ObamaCare Politics

Even In 2006, Barack Obama Praised RomneyCare – Video

Mitt Romney is running a breakneck speed trying to distance himself from the healthcare law he signed into effect as governor in Massachusetts. Why is he running? Because Massachusetts healthcare is a very successful program that laid the foundation for President Obama’s Affordable Health Care, also called ObamaCare. He’s also running away because, among other things, RomneyCare contains the dreaded mandate that Republicans suddenly despise.

Some may think it is purely politics that Democrats would praise RomneyCare as the foundation for ObamaCare. After all, the more Democrats could tie Romney to ObamaCare, the more explaining Romney would have to do. But thanks to BuzzFeed and this newly uncovered video, it seems that Democrats are genuinely appreciative of RomneyCare… at least one Democrat name Barack Obama.

In 2006, then Senator Barack Obama lauded praise on Romney’s healthcare law, saying that his fellow Democrats should take a page from RomneyCare;

“Everybody has to buy in and then the government helps out those who can’t afford it. Those kinds of bold initiatives, I think, the Democrats have to put forward. If, in fact, we can credibly claim that we can run the country and not simply criticize from the sidelines.”

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