Barack Obama Politics South Carolina

Jon Huntsman Quits Race – Endorses Willard Romney Instead

The New York Times reports:

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Jon M. Huntsman Jr. informed his advisers on Sunday that he intends to drop out of the Republican presidential race, ending his candidacy a week before he had hoped to revive his campaign in the South Carolina primary.

Mr. Huntsman, who had struggled to live up to the soaring expectations of his candidacy, made plans to make an announcement as early as Monday. He had been set to participate in an evening debate in Myrtle Beach.

Matt David, campaign manager to Mr. Huntsman, confirmed the decision in an interview Sunday evening. “The governor and his family, at this point in the race, decided it was time for Republicans to rally around a candidate who could beat Barack Obama and turn around the economy,” Mr. David said. “That candidate is Gov. Mitt Romney.”

Politics Rick Santorum South Carolina

Tired Of The Negative Attacks, Rick Santorum Plans To Go Negative

Rick Santorum has had it up to here with the negative ads against him, so Santorum is making a change. No more Mr. Nice Guy, as Santorum has decided that the only way to fight negativity is with negativity.

Beginning this week, Santorum gets nasty… well, maybe not beginning this week, but… just google it!

 Presidential candidate Rick Santorum plans to open the final week of campaigning before voters go to the polls in South Carolina with his strongest assault yet on rivals Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.

Aides to Santorum told ABC News on Sunday that the former Pennsylvania senator is fed up with the negative attacks coming from the campaigns of those two opponents and from their allies. He will hold a press conference to make his displeasure known after his first campaign event of the day on Monday.

“It’s time for these negative, false attacks to stop — enough is enough,” Santorum’s communications director Hogan Gidley said in an interview with ABC News. “Mitt Romney and Ron Paul both tried these kinds of tactics in other states and they tried these same type of tactics four years ago. It’s time for Rick to set the record straight and tomorrow he will.”

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Rick Santorum South Carolina

Newt Gingrich – Missing In Action In South Carolina

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? We don’t know. We also don’t know where Newt Gingrich is. He was supposed to be at an event in South Carolina, but last time we checked, the event went un-Newt-ered!

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich was greeted with a standing ovation when he was announced at a barbecue.

Too bad the former House speaker wasn’t around to see it.
He was inexplicably missing, and his absence forced the event’s moderator to ask awkwardly, “Can we check and see where the speaker is?”

It was just one in a string of clumsy, head-scratching events staged by the Gingrich campaign since the Republican primary moved to South Carolina, a state that the candidate says he must win if he wants a shot at the nomination.

Mitt Romney Politics Republican Rick Santorum United States

It’s Capital, Not Capitalism

Mitt Romney has said on the campaign trail that an attack on him is an attack on capitalism. Aside from being a self-serving, disingenuous, mendacious statement (which is enough, don’t you think?), it also shows how shallow and dangerous the Republican party has become.

Romney’s career at Bain Capital is a touchstone for his presidential aspirations, and his success at convincing American voters that it makes him qualified to be president will decide whether he wins in November. As of this moment, I would say that this particular venture is off to a rocky start.

Polling for President Obama’s PAC is showing that anti-Bain rhetoric is a winning issue for him. Rick Santorum is saying that Romney can’t win based on his Bain experience. Rick Perry called out Bain as “vulture capitalism” (and this is officially the last time that anything Rick Perry says will be quoted in the Farmer blog). Newt wants Romney to stop the “pious baloney.” The attacks have continued at such a pace that conservatives are rushing to defend Mitt and capitalism itself.

They must really be worried. After all, the GOP has fought for the last year to defund social services such as Planned Parenthood, enact cuts to education, redesign Medicare so seniors will actually have to pay more, and demonize people who are on unemployment benefits as lazy. Their candidates want to deny law-abiding children of illegal immigrants a shot at the American Dream, obliterate the Federal Reserve, go back into Iraq, make abortion illegal even in cases of rape or incest, oppose full civil rights for gays, keep taxes low on the wealthy so the rest of us have to make do with less, and allow banks and financial institutions to continue to do what got us into this recession in the first place.

But don’t mess with capitalism, mofo.

As usual, they have it all wrong. The questions about Bain Capital and venture capitalism are not about the future of our financial system. The problem is the function of that type of business in the American system. Venture firms do play some positive roles in the economy by either rescuing companies that might otherwise go out of business or by scooping up bargains due to bankruptcies. The makers of Twinkies recently went back into bankruptcy for the second time and I, for one, would like some venture firm to resuscitate it.

The negatives, though, are compelling. These firms have a reputation for chopping up companies into parts and selling them off to make money, and as a result people get laid off and towns suffer. They are seen as paper-pushers whose only concern is for profits and bonuses, not for actually building something. And they’re seen as being cold, calculating, number-crunching entities that don’t care about the effects of their work, only the results. They are ruthless in their Darwinian cruelty, but criticism of their tactics is about capital, not capitalism. Has Bain engaged in this type of behavior? Yes, yes, and yes.

The Republican Party has bet its success on a combination of Cold War-era baiting and big lies, as if their candidates are the only ones who can fix the financial problems created by their ideology. In the end, that strategy will fail because it ignores the fact that more people are not siding with the wealthy (though they don’t always blame them for the inequality). Romney’s defense of capitalism is laudable, but by aligning himself with the 1%, he’s left himself open to the withering attacks not only from his right flank, but from a full frontal assault that’s coming from Obama and the Democrats.

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Mitt Romney Politics Republican South Carolina Steven Colbert

New Ad – “Mitt Romney Is A Serial Killer!”

Help stop “Mitt The Ripper!”

 “As head of Bain Capital he bought companies, carved them up, and got rid of what he couldn’t use. If Mitt Romney really believes ‘Corporation are people, my friend,’ then Mitt Romney is a serial killer.”

If you believe Corporations are people…, help stop Mitt the ripper.”

The Colbert Report
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Martin Luther King Politics United States washington

The Legendary Dr. Martin Luther King Jr – Free At Last…

January 15, 1929 – The day that gave us Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A man of courage, vision, passion, and fortitude to see equality come for all mankind. There were many who helped during the Civil Rights Movement, but Dr. King was someone with such a dynamic presence that it was hard to not be moved by the conviction of his words. A bold leader who promoted unity through a peaceful force, Dr. King became the recognizable face of the Civil Rights Movement.

Growing up in Montgomery, Alabama, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was all too aware of the social and economic inequities and racial discrimination directed towards minorities. He believed African-Americans were indeed “entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens”.

As a true activist, Dr. King spent over a decade dedicating his energy and efforts into making strides towards freedom for all. His imminent wish for change would not allow him to rest as continued injustice spread throughout America.

“I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Dr. King went on to lead the Montgomery bus boycott, the Birmingham Campaign, and the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Despite being threatened and arrested on several occasions, Dr. King never tired in his desire for change through peaceful demonstrations, nor did he cease preaching both love and reconciliation to America and its lawmakers.

“The end of violence or the aftermath of violence is bitterness. The aftermath of nonviolence is reconciliation and the creation of a beloved community. A boycott is never an end within itself. It is merely a means to awaken a sense of shame within the oppressor but the end is reconciliation, the end is redemption.”

That relentless energy eventually paid off as President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the National Voting Rights Act of 1965, which ended previously legal segregation practices and disavowed discriminatory voting laws towards African-Americans.

Dr. King was taken away from our world when James Earl Ray assassinated him on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on April, 4, 1968. Except, James Earl Ray was too late. Dr. King’s message and momentum was already instilled in many and the soul of his movement continued on for change in America up until this very day.

We cannot forget that Dr. King did not and could not do it alone without the bravery of those who were willing to follow his lead, yet he was, and is admired for his willingness to be the face of change for many.

Today, we must continue to spread his message and possess the courage and resilience needed to strive for freedom for the oppressed here in America and our fellow nations.

I will leave you with the powerful words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal. …all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

Dear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,

We will never forget.

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