dylann roof Racism shooting South Carolina

Rick Perry Calls Mass Shooting at Black Church in South Carolina an “Accident” – Video

And he is running for President of the United States!

“This is the M-O of this administration,” the Republican presidential candidate said in an interview with Newsmax. “Any time there is an accident like this — the president is clear, he doesn’t like for Americans to have guns and so he uses every opportunity, this being another one, to basically go parrot that message.”

The “accident” Perry was referring to is the intentional, calculated shooting of 9 black people in a South Carolina Church by a racist 21-year-old. The former Republican governor of Texas also chalked up the massacre to the need for more prescription drugs.

“Also, I think there is a real issue to be talked about,” Perry continued. “It seems to me, again without having all the details about this, that these individuals have been medicated and there may be a real issue in this country from the standpoint of these drugs and how they’re used.”

Domestic Policies dylann roof Gun Control News Politics Racial profiling Racism racist Racists shooting South Carolina

The Race Confronts Race

Racial politics is sometimes like the weather. Everybody complains about it or has an opinion about it, but there’s precious little that we can seemingly do about it. Here we are again, having the same conversation about the same issue and the politicians are crafting their statements and the sociologists are telling us about how the Internet is the problem and the gun enthusiasts are telling us that it’s a mental health issue and there’s a debate about whether this is only a hate crime or is it home-grown terrorism. And then there’s that darned Confederate flag flying over Charleston. Which seems to be causing a bit of angst in the Republican Party.

The race is on and race is now a major part of it. This time, though, it feels different.

Nine African-Americans were killed in their church simply because they were African-Americans. Yes, I know that many people say that Walter Scott and Eric Garner and Michael Brown were killed because they were African-American, but they were also involved in activities that brought them attention from the law. The victims in Charleston were doing no such thing. They were being good citizens, were praying, were welcoming a stranger into their world as many other Americans would. Such a terrible tragedy.

What we know for sure is that the shooter did not like black people, and he said so explicitly. He grew up in a country that’s supposed to be post-racial with a more enlightened group of young people who did not experience the Civil Rights movement or institutional segregation. They’re supposed to be more welcoming, more open, more accepting. We now know about one of the exceptions to that interpretation.

But we are also at the beginning of a presidential election cycle and we need to measure the candidates and potential candidates against their words and actions. The initial reactions were sober and immediate, with quick condemnations and expressions of horror and disbelief. That sentiment soon turned to the issue of why Dylann Roof perpetrated this crime. Many on the right called it an attack on religion. Some said worse things.  President Obama looked anguished and sad when he addressed the news media the day after the killings, and his inclusion of the gun issue showed that he truly regrets not being able to get any kind of meaningful background check legislation through the Congress.

I want to know specifically what the candidates plans are in reaction to this event. They all say that we need to bring the country together, but how will they do this? I understand that I might have to wait a good long time, but now is the moment when we need to push anyone who wants to occupy the Oval Office in 2017 for answers. Specific answers.

Right now we’re asking questions from our homes and places of worship. Next time, we’ll be in the streets.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

dylann roof Politics shooting South Carolina

South Carolina Families to Dylann Roof – “We Forgive You” – Video

He sat in their midst in a South Carolina Church for over an hour as they showed him love and held a Bible study. Then, Dylann Roof stood up and murdered nine human beings in Church as they worshiped God. The last thing these people heard from their murderer was his racist rants about his hate for black people.

But the love and the forgiveness of the families of the nine is outstanding and something admirable. This forgiveness is something the rest of this nation and the world can learn from. The killer, Dylann Roof, is shown on video in his bail hearing when one by one, the remaining families and friends of those he murdered, forgave him for murdering their loved ones.

Featured shooting

LAPD Officers Arrest Man After Shooting Him in The Head – Video

Reports say the California man flogged down the officers. Four shots then rang out from the officers, at least one of those shots apparently striking the man in his head.

“The officers stopped to investigate and see what was needed,” LAPD spokesman Lt John Jenal told NBC Los Angeles. “This person then extended their arm, which was wrapped in a towel.”

The officers, who say they believe he had a gun in his hand, told him to drop his weapon, then, according to onlookers, fired four shots. At least one of the round appears to have struck the suspect in the head, as evidenced by this video, which depicts the officers rolling him over to handcuff him after he has collapsed. No officers were shot.

Then man is now hospitalized in critical condition.


Church Politics shooting

Watch President Obama’s Full Statement on The Massacre in South Carolina – Video

The 21-year-old coward who went to a predominately black church in Charleston South Carolina on Wednesday and murdered 9 people as they prayed in what was supposed to be a peaceful sanctuary, was captured toady in North Carolina and has since been extradited back to South Carolina. Below is President Obama’s statement on these senseless killings.


Featured shooting

What To Do When a Sniper is Shooting at You – Video

It’s all fun and games till the dummy gets hurt.


Politics shooting Texas

Muslim Hater Pamela Geller Compares Herself to Rosa Parks – Video

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the brilliant idea a conservative group had, to hold a contest for people wishing to draw the Muslim Prophet Muhammad. Of course this was a dumb and insensitive to the entire Muslim community who say its disrespectful to portray their leader in any disparaging way, and the drawing contest idea had disaster written all over it from the very onset.

Thinking that their religious leader was being discredited by the group, two Muslim men went to Texas intent of killing as much people as possible.

In the end, the two men were both shot and killed. And American civilian casualties were at a minimum, and today the terrorist group ISIS claimed responsibility for the men’s action.

We would think that the organizer of this event would have had a chance to reflect on what happened over the last couple of days, and maybe she’d want to set the record straight. But instead, Pamela Geller went on Fox News and double down on the hate and what she thought was a great idea. And in the process, she even found time to compare herself to Rosa Parks.


Racial profiling shooting

Video Police Shooting of 17 Year Old Laquan McDonald Revealed – Video

There is a video of the actual police shooting of 17-year old Laquan McDonald in Chicago last October, but the video is not being released at this point because of an active investigation. According to the police report, the officer who pulled the trigger “was scared for his life” and shot the teenager in his chest.

But a coroner’s report showed that Laquan was not just shot in the chest, he was also shot in the leg, in his arm, in his head, in his back. A total of 16 bullets riddled the teenager’s body, a shooting that took 16 seconds to complete.

Yes, the shooting officer made it back home to his family in one piece and Chicago is cutting a $5 million check for Laquan’s family.

I wonder why?


Featured shooting

Police Officer Heard Laughing after Shooting Man in the Back – Audio

Another recording was released today showing the aftermath of a police shooting in South Carolina, where a black man was shot in the back and died from eight gunshot wounds inflicted by the officer. In the audio recording, another man is heard advising the officer on what the next steps will be, telling the officer that his gun will most likely be taken away and advising him to take a few days to get his story straight.

“Once they get here, it’ll be real quick,” the other man says to Officer Slager. “They’re gonna tell you, you’re gonna be off for a couple days and we’ll come back and interview you then. They’re not gonna ask you any type of questions right now. They’re gonna take your weapon,” the officer says. “It’d probably be a good idea to jot down your thoughts about whatever happened … once the adrenaline stops pumping.”

Slager responds: “It’s pumping,” and then laughs.

Slager is also heard apparently answering a call on his phone, telling the person on the other end of the call that “everything’s OK. OK? I just shot somebody. He grabbed my Taser, yeah. Yeah,” says Slager. “He was running from me. … I’m fine.”

Of course, the only thruth in that statement is the fact that the man, a 50-year-old man named Walter Scott, was in fact running away from Slager when he was shot in the back and died on the spot.


Church Featured shooting

Gun Accidentally Discharges in Church – Yes, In Church!

That they cannot see something is terribly wrong and contradictory with bringing their guns to Church, shows just how mentally deranged these gun – fanatics really are.

In the middle of Sunday services, where God is supposed to be praised and where love is celebrated, a gun stored in someone’s pocket went off, grazing another man’s head… in church… during Sunday services!

The firearm’s safety was off and the trigger caught on the man’s pocket, firing off a shot and grazing the man’s hand, according to television station WTAE.

“I immediately took a step back and was about to take cover,” Jason Wagler, who was attending service at Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, told the station.

“You never know if you’re safe anymore in this world. It’s a shame to know you can’t go into church without having something like this happen,” he said.

Wagler caught video on his phone of one man sat in a pew, flanked by two women appearing to care for him.

He said he also noticed that the man handed the gun off to someone else, who attempted to conceal the weapon in a church booklet amid the chaos.

“He immediately concealed it in a white program, so I took pictures of the gun inside this program,” Wagler said.

Authorities have not released the name of the man they suspect mistakenly fired the gun. WTAE reported that he was driven to to hospital.

Politics shooting

Gun “Accidentally” Kills Gun Owner While Gun Owner Played With Gun

But wait… guns dont kill people, right?

The man was drinking with friends in the area of 4600 West and Dunsmore Way and showing them his gun at the time of the fatal accident, said West Valley police spokeswoman Roxanne Vainuku.

The man took the magazine out of the gun and pulled the trigger while pointing it at his own throat, Vainuku said. Emergency workers responded to the scene about 7:45 p.m.

The man’s name wasn’t immediately released Friday night.

Vainuku said all indications are that the shooting was accidental.

He didn’t appear to express any sort of suicidal thoughts. … At this point it looks like a simple accident,” she said.

Nobody else was hurt in the incident.

“Never point a gun at another person – even if you have the magazine out of the gun, as we see with that incident tonight,” Vainuku said. “It turned out to be a deadly decision.”

Featured shooting

Georgia Police Kills Naked, Obviously Unarmed Man

He was naked and obviously unarmed. But Anthony Hill, a 27 year old black man in Georgia is dead, killed by a police officer who felt threatened and wanted to go home to his family.

According to reports, DeKalb County police officer and resident white man, Robert Olsen, shot and killed Hill on Monday when he responded to a call of a naked man crawling around and knocking on doors in a residential complex. The scared officer said Hill ran towards him and refused to stop until the bullet was introduced into the equation.

Hill had served more than four years in the U.S. Air Force when he was medically discharged a few years ago, his girlfriend, Bridget Anderson, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Wednesday. He was being treated by a VA doctor for bipolar disorder but stopped taking the medication a week or two ago because he didn’t like the side effects, including stiffening in his jaw, she said.

Anderson, 22, said she didn’t notice any changes in Hill after he stopped taking his medication and she’d never known him to behave strangely.

Anderson had been planning to go to Hill’s place Monday evening to cook together and celebrate their three-year anniversary. Instead, she got a call that he had been shot dead by police.

“My heart just tore out of my chest,” she said. “I started screaming his name and saying it couldn’t be true that he was gone.”

Demonstrators remembered Hill as a talented musician who loved the color purple and struggled with mental illness. They marched through the streets for about an hour chanting, singing and occasionally stopping at intersections to sit down and listen to a speaker while police cars blocked traffic.

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