News sandy hook shooting

Four Year Old Kills Six Year Old Playmate – Father Gets Arrested

His son is only 4 years old and the son had a six-year-old playmate. That playmate is no longer alive because the four-year old found a gun in the house and killed his friend. Now the four-year old’s father is under arrest.

Anthony Senatore, 33, was arrested Monday evening and charged with several counts of endangering the welfare of children, the acting prosecutor in Atlantic County, Jim McClain, announced in a statement.

According to the charges, which also include one count of being a disorderly person for allegedly allowing minors to access a firearm, Senatore had at least three weapons in his house in addition to the rifle that his son was holding on April 8 when he fatally shot his neighbor, Brandon Holt, in the head.

The other guns in the house, where three children ages 4, 8 and 12 live, included two Harrington & Richardson shotguns and a Remington 12-gauge shotgun, officials said. All were found “unsecured and in close proximity to ammunition and accessible to Senatore’s own children,” McClain said.

Senatore was released during the night on $100,000 bail.

The NRA would say that the way to fix this problem would be to give the six year old his own gun.

Featured sandy hook shooting

Connecticut Paper Puts Gun Ad On Same Page Welcoming Sandy Hook School Children

Today was the first day of school for the surviving children of Sandy Hook Elementary. But instead of being considerate to these kids, their families and the staff of Sandy Hook, this Connecticut news paper decided to put an ad for a gun show and a story about these children on the same page.

I can assure you that this gun show will be a resounding success because of its placement in today’s paper. Guess it’s just business as usual.

Featured shooting violence

What You’ve Always Wanted To Say About The NRA – Video

By now you’ve all heard about the insanity that took place yesterday on a podium and then transmitted nationwide, possibly worldwide for all to behold. You watched in utter amazement as the NRA’s CEO called for more guns in schools to stop school children from being murdered. And you’ve shared your feelings on this issue with those close to you and even on social media with people you haven’t even met.

It’s understandable. You’re shocked. You simply cannot believe or accept the fact that in one incident, twenty innocent lives between the ages of six and seven were violently slaughtered, and you looked for solutions. The NRA promised that solution would come at that podium and when you listened to what they had to say, you walked away more bewildered and angered than ever before.

Well have no fear, you are not alone.

Please allow me to suggest this video. It is sure to bring you some level of comfort knowing that there are still some sensible, levelheaded people out there, and it is sure to give you hope for the future.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC’s The Last Word, says all the things you wanted to say or all the things you’ve probably said, but he does it in a more… dramatic way.

Lawrence breaks it all down.


Pastor Worley Preached about Killing Gays and Lesbians

“I figured a way to get rid of all the lesbians and queers,” he says.

“Build a great, big, large fence — 150- or 100-mile long — put all the lesbians in there . . . do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals, and have that fence electrified so they can’t get out.

“Feed ’em, and you know what?” Worley continues. “In a few years they’ll die. Do you know why? They can’t reproduce.”

Those comments were made by a pastor… in the church… on the pulpit… where preaching about the everlasting love of Christ was supposed to be done. His name is Pastor Charles Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, N.C, and his sermon on May 13th about killing gays and lesbians was apparently his way of saving them.

News trayvon martin

Video of George Zimmerman as he was Initially Arrested

The video below shows George Zimmerman on the night he killed Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman is shown stepping out of a police car and walking into a precinct in Sandford Florida. Zimmerman was eventually released with no charges filed.

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Politics trayvon martin

President Obama Speaks about the Trayvon Martin Case

Some have criticized the president for taking too long to issue a statement about the senseless killing of an unarmed teenager in Florida. A crime that allowed the shooter to walk free without even being brought in for questioning, while the teenager’s bullet-ridden body was tested for drugs and alcohol.

The president had this to say;

“I’ve got to be careful about my statements to make sure that we’re not impairing any investigation that’s taking place right now.” He did, however, share that he empathized with Martin’s parents and that the young man’s death made him think about his own daughters

“But, obviously, this is a tragedy,” he added, noting that we all have to “do some soul searching to find out why something like this happened.”

“I think every parent in America,” he said, “should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative to investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together — federal, state, and local — to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.” He noted that he was glad that the Justice Department had stepped in to investigate the specifics of the case.

“But my main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon. And, you know, I think they are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and that we’re going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened.”

Trayvon Martin was killed by what is amounting to an overzealous racist, who made multiple 911 calls complaining about black teens in his neighborhood, and even used a racial slur in the 911 call he made about Trayvon. The killing, which happened in the last week of February sparked a national outcry when it was learned that the shooter George Zimmermann was never arrested for the crime and today, one month later, is still walking the streets as a free man.


US Soldier kills 16 Afghan Civilians in Shooting Rampage

Over the last few weeks, some strange events have happened in Afghanistan. Just a couple of weeks ago, there was the accidental burning of the Quran by American troops, an act that increased an already tensed situation in the country between Afghans and American soldiers and caused the president of the United States to issue an apology. Now, we hear the story of an American soldier who opened fire on Afghan civilians, killing at least 16 men, women and children.

Although an initial report suggests that the soldier involved in the shooting went “crazy,” that wasn’t the first thought that came to my mind. Although my reasoning may seemed a bit far fetched, consider this for a moment: the war in Afghanistan is in its final phase and is coming to an end. With the war in Iraq already brought to a successful conclusion, ending this unpopular conflict in Afghanistan would boost president Obama’s favorable ratings among a war-wary American public.

In the middle of an election year with an economy moving in the right direction and with a Republican opposition party determined to make sure this president fails, would it really be that far fetched to wonder if they are behind these random acts of violence? Is it wrong to wonder if money was exchanged to cause more tension in Afghanistan so that Republicans can say, see, we were right. We should stay in Afghanistan longer, but president Obama wants to end the war. He knows nothing about being Commander In Chief. He’s wrong and we were right.

Normally, this would not be the first thing I think about hearing about these different incidents in Afghanistan, but with the current toxic nature of our politics and with the do anything to win mentality of some in Washington, I wouldn’t put it past them to use this war as a political ploy to win an election. They are, after all… politicians. They are, after all… Republicans.

death Georgia Politics

Teaparty Wanted Troy Davis Killed Sooner

Of course we all knew the Teaparty would have their take on the execution of Troy Davis yesterday. And who better to tell the Teaparty side of this killing, than Judson Phillips, president of the Teaparty Nation.

While most sensible individuals looked on last night in horror, as Georgia and the Supreme Court went ahead and legally murdered Troy Davis, the President of the Teaparty Nation wondered why the killing took 20 years to happen. In a blog post, Judson Phillips said this;

Troy Davis was on death row for twenty years. He was given a trial by a jury of his peers and then had countless opportunities to relitigate his death penalty.

The justice system was not broken.

On second thought, may be it was. For twenty years, he sat on death row while Mark McPhail’s family had to endure all of the appeals. Perhaps the question we should be asking is why does it take twenty years and an untold amount of taxpayer money for justice to be delivered?

An amazing take. Mr. Judson Phillips heard the very same things about Troy Davis’s case that the rest of the world heard. No credible evidence, disputed ballistic results, and the recanting of seven out of nine “eyewitnesses” testimonies. But with all these circumstances, Phillips ponders the question of why it took so long.

This statement from Davis makes me wonder if the famous Teaparty phrase, “I want my country back,” is a reference to back in the day,  when human beings were hung from trees. Back then, no trials were necessary and their idea of justice was swift and immediate. If you looked a certain way, behaved a certain way, or didn’t do as you were told, or you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, then you would be rounded-up, have a noose thrown around your neck, and hung from a tree.

I understand now Mr. Phillips – president of the Teaparty Nation. You probably have a noose in the trunk of your car, don’t ‘cha?

Georgia News

Troy Davis Executed In Georgia, While The Real Killer Walks Among Us

In 1991, Troy Davis was convicted of murdering an off duty police officer in a parking lot in the city of  Savannah, Georgia. His conviction was based on nothing more than nine “eyewitnesses.” Since then, seven of those eyewitnesses have came forward and recanted their testimonies, with some even saying that they were coerced into lying. Nevertheless,  he was convicted and after three previous stays of execution, the state of Georgia was determined to make sure Troy Davis would die tonight.

Millions of people had come out in protest, including a former United States President, The Pope and  five Wardens, as well as a former warden at the very prison where Troy Davis was incarcerated.  That former warden, Dr. Allen Ault,  wrote a letter to the Governor and Corrections Officials of Georgia, asking for Troy’s execution to be stopped. Part of the letter said;

We write to you today with the overwhelming concern that an innocent person could be executed in Georgia tonight. We know the legal process has exhausted itself in the case of Troy Anthony Davis, and yet, doubt about his guilt remains. This very fact will have an irreversible and damaging impact on your staff. Many people of significant standing share these concerns, including, notably, William Sessions, Director of the FBI under President Ronald Reagan.

Living with the nightmares is something that we know from experience. No one has the right to ask a public servant to take on a lifelong sentence of nagging doubt, and for some of us, shame and guilt. Should our justice system be causing so much harm to so many people when there is an alternative?

We urge you to ask the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles to reconsider their decision. Should that fail, we urge  you to unburden yourselves and your staff from the pain of participating in such a questionable execution to the extent possible  by allowing any personnel so inclined to opt-out of activities related to the execution of Troy Anthony Davis. Further, we urge you to provide appropriate counseling to personnel who do choose to perform their job functions related to the execution. If we may be of assistance to you moving forward, please do not hesitate to call upon any of us.

Scheduled to be killed today at 7PM, Troy’s lawyers filed a last minute request with the United States Supreme Court for a stay of execution, but that effort ended three hours later with the Court returning its decision saying, “application for a stay of execution denied.”

So tonight, Troy Davis was strapped to a gurney and asked if he had any last words, to which he maintained his innocence. He said he was not responsible for the officer’s death, and that he “didn’t have a gun.” He was then injected with enough poison to kill him.

Convicted on nothing more than nine testimonies that were later determined to be false or coerced – tonight – Troy lost his fight to live. The announcement was made that Troy took his last breath and was pronounced dead at 11:08PM.


Osama bin Laden Politics

The Killing Of Bin Laden In Pictures

No, the official death pictures of Osama Bin Laden are not out yet, but as soon as they come out, we’ll post them here at EzKool. 🙂 In the meantime, enjoy the photos montage leading up to the daring mission that captured and kill Osama Bin Laden.

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Abortion Featured House of Representatives South Dakota

Republicans Trying to Legalize Killing Abortion Doctors

If the Republicans in South Dakota gets their way, killing an abortion doctor will be legal. No, that wasn’t a misprint. A bill being pushed by House Republicans in South Dakota’s congress will redefine the term “justifiable homicide” to include killing anyone who brings harm to a fetus. The bill, HB 1170 has already passed the committee with a vote of 9 – 3, and will be brought to the floor of the House of Representatives for a final vote.

According to reports by Mother Jones;

The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Phil Jensen, a committed foe of abortion rights, alters the state’s legal definition of justifiable homicide by adding language stating that a homicide is permissible if committed by a person “while resisting an attempt to harm” that person’s unborn child or the unborn child of that person’s spouse, partner, parent, or child. If the bill passes, it could in theory allow a woman’s father, mother, son, daughter, or husband to kill anyone who tried to provide that woman an abortion—even if she wanted one.

Protecting the unborn fetus can be considered an admirable trait, but what happens after the baby is born and grows up to become… I don’t know, maybe… an abortion doctor? At what point is it really okay to protect the unborn but kill the living?

More on this story from Mother Jones here

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