Barack Obama Newt Gingrich Politics Racism South Carolina

Why South Carolina Would Not Vote For Barack Obama – Is It Racism?

On this day when we honor d Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we are sadly reminded of an unfortunate fact, that here in America, there are still those who will base their opinions on the color of one’s skin, rather than the content of their character.

Today on MSNBC, the question was asked if the people in South Carolina would vote for Mitt Romney or for Barack Obama. Mr. Jimmy Williams, himself  born in South Carolina, tried to answer the question and in his answer, the ugly truth was revealed.

I think that Romney could eek out a win… I think South Carolinians would do something interesting, I think they would hold their noses because they hate Barack Obama so much. And I’ll tell you why they don’t like Barack Obama, because he’s black.

Happy Martin Luther King’s Day people… and welcome to 2012!

Barack Obama Politics Republican South Carolina United States

Jon Huntsman Ends Campaign Calling For Unity, While Engaging In Divisive Lies

Today, Jon Huntsman – the man most people believed was the sanest, most sensible candidate in the Republican party running for his party’s nomination for president – officially quit the race.

Huntsman ended his campaign asking for “unity and trust.” In his speech, he mentioned the divisive politics that has separated and divided this country, then engaged in the same divisive politics he spent his speech denouncing, by claiming that President Obama is engaging in “class warfare.”

Let’s invest out time and resources in building trust with the American people, and uniting them around a common purpose. Three years ago, the President promised to unite the American people, yet his desire to engage in class warfare for political gain has left us more divided than ever.

Huntsman then continued his call for unity and trust.

Maybe Huntsman wasn’t the best, most sane and sensible candidate after-all. Something is definitely wrong with a person who calls for and preaches trust and unity, then in the same sentence, spews lies with the sole intent of causing mistrust and divisiveness.

Good riddance Huntsman, you had a lot of people fooled.

Barack Obama Politics South Carolina

Jon Huntsman Quits Race – Endorses Willard Romney Instead

The New York Times reports:

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Jon M. Huntsman Jr. informed his advisers on Sunday that he intends to drop out of the Republican presidential race, ending his candidacy a week before he had hoped to revive his campaign in the South Carolina primary.

Mr. Huntsman, who had struggled to live up to the soaring expectations of his candidacy, made plans to make an announcement as early as Monday. He had been set to participate in an evening debate in Myrtle Beach.

Matt David, campaign manager to Mr. Huntsman, confirmed the decision in an interview Sunday evening. “The governor and his family, at this point in the race, decided it was time for Republicans to rally around a candidate who could beat Barack Obama and turn around the economy,” Mr. David said. “That candidate is Gov. Mitt Romney.”

Politics Rick Santorum South Carolina

Tired Of The Negative Attacks, Rick Santorum Plans To Go Negative

Rick Santorum has had it up to here with the negative ads against him, so Santorum is making a change. No more Mr. Nice Guy, as Santorum has decided that the only way to fight negativity is with negativity.

Beginning this week, Santorum gets nasty… well, maybe not beginning this week, but… just google it!

 Presidential candidate Rick Santorum plans to open the final week of campaigning before voters go to the polls in South Carolina with his strongest assault yet on rivals Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.

Aides to Santorum told ABC News on Sunday that the former Pennsylvania senator is fed up with the negative attacks coming from the campaigns of those two opponents and from their allies. He will hold a press conference to make his displeasure known after his first campaign event of the day on Monday.

“It’s time for these negative, false attacks to stop — enough is enough,” Santorum’s communications director Hogan Gidley said in an interview with ABC News. “Mitt Romney and Ron Paul both tried these kinds of tactics in other states and they tried these same type of tactics four years ago. It’s time for Rick to set the record straight and tomorrow he will.”

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