Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Politics taxes

Mitt Romney – “I Admit, [President Obama] Did Not Raise Taxes In His First Four Years”

Mitt Romney is shaking things up again, and I do mean the etch-a-sketch. Romney spent a major part of his campaign criticizing President for “raising taxes” on the middle class. But with the debates looming and the realization that he will meet with the President face to face, Mitt Romney is now trying to erase some of the lies.

Now Romney is saying that President Obama did not raise taxes.

Mitt Romney veered off message Tuesday when he told a crowd of supporters in Ohio that President Barack Obama “did not” raise taxes in his first four years in office, undercutting his own line of attack on the president.

“His idea now, he’s got one new, he’s got a new idea,” Romney said during a rally with running mate Paul Ryan. “I admit this, he has one thing he did not do in his first four years, he’s said he’s going to do in his next four years, which is to raise taxes.”

The statement strayed from the Romney campaign’s usual criticism of the president. While Obama’s efforts to let the Bush-era tax cuts on families with an annual income above $250,000 expire have faltered under Republican opposition, Romney’s campaign has repeatedly argued that the president has raised taxes in other ways.

Mitt Romney Politics taxes

Mitt Romney Calls The USA a Foreign Country On His Taxes

Maybe Mitt Romney thinks he lives in Switzerland?

When the former Massachusetts governor released his official 2011 tax return Friday, he (or whoever actually filled out the form) appeared to have mistakenly referred to the United States as a foreign country.

“If you have a foreign address,” the tax return instruction reads, “also complete spaces below.” In the space below, under “foreign country name,” Romney’s form reads “USA.”

Several tax preparers confirmed to Whispers that “USA” should not have been written in that line—assuming the Republican presidential nominee is actually a citizen of the United States.

Mitt Romney Politics taxes

Harry Reid – “For All We Know, Mitt Could Be One of The 47%” Who Pays No Taxes

Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid took to the Senate floor today and renewed his call for Mitt Romney to release his taxes. Using Romney’s own words that 47% of Americans pay no taxes, Reid said;

“For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income tax,” he said. “Thousands of families making more than $1 million pay nothing in federal income taxes each year. Is Mitt Romney among those?”

“We’ll never know,” Reid concluded, “since he refuses to release tax returns from the years before he was running for president.”

Politics taxes

The Hypocrisy – Romney Asked For 10 Years Worth of Taxes In His VP Search

Mitt Romney’s desire is to keep the American people from seeing his tax returns. And so far, the man who could be the next president of the United States, has been successfully, only allowing voters to see one year with a promise to show one more.

But when it came to picking his running mate, Romney saw the importance of transparency and demanded 10 years worth of taxes from his candidates.

As part of its vetting, the Romney campaign required at least some of the candidates on the short list—including the eventual winner of the GOP veepstakes, Ryan—to submit fully 10 years of tax returns, according to a knowledgeable source.

The requirement was consistent with the past practices of both Republican and Democratic campaigns.  Indeed, in 2008, Mitt Romney turned over 23 years of taxes to John Mccain’s campaign when he was under consideration to be the Arizona senator’s running mate.

But this year, the vetting of tax returns has had particular political resonance because of Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of his own tax filings. The Obama campaign has waged a withering assault on Romney for his failure to be more transparent about his personal finances, part of a larger narrative seeking to portray the Republican nominee as a privileged plutocrat who has been able to mine the tax code for loopholes and other tricks unavailable to average middle—class Americans.  For months, Chicago and its allies have hammered Romney on taxes, suggesting he must be hiding something.

In response to questions about the 10-year requirement, Romney campaign press secretary Andrea Saul declined comment.  “We do not discuss the VP selection process,” she wrote in an email.

The hypocrisy never ends with this guy.

money Politics taxes

New Poll – Americans Believe Rich People Don’t Pay Their Fair Share In Taxes

WASHINGTON (AP) — As the income gap between rich and poor widens, a majority of Americans say the growing divide is bad for the country and believe that wealthy people are paying too little in taxes, according to a new survey.

The poll released Monday by the Pew Research Center points to a particular challenge for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, whose party’s policies are viewed by a wide majority as favoring the rich over the middle class and poor.

The poll found that many Americans believe rich people to be intelligent and hardworking but also greedy and less honest than the average American. Nearly six in 10, or 58 percent, say the rich don’t pay enough in taxes, while 26 percent believe the rich pay their fair share and 8 percent say they pay too much.

Even among those who describe themselves as “upper class” or “upper middle class,” more than half — or 52 percent — said upper-income Americans don’t pay enough in taxes; only 10 percent said they paid too much.

Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Politics taxes Wisconsin

VIDEO: Paul Ryan’s Budget Will Give Mitt Romney a 1% Tax Rate – Up From 0%!

PrioritiesUSA, the SuperPac supporting President Obama has created another video. We all remember how Republicans and Mitt Romney got up-in-arms over the SuperPac’s video about Joe Soptic – a factory steel worker fired when Romney’s Bain Capital closed the company that employed him. Joe’s wife later died of cancer because the unemployed couple had no health insurance.

In their new video, PrioritiesUSA is highlighting the Budget framed by Romney’s VP choice Paul Ryan. Did you know that under Ryan’s plan people in Mitt Romney‘s income bracket would only pay a rate of 1%? And for Mr. Romney, that 1% might actually be a rate increase. Word on the street is that he’s paid zero taxes in earlier years. Of course no one has come forward with concrete evidence to prove this claim, but this is what we’re hearing and Mitt Romney is too scared to release his taxes to prove us wrong.


Politics taxes

Obama To Romney – Release 5 Years, We’ll Leave You Alone. Romney Says “No”

President Barack Obama’s campaign manager offered Mitt Romney’s campaign manager a “deal” on Friday, essentially saying that if Romney releases just three more years of tax returns, they’ll stop hammering him for not releasing more, even though Obama has made 12 years of his financial history public.

Team Romney, of course, politely refused.

“Governor Romney apparently fears that the more he offers, the more our campaign will demand that he provide,” Obama campaign manager Jim Messina wrote in a letter to his counterpart in the Romney campaign. “So I am prepared to provide assurances on just that point: if the Governor will release five years of returns, I commit in turn that we will not criticize him for not releasing more — neither in ads nor in other public communications or commentary for the rest of the campaign.”

“It is clear that President Obama wants nothing more than to talk about Governor Romney’s tax returns instead of the issues that matter to voters, like putting Americans back to work, fixing the economy and reining in spending,” Romney campaign manager Matt Rhodes replied, apparently determined that just two years of tax returns is enough. “If Governor Romney’s tax returns are the core message of your campaign, there will be ample time for President Obama to discuss them over the next 81 days.”

Releasing tax returns for at least 12 years has traditionally been assumed by presidential candidates, including Romney’s father, even though it’s not required by law. However, since Romney is among the most wealthy presidential candidates in U.S. history, the Obama campaign seems to believe there will be some fresh, raw meat in those returns.


Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Politics taxes

Paul Ryan Wants to End Mitt Romney’s Tax Havens – Video

One of the reasons Mitt Romney is bucking the American people’s wish to for him to release more of his taxes is because there are many tax havens he now enjoys. So far, we know he has millions stashed away in The Cayman Islands, we know of millions he has stored in Bermuda and we can bet you “$10,000.00” (one of Romney’s favorite betting amount) that there are many more tax havens where the Romneys bank their money to avoid paying their full share of taxes.

With that said, Paul Ryan – Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential pick – is apparently not a big fan of the tax havens and is already going against this favorite tax evasion method of Mitt Romney. Appearing with Romney on 60 Minuets with Bob Schieffer, Ryan responded to a question about the rich and their tax rate.

Schieffer asked; “You say of course the wealthiest people pay the larger share, but don’t they also pay at a lower rate? When you figure in capital gains and all of that?”

Romney replied with his usual jargon about the rich paying more taxes than anyone else, but then Ryan said this:

What we’re saying is take away the tax shelters that are uniquely enjoyed by people in the top tax brackets so they can’t shelter as much money from taxation, should lower tax rates for everybody to make America more competitive.

Mitt Romney Politics taxes

Mitt Romney’s Tax Plan Could Save His Family $80 Million

The U.S. tax code may be difficult to grasp, but understanding the presidential candidates‘ plans for it doesn’t have to be. President Obama wants to raise his own taxes, while Mitt Romney wants to dramatically reduce the already small slice he pays to Uncle Sam.

Of course, that simplification doesn’t shed light on just how dramatic President Romney’s windfall for his family would actually be. Mitt’s plan, which the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center forecast would cut taxes for the richest five percent of earners while increasing the tax bill for the other 95 percent of Americans, could slash his own annual IRS payment by almost half. And by eliminating the estate tax, the $250 million man would potentially divert $80 million (and possibly more) from the United States Treasury to his own heirs

Mitt Romney paying taxes Politics taxes

Top Reid Aide Calls Romney’s People “Cowards” And “Henchmen”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s chief of staff fired back at Mitt Romney’s supporters, calling them “henchmen” and “cowards” for their attacks on the top Democrat.

Reid claims he has a “credible source” who told him Romney has not paid taxes in 10 years, which the GOP presidential nominee says is untrue. The Republican presidential candidate has demanded Reid, D-Nev., to “put up or shut up.”

The name-calling rose when Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called Reid a “dirty liar” on Sunday.

“They’re a bunch of cowards, and they’re avoiding the issue,” David Krone, Reid’s chief of staff, told Politico. “Lindsey Graham, Reince Priebus — they’re a bunch of henchmen for Romney, and they’re all reading off the same talking points. They couldn’t hold a candle to Harry Reid.”

Mitt Romney Politics taxes

Mitt The Mystery Romney – Not Right For America

There was a time in American politics when a candidate auditioning for the highest job in the land had to be vetted. Americans wanted to know everything about that candidate: their morals, their beliefs, their past associations, their work experiences, their family background, their taxes, their beer drinking skills and more.

But apparently, all those expectations stopped when Republicans decided that Mr. Romney’s past is none of our business. And Romney went through much trouble to destroy records from his time as Governor of Massachusetts and records dealing with his Olympics tenure.  There are more questions than answers pertaining to his work at Bain Capital and his taxes are hidden.

Plus, he’s not a drinker!

Republicans have decided to go to the polls this November and hire a worker they know nothing of. This is not acceptable in the real world and it should not be acceptable for someone applying for the most important job in the nation.

Mitt Romney Politics taxes

Ann Romney to Americans – “You People” Have Seen All You Need To See

“You people” just don’t get it, do you? Where do you come off thinking you have the chutzpah to ask Mitt Romney to show his taxes? You are not even in his class, you are not on the same caliber as Mitt. You cannot even see the things he’s seen, been the places he’s been and you will never make the kind of money he’s made.

So stop bothering the my husband with your stupid little concerns about taxes! Any secrets you want to know about Mitt will be revealed after he gets elected. Now just be the little sheep you are and vote for Mitt!

Well, that’s not exactly what Ann Romney said today, but what she told ABC went more like this:

Ann Romney dismissed concerns about her husband’s tax returns Thursday, contending that the two of them have “given all you people need to know.”

“You know, you should really look at where Mitt has led his life, and where he’s been financially,” the potential first lady said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “He’s a very generous person. We give 10 percent of our income to our church every year. Do you think that is the kind of person who is trying to hide things, or do things? No. He is so good about it. Then, when he was governor of Massachusetts, didn’t take a salary for four years.”

“We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life,” she added later.

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