
Boston Bomber Wrote “F*ck America” While Hiding In Boat

He thought he was going to die. And while feeling around in his hiding place, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev found a pen and wrote what he thought was his final message to the world, explaining why the bombings occured.

The 19-year-old found a pen in the boat but no paper so it was revealed today that he wrote his message on an interior wall of the boat that he used as shelter in Watertown.

His message was clear: ‘F*** America’.

In other portions of his message, ABC News reports that he wrote ‘Praise Allah’ and mentioned ‘infidels’ across the interior walls of the boat that are now riddled with bullets.

Law enforcement sources told CBS that Dzhokhar wrote that he ‘does not mourn’ the death of his older brother Tamerlan because he is a martyr living in ‘paradise’ and that he expected to join him there soon.

The note is a critical piece of evidence for police as it reiterates what Dzhokhar said to them  in the hospital after his arrest.

Express Yourself

Amazing What An E-mail Can Mean

I remember around this time last year I was sitting in my math class and my teacher told us to go to and write an e-mail to ourselves in the future. I’m pretty sure I sat there for about twenty minutes staring at the blank “Your Letter” box thinking what I would write. Fast forward another twenty minutes I had a miniature novel typed to myself to be delivered on my birthday, August 11th.

What my screen looked like for a good twenty minutes

Unfortunately I don’t have that email anymore, but I remember I didn’t accomplish any thing I wanted to I set out to do. I never went to Monmouth University, broke up with my long time girlfriend a few months later, and still had my high mileage car. The last part to my email though was a nice message, “…remember dude. Life is good!” While my life sure did change between the time I sent that email and the time I received it, it’s nice to have ended it with a smile.

I  definitely think sending yourself an email to yourself in the future is an eye opening thing. Sure you may start out like me, starring at a blank screen, but you’ll get started and keep going. The wonderful thing about this site is that it’s anonymous and the email can be delivered to you as far in the future as you’d like. You should all go check it out!


A Special, Very Important Message From the President

This morning, the White House released a special, very important messages from the President.

Barack Obama chris rock Politics vote

If You’re White And Voting, Chris Rock Has Something To Tell You – Video

No one says it quite like Chris Rock! Via the Jimmy Kimmel Show, here is Chris Rock’s message for the white voter.

Good stuff!

Easter Politics

A Message From President Obama on this Easter Weekend

Identifying himself and his Christian faith, President Obama used this occasion to remind Americans that Easter is a time to be thankful and to rejoice for the “tremendous sacrifice Jesus made for all of us.”

For me, and for countless other Christians, Easter weekend is a time to reflect and rejoice.  Yesterday, many of us took a few quiet moments to try and fathom the tremendous sacrifice Jesus made for all of us.
Tomorrow, we will celebrate the resurrection of a savior who died so that we might live.

And throughout these sacred days, we recommit ourselves to following His example.  We rededicate our time on Earth to selflessness, and to loving our neighbors.  We remind ourselves that no matter who we are, or how much we achieve, we each stand humbled before an almighty God.

Christ’s triumph over death holds special meaning for Christians.  But all of us, no matter how or whether we believe, can identify with elements of His story.  The triumph of hope over despair.  Of faith over doubt.
The notion that there is something out there that is bigger than ourselves.

These beliefs help unite Americans of all faiths and backgrounds.  They shape our values and guide our work.  They put our lives in perspective.

So to all Christians celebrating the Resurrection with us, Michelle and I want to wish you a blessed and Happy Easter.  And to all Americans, I hope you have a weekend filled with joy and reflection, focused on the things that matter most.  God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

Politics White House women

President Obama’s Message to Women – I’m Your Guy!

President Obama spoke to a group of women today at the White House and his message was clear – if you want a president who will fight for women’s rights, then he’s your man. Looking for someone who will erase all the gains women have made and return the nation to the 1900’s then vote for the other guy.

Though he never mentioned Romney – or the word Republican – in his 20-minute speech, Obama cautioned an auditorium of female entrepreneurs, academics and business leaders against returning “to the policies that got us into so many of the problems that we’ve been dealing with in the first place. That’s what’s at stake.”

“When it comes to our efforts on behalf of women and girls, I’m proud of the accomplishments that we can point to,” he said. He cited the first bill he signed into law, making it easier for women to demand equal pay, along with efforts to boost the number of girls taking science and math classes. “We’ve got a lot more to do. But there’s no doubt we’ve made progress.”

Citing his signature health care law – which Republicans and Romney have vowed to repeal – Obama charged that “they’re not just saying we should stop protecting women with pre-existing conditions. They’re also saying we should kick about a million young women off their parents’ health care plans.”

He also took issue with GOP support for cutting government funding of Planned Parenthood, saying: “They’re not just talking about restricting a woman’s ability to make her own health decision. They’re talking about denying, as a practical matter, the preventive care like mammograms that millions of women rely on.”

Read more here:


Mitt Romney Politics

President Obama’s Message to Mitt Romney – “Good Luck Tonight… Really!”

In his first solo press conference of the year – held coincidentally on Super Tuesday – President Obama  was asked what his message to Mitt Romney was after Romney claimed that he [Obama] was “America’s most feckless President since Carter.”

The President answered confidently, “good luck tonight.”

One can only imagine what the presidential campaign have up their sleeves for Romney when the general election begins. And thanks to the Republican candidates and their almost record-breaking negativity, we know the President’s arsenal on Mitt has definitely grown.

Apparently, the President cannot wait for the general elections to start!

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