exercise Health

Running for Fun

As a runner, there are many fantastic opportunities to participate in run events all over the world.  My favorite event as a runner is by far The Color Run 5K, where dressed in white, you run through a color station at every 1K mark.  By the time you finish, your pristine white running clothes look like they’ve barely survived an explosion at a crayon factory, and you’ll have powdered color in places one shouldn’t have powdered color.

The Color Run 5K, and its sibling, Color Me Rad tour dozens of major cities.  Other popular fun runs are Zombie/Vampire themed 5Ks (do you want to run as a zombie, vampire, or human?), the Hot Chocolate 5K, and the Glo Run.

The cost of registering for these popular 5Ks will run you a little more than the average 5K registration, but for an untimed event, close to home, that you can choose to walk or run, your money will probably be well spent.  And oh, by the way, you’ll also be exercising your body – especially if you decide to train yourself to run the event.

Half marathons have been gaining in popularity in recent years, and when you’re ready to up the ante, there are of plenty of fun run half marathons to suit.  RunDisney seems to have set the bar for the fun long distance event, with its series of seven separate distance events over the course of the calendar year.  Events are held in Disney’s Florida and California locations, where runners are cheered on by Disney characters and performance groups, and surrounded by other runners who may well be running in Disney-themed running attire.  I personally hope to someday tackle the Epcot Wine & Dine Half, where the race starts at 10pm, and finishes at a runner’s only after-midnight party hosted at the Epcot Food and Wine festival.  Not a bad way to unwind after 13.1 miles!

There are many fun runs out there for recreational runners who like to set training goals, but also have a good time. is a great resource for finding local, national, and global events, and the 2013 season is just getting started.  Go have some fun!

Jennifer is a recreational runner living in a Maryland suburb of Washington, DC.  She writes about running for health and fitness at Terrapin Crossing.

exercise Health

Get Moving!

I’d wager that for many, the winter weather has been a major culprit in letting go of New Year’s resolutions to make 2013 a healthy and fit year.  Fortunately, this excuse is just about over.  With the arrival of spring, there is little reason not to get outside and get moving!

My outdoor activity of choice is running.  For me, there are few better ways to enjoy fresh air, socialize with other running friends, and get an incredible workout.

As a recreational runner, I am frequently asked about the best way to start a beginning runner’s program.  I firmly believe that anyone is capable of completing a learn-to-walk or run program, provided they take it slow and steady.  All you really need is a good plan, motivation, and commitment to see it through!*

Thinking about getting started?  Check out these resources:

  •  Jeff Galloway’s 5K Training Plan:  This is the easiest and most gentle 5K plan I have ever come across.  In my opinion, it is superior to the popular Couch-to-5K plan, ideally suited for anyone who hasn’t been active in a while, or is looking for a less intense introduction to the sport.
  •’s Running Shoe Guide for Dummies:  Runners have all manner of opinion on what constitutes the best footwear (if any) for running.  Largely a matter of personal preference, but the bottom line is you should at the very least be aware of your options.
 * If you haven’t been active for a while, or you have known medical conditions, you should always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.


Jennifer is a recreational runner living in a Maryland suburb of Washington, DC.  She writes about running for health and fitness at Terrapin Crossing.

Barack Obama Health Michelle Obama Mike Huckabee Politics Republican Sarah Palin United States White House

Mike Huckabee: I Think We Should Thank And Praise Michelle Obama

Sometimes you just don’t know what to expect from  Conservatives. There are days when you turn on the television and Mike Huckabee is on, criticizing Obamacare as a “government take-over” – a claim that has been debunked by the way, since the millions of new policies are provided by private insurance companies. And then there are times when he bucks his party’s talking points and actually defends someone on the other side of the political divide.

This time, Mr. Huckabee is defending Michelle Obama against the onslaught of criticism coming from some in his own camp, namely Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. On February 23rd, Mike was asked why the First Lady’s anti-obesity drive was viewed with such hostility. Huckabee replied;

Unfortunately I think a lot of it is because she’s the one presenting it, and that’s why I’ve been defensive of her. I still think her approach is the right one. I do not think she’s out there advocating that the government take over our dinner plates, in fact she’s not.

She’s been criticized unfairly by a lot of my fellow conservatives. I think it’s out of a reflex rather than out of a thoughtful expression. And that’s one of the things that bug me most about our political environment today.

We don’t have to believe everything the other side proposes is immediately all together bad. And the reason I’ve been very vocal, even doing an event with her and publicly speaking out for her initiative, is because it is exactly what Republicans say they believe, – that you put a focus on individual responsibility, you encourage people to make good choices and you reward them for doing so. I thought that was exactly what we were about!

At the end of the video shown below, Huckabee says obesity is also a national security problem, and that Michelle Obama bringing this debate to the national level is good for the nation’s security.  He then added;

Rather than us condemning Michelle Obama, I think we ought to be thanking her, and praising her for what she’s done.

Of course, when Huckabee says the First Lady has been “criticized unfairly”  by his fellow conservatives, he’s primarily referring to Rush and Sarah. The two have been a personal vendetta to destroy Mrs. Obama’s anti-obesity drive. But don’t expect the words of the Republican presidential candidate to change any minds, there is money  to be made in disagreeing common sense practices, or disagreeing with the occupants of the White House.

See the rest of the video below.

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