Mitt Romney Politics

Ted Kennedy Slams Mitt Romney – My Opponent Is Not Pro-Choice, “He’s Multiple Choice”

In a classic move on Tuesday night, Democrats used a tribute video for Senator Ted Kennedy and slam Mitt Romney, highlighting who Romney really is… a flip flopper. In one of their debates for the Senate election in 1994, Mr. Kennedy listened as Romney tried to describe himself as pro-choice. When given his chance to respond, Ted Kennedy summed up Romney’s views on the issue not as pro-choice, but as “multiple choice.”

Later in speech to his supporters, Mr. Kennedy continued pointing out how efficient Romney was at changing positions, saying, “now he’s for family leave, now it looks like he’s for minimum wage. Now he’s for education reform. If we give him two more weeks, he may even vote for me, because those are the things I’m for.”


Mitt Romney Politics

Ted Kennedy’s Warning About Republican Mitt Romney

From beyond the grave, Ted Kennedy is educating Americans about the Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. The ad below is 17 years old and was released today by Politico. It was filmed by the Ted Kennedy team against their opponent, Romney. It seems that even in 1994, Romney was a businessman who was more concerned about making that profit, no matter how many middle class jobs were lost in the process.

The voice in the ad states;

 “Mitt Romney says he saved Bain and Company, but he didn’t tell you that on the day he took over, he had his predecessor fire hundreds of employees. Or that the way the company was rescued was with a federal bailout of $10 million.”

The ad was never shown, but the message for today is still the same. Like he did back then, Romney is now trying to present himself as someone who knows how to create jobs… even though when he finished his job as governor of Massachusetts, that state ranked 47th out of the 50 states in jobs creation.

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