ObamaCare Politics

Even In 2006, Barack Obama Praised RomneyCare – Video

Mitt Romney is running a breakneck speed trying to distance himself from the healthcare law he signed into effect as governor in Massachusetts. Why is he running? Because Massachusetts healthcare is a very successful program that laid the foundation for President Obama’s Affordable Health Care, also called ObamaCare. He’s also running away because, among other things, RomneyCare contains the dreaded mandate that Republicans suddenly despise.

Some may think it is purely politics that Democrats would praise RomneyCare as the foundation for ObamaCare. After all, the more Democrats could tie Romney to ObamaCare, the more explaining Romney would have to do. But thanks to BuzzFeed and this newly uncovered video, it seems that Democrats are genuinely appreciative of RomneyCare… at least one Democrat name Barack Obama.

In 2006, then Senator Barack Obama lauded praise on Romney’s healthcare law, saying that his fellow Democrats should take a page from RomneyCare;

“Everybody has to buy in and then the government helps out those who can’t afford it. Those kinds of bold initiatives, I think, the Democrats have to put forward. If, in fact, we can credibly claim that we can run the country and not simply criticize from the sidelines.”

ObamaCare Politics Tax

For Republicans – It’s Only A Tax If You’re Talking About ObamaCare – Video

Appearing on MSNBC was a spokesperson for the RNC and an obvious supporter of Mitt Romney. Asked about the struggles the Romney campaign has in explaining whether or not the mandate is a tax or penalty, the spokesperson explained that they agreed with the Supreme court’s position that the mandate is a tax.

But when asked if the same mandate found in RomneyCare – the Health care law that Mitt Romney signed into law as governor of Massachusetts – is a tax on the people of that state, the spokesperson stared at the camera for a split second then advised the host that “we are talking about ObamaCare,” not RomneyCare.

So to conclude, the individual mandate in the law is only a tax if you’re talking about ObamaCare. If you’re talking about RomneyCare… wait a second, we’re not supposed to talk about RomneyCare!

Moving on…!

Mitt Romney ObamaCare Politics Tax

Mitt Romney’s Sloppy Message On The Mandate – Is It A Tax or A Penalty?

They can’t even get their message straight, but Mitt Romney and his Republican backers wants to run the free world.

The message in question here is where does Mitt Romney stand on the individual mandate – something he attached to his RomneyCare Health Care law in Massachusetts and found in President Obama’s Affordable Healthcare Act also known as ObamaCare. The Supreme Court recently called the mandate a tax on those who refuse to obtain healthcare.

We are still waiting for a definite position on what Romney and his campaign thinks.

Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney has appeared to contradict previous campaign statements by saying President Barack Obama’s health reform law entails a “tax” and not a penalty.

Romney, who enacted a similar healthcare overhaul when he was governor of Massachusetts, has had to reassure fellow conservatives who despise so-called “Obamacare” without appearing to flip-flop on his own legacy.

The balancing act was evident in an interview with CBS news on Wednesday in which Romney agreed with the Supreme Court’s ruling that the individual mandate — which requires Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a fee — amounts to a tax and not a penalty, as both he and Obama had previously argued.

“The Supreme Court has the final word. And their final word is that Obamacare is a tax. So it’s a tax,” Romney told CBS Wednesday.

“They decided it was constitutional. So it is a tax and it’s constitutional,” he said, adding that he had agreed with the court’s dissent, which said the mandate was unconstitutional.

That appeared to mark a shift in his position, given that Romney campaign aide Eric Fehrnstrom had told MSNBC on Monday that the Republican candidate had “consistently described the mandate as a penalty.”

ObamaCare Politics

Mitt Romney Caught on Video Recommending RomneyCare As Model for ObamaCare

Hey Mitt Romney, exactly how are you going to repeal something when you actively called for its implementation? And the amazing thing is that these conservatives gleefully buy into the Romney lies.

Why are these people so easily fooled?

Video 1.

Video 2.

Video 3.

Source – Buzzfeed.

Mitt Romney ObamaCare Politics

Romney To Obama – Use RomneyCare as a Model for ObamaCare

Ever heard this line, “…and if I’m given the opportunity to be your president, I will repeal ObamaCare.”

That is the line use by Mitt Romney in debates and at all his rallies,  as he tries to convince anyone listening that his Massachusetts health care plan – also known as RomneyCare – is somehow different from the health care plan signed into law by President Obama.

But before he decided to be “severely conservative” in order to get the conservative vote, Mitt Romney was more of a liberal moderate and in 2009, he wrote an opinion piece on healthcare, advising President Obama to use his Massachusetts RomneyCare plan as a model for what we now call ObamaCare.

“Health care cannot be handled the same way as the stimulus and cap-and-trade bills,” Romney wrote. “With those, the president stuck to the old style of lawmaking: He threw in every special favor imaginable, ground it up and crammed it through a partisan Democratic Congress. Health care is simply too important to the economy, to employment and to America’s families to be larded up and rushed through on an artificial deadline. There’s a better way. And the lessons we learned in Massachusetts could help Washington find it.”

The original article was posted on USA Today’s website, but is now unavailable. Thanks to the internet’s archiving abilities however, the entire article was found and is available once again to remind Mitt Romney of the man he once was… before this presidential thing that is.

Healthcare Mitt Romney ObamaCare

Mitt Romney Compares RomneyCare to ObamaCare — ” Well, There Are Similarities”

If you listen to Mitt Romney today, you will think that President Obama is breaking all kinds of laws with his Health Care Reform law, also referred to as ObamaCare. Romney would like you to believe that President Obama health care law is so wrong, so intrusive, that saving America depends on the immediate repeal of ObamaCare.

But what did Romney think of ObamaCare just as recently as two years ago?

Buzzfeed dug up this interview.

Smith: Earlier today, President Obama remarked to NBC on the degree of similarity between his health-care reform policies and those that you passed in Massachusetts under your term as governor. How is the health-care reform legislation signed by Obama last week significantly different from the policies that you passed in Massachusetts?

Romney: Well, there are similarities. And some of the best features of his health-care plan are like ours — such as, we do not allow insurance companies to drop people who develop illnesses, our insurance is entirely portable, virtually all of our citizens are insured and there is an individual responsibility for getting insurance.

The big differences are that he raised taxes; we did not. He cut Medicare; we did not. He put in place price controls; we did not. And his is a federal program — a one-size-fits-all solution — and in our view — in my view, the best approach is a state-by-state creation of programs designed to fit the needs of citizens of each state.

Barack Obama health care law Mitt Romney ObamaCare Politics

Report: President Obama Modeled “ObamaCare” From “RomneyCare”

In a newly released ad by Rick Perry, Mitt Romney was asked whether he would take the same health care law he enacted in Massachusetts and apply it nationwide. Mitt Romney is heard saying, “Yes,” he will.

Well in newly released documents, it seem Romney got his wish. The documents show that President Obama used Romney’s plan, even employed some of Romney’s people to model the Affordable Health Care program he signed into law over a year ago.

MSNBC reports;

Newly obtained White House records provide fresh details on how senior Obama administration officials used Mitt Romney’s landmark health-care law in Massachusetts as a model for the new federal law, including recruiting some of Romney’s own health care advisers and experts to help craft the act now derided by Republicans as “Obamacare.”

The records, gleaned from White House visitor logs reviewed by NBC News, show that senior White House officials had a dozen meetings in 2009 with three health-care advisers and experts who helped shape the health care reform law signed by Romney in 2006, when the Republican presidential candidate was governor of Massachusetts. One of those meetings, on July 20, 2009, was in the Oval Office and presided over by President Barack Obama, the records show.

“The White House wanted to lean a lot on what we’d done in Massachusetts,” said Jon Gruber, an MIT economist who advised the Romney administration on health care and who attended five meetings at the Obama White House in 2009, including the meeting with the president. “They really wanted to know how we can take that same approach we used in Massachusetts and turn that into a national model.”

In an apparent move to get the conservative vote, Romney flip flopped saying he would not apply the Massachusetts Health care model nationwide. He now believe that each state should implement their own plan.

If Romney wins, the debates between him and President Obama regarding RomneyCare and ObamaCare should be very interesting.

Abortions Barack Obama Healthcare Mike Huckabee Mitt Romney Republican United States

RomneyCare Provides Funds For Abortions. ObamaCare Does Not

ThinkProgress came up with this little nugget. The graph below shows one difference between the Health Care plan set forth by Mitt Romney, the man who could be the eventual Republican nominee for the presidency in 2012, and the Affordable Health Care Act signed into law by President Obama. The difference? Romney’s plan provides funds for abortion services and President Obama’s does not.

The little secret Republicans don’t want you to know about.

Compliments of ThinkProgress via The Daily Kos

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