.

What my screen looked like for a good twenty minutes

Unfortunately I don’t have that email anymore, but I remember I didn’t accomplish any thing I wanted to I set out to do. I never went to Monmouth University, broke up with my long time girlfriend a few months later, and still had my high mileage car. The last part to my email though was a nice message, “…remember dude. Life is good!” While my life sure did change between the time I sent that email and the time I received it, it’s nice to have ended it with a smile.

I  definitely think sending yourself an email to yourself in the future is an eye opening thing. Sure you may start out like me, starring at a blank screen, but you’ll get started and keep going. The wonderful thing about this site is that it’s anonymous and the email can be delivered to you as far in the future as you’d like. You should all go check it out!

Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum Endorses The “Worst Republican In America”

Remember when Rick Santorum said Mitt Romney was the worst Republican in America to put up against President Obama? Well last night, Mr. Santorum jumped on the Romney bandwagon and decided to ride it as far as its deflated wheels will take him.

In a late night email to his supporters, Santorum said that he had “no doubt” that Romney would repeal President Obama’s Health Care Law – the very law that was patterned after Romney’s own health care law in his state of Massachusetts. And almost to the end of his 16 paragraph email, Santorum said;

“Above all else, we both agree that President Obama must be defeated.  It will require all hands on deck if our nominee is to be victorious. Gov. Romney will be that nominee and he has my endorsement and support to win this the most critical election of our lifetime.”

After the Gingrich endorsement, Shepard Smith of Fox News said “politics is weird.” What will he say about this endorsement?

Politics Racism racist Republican

Republican Judge Sends Racist Email about President Obama

Different character,  same Ole racist line. This time around, in the say racist things about the president then deny you’re a racist game, the character is a judge appointed by George Bush.

His name is Chief U.S. District Judge Richard Cebull, and below is part of the email he admitted he sent.

“Normally I don’t send or forward a lot of these, but even by my standards, it was a bit touching. I want all of my friends to feel what I felt when I read this. Hope it touches your heart like it did mine.

“A little boy said to his mother; ‘Mommy, how come I’m black and you’re white?'” the email joke reads. “His mother replied, ‘Don’t even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you’re lucky you don’t bark!'”

The judge eventually apologized to anyone he offended, but said he didn’t think the email was racist because it was meant to be private.

“It was not intended by me in any way to become public,” Cebull said. “I apologize to anybody who is offended by it.”

And the reason he sent the email?

“The only reason I can explain it to you is I am not a fan of our president, but this goes beyond not being a fan. I didn’t send it as racist, although that’s what it is.”

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