exercise Health

Get Moving!

I’d wager that for many, the winter weather has been a major culprit in letting go of New Year’s resolutions to make 2013 a healthy and fit year.  Fortunately, this excuse is just about over.  With the arrival of spring, there is little reason not to get outside and get moving!

My outdoor activity of choice is running.  For me, there are few better ways to enjoy fresh air, socialize with other running friends, and get an incredible workout.

As a recreational runner, I am frequently asked about the best way to start a beginning runner’s program.  I firmly believe that anyone is capable of completing a learn-to-walk or run program, provided they take it slow and steady.  All you really need is a good plan, motivation, and commitment to see it through!*

Thinking about getting started?  Check out these resources:

  •  Jeff Galloway’s 5K Training Plan:  This is the easiest and most gentle 5K plan I have ever come across.  In my opinion, it is superior to the popular Couch-to-5K plan, ideally suited for anyone who hasn’t been active in a while, or is looking for a less intense introduction to the sport.
  •’s Running Shoe Guide for Dummies:  Runners have all manner of opinion on what constitutes the best footwear (if any) for running.  Largely a matter of personal preference, but the bottom line is you should at the very least be aware of your options.
 * If you haven’t been active for a while, or you have known medical conditions, you should always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.


Jennifer is a recreational runner living in a Maryland suburb of Washington, DC.  She writes about running for health and fitness at Terrapin Crossing.

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