Mitt Romney Politics

Ted Kennedy’s Warning About Republican Mitt Romney

From beyond the grave, Ted Kennedy is educating Americans about the Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. The ad below is 17 years old and was released today by Politico. It was filmed by the Ted Kennedy team against their opponent, Romney. It seems that even in 1994, Romney was a businessman who was more concerned about making that profit, no matter how many middle class jobs were lost in the process.

The voice in the ad states;

 “Mitt Romney says he saved Bain and Company, but he didn’t tell you that on the day he took over, he had his predecessor fire hundreds of employees. Or that the way the company was rescued was with a federal bailout of $10 million.”

The ad was never shown, but the message for today is still the same. Like he did back then, Romney is now trying to present himself as someone who knows how to create jobs… even though when he finished his job as governor of Massachusetts, that state ranked 47th out of the 50 states in jobs creation.

Michele Bachmann

Jon Stewart And Jerry Seinfeld – Is Marcus Bachmann Gay?

Okay, I’ll admit it. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, you can watch someone’s behavior, their mannerism, the way they talk, walk and dress, and from these appearances, you can most of the time accurately determine the sexual orientation of that person. Most of the time…

Have you ever seen Marcus Bachmann’s movements or listen to his speech patterns? My opinion is not conclusive, but in my view, it all points to one thing…

Marcus opened a clinic with his wife and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, and their claim to fame is the ability to cure gay people.

It is with this in mind I direct your attention to the video below, where Jon Stewart tries to figure out Michele Bachmann’s husband’s preference. And while having some, um, issues trying to come to an initial conclusion, Mr. Stewart invites Jerry Seinfeld to contribute his opinion.

In the end, the conclusion is made that Bachmann’s husband Marcus, cures gays, so he can “hoard all the gayness for himself.”

Sarah Palin Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin to G.O.P – “Do not Retreat… It’s Time To Reload!”

In what could be said  was a blatant attempt to grab the spotlight or just willfully ignorant,  Conservative’s Queen, Sarah Palin, used the very same phrase that many believed led to the killing of six people in Tucson Arizona, and the attempted assassination of Congressman Gabriel Giffords.

Last night, the insensitive and maybe just plain ol’ dumb Sarah Palin went on Fox’s Hannity show, and offered some advise to Republicans negotiating the debt ceiling issue with President Obama, telling them not to back down!

“We cannot default, but we cannot afford to retreat right now either. Now is not the time to retreat, it’s time to reload.”

We can only hope that it was the realization of how insensitive her remarks were, that caused her to elaborate…

“We reload with reality by giving facts and numbers to the American public so that those of us across the United States can start chiming in and letting our representatives know that we will not capitulate.”

Back in 2010, Congressman Gabrielle Giffords questioned the wisdom of Palin using this very same phrase and putting cross-haires on hers and other Democratic Congressional members’ districts. Mrs. Giffords was shot in the head earlier this year, while having a political event in her district. Six other people were killed in that attack.

What’s next for Sarah Palin, is she going to put cross-hairs on the White House?

Although no one ever confirmed any links between the shooting in Tucson and Mrs. Palin’s rhetoric, one would have to be somewhat mentally deficient to make that very same statement again. Mentally unstable or willfully ignorant!

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