BLM Donald Trump Politics

White Supremacist Groups Getting HUGE Benefits from Donald Trump

Republican leader Donald Trump is scoring big among regular Republican voters and other Republicans who sometimes prefer to stay undercover… or under white hooded sheets for that matter.

The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike. And former Louisiana Rep. David Duke reports that the businessman has given more Americans cover to speak out loud about white nationalism than at any time since his own political campaigns in the 1990s.

As hate group monitors at the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League warn that Trump’s rhetoric is conducive to anti-Muslim violence, white nationalist leaders are capitalizing on his candidacy to invigorate and expand their movement.

“Demoralization has been the biggest enemy and Trump is changing all that,” said Stormfront founder Don Black, who reports additional listeners and call volume to his phone-in radio show, in addition to the site’s traffic bump. Black predicts that the white nationalist forces set in motion by Trump will be a legacy that outlives the businessman’s political career. “He’s certainly creating a movement that will continue independently of him even if he does fold at some point.”

ban all muslims Donald Trump Politics

Mohammed Ali Responds to Trump’s “Ban All Muslims” Proposal

“I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world,” Ali, who some consider the greatest boxer ever, said in the statement. “True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.”

Ali also asked Muslims to “stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda.”

“I believe that our political leaders should use their position to bring understanding about the religion of Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is,” he said.

Mohammed Ali was of course responding to Republican leader Donald Trump’s call to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. In other words, Trump is essentially pushing a religious test to come to America. Something that clearly violates the constution, but is apparently supported by much of the Republican Party.

Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Beheads the Statue of Liberty – PIC

And the Constitution loving Republicans approve.

Donald Trump Politics

Petition to Ban Trump from U.K Gets Over 200,000 Signatures and Counting

The Republican wants to be the next president of the United States, but because of his hateful, racist rhetoric, countries are already trying to ban him from entering their borders.

A petition to ban Donald Trump from going to the UK was started a few days ago. Its goal was to reach 100,000 signers in hopes that the measure gets debated by the Parliament. It now has well over 200,000 signatures.

“The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK,” read the petition, which was created bySuzanne Kelly, a woman from Aberdeen, Scotland, who has previously campaigned against Trump’s political and business activities.

“If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the ‘unacceptable behavior’ criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful,” the petition stated.

By Wednesday afternoon, the petition had gained more than 200,000 signatures, and the number was climbing rapidly.

Donald Trump Politics

Republicans Pledge Their Allegiance to Donald Trump Over Republican Party


Republicans have drawn the line and the line has nothing to do with party. It has everything to do with Donald Trump. In a new poll, Republicans say they are prepared to buck the Republican party and are pledging their allegiance to Donald Trump, promising to vote for the man if he drops the Republican banner and run as an independent.

The nationwide survey, taken Wednesday through Sunday, finds a trio of Republican candidates who show emerging national strength — Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio — as other once-serious contenders struggle for traction.

And in a chilling sign for Republicans, 68% of Trump’s supporters say they would vote for the blustery billionaire businessman if he ran as an independent rather than a Republican; just 18% say they wouldn’t. The rest were undecided.

Among Democrats, former secretary of State Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to nearly 2-1, 56%-29%.

The poll of 1,000 likely voters was taken before the latest Trump firestorm, this time over his statement Monday calling for a “complete and total shutdown” on all Muslims entering the United States until concerns about terrorism can be addressed. In TV interviews Tuesday morning, he refused to back down in the face of criticism not only by Democrats but also some leading Republicans.

ban all muslims Donald Trump Politics

Muslim Congressman Gets Death Threat After Trump’s “Ban All Muslims” Statement

The same day the leader of the Republican party, and current Republican presidential leader, Donald Trump, proposed banning all Muslims from entering the United States, even Muslims born in America and those overseas fighting in America’s wars, one of the only two Muslims in Congress called Trump’s comment “asinine.” That same day, the congressman, Rep. Andre Carson, received a death threat.

Rep. Andre Carson, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, denounced Trump’s comments, saying, “Today, Donald Trump once again proved he lacks the judgement to serve as Commander in Chief of this great nation. It is unbelievable that a candidate for President of the United States has made such an asinine comment.”

Carson’s office said the Congressman received the death threat and it was immediately forwarded on to Capitol Police.

Donald Trump Politics

Lindsey Graham – Donald Trump is a “race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot”

Wow! That is a strong statement from Lindsey Graham regarding his fellow Republican.

My question is, if Trump is a “race-bating, xenophobic religious bigot” as Graham calls him, then is Graham calling the thousands of Republicans at Trump’s rallys racists and xenophobic, and religious bigots too? We all know they are, but hearing another Republican call them out is something to take note of. Is Graham is calling these people – the same people who wholeheartedly endorse Trump’s crazy positions – is Graham calling them racists too?

In a segment of the interview, Graham admitted that he’d “rather lose without Donald Trump than try to win with him. I wish he would leave the party. I don’t care if he wins the 2016 election.” He continued to say that Trump’s presence in the race now goes beyond the 2016 election, and that “this is about the country of the future and our party.”

After that, the interview shifted to how Ted Cruz declined to rebuke Trump as strongly as others have by only saying it was “not [his] policy,” to which Graham said that Cruz had a “moral imperative” to blast Trump’s proposal, going beyond a debate on policy. Graham assumed this was part of Cruz’s supposed plan to wait for Trump and Ben Carson to fall so he can absorb their numbers into his campaign.

“This is not a policy debate, Ted,” Graham said. “This is about you and us and our character as a party. Up your game. Condemn it because it needs to be condemned.”

Donald Trump Politics

The United Kingdom Wants to Ban Donald Trump from Visiting County

The world is watching as Republicans and Donald Trump plunge America into the abyss of ignorance.

Don’t believe me? Not only are sensible Americans trying to distance themselves from the Republican approved frontrunner, other nations are trying to ban Trump from coming to their shores.

An online petition calls on U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May to bar the Republican presidential frontrunner from entering the country for allegedly violating the nation’s hate-speech laws. 

If it receives 100,000 signatures, the petition could be taken up for debate in the House of Commons, according to The Independent. 

The petition launched by Scottish resident and longtime Trump critic Suzanne Kelly blasts Trump for “unrepentant hate speech and unacceptable behavior” that “foments racial, religious and nationalistic intolerance which should not be welcome in the U.K.”

It reads in part: 

“The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. This same principle should apply to Donald J Trump. We cannot see how the United Kingdom can condone his entry to the country when many people have been barred for less. 

If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the ‘unacceptable behavior’ criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful.”

bridgegate Donald Trump Politics

Trump Slams Chris Christie – He knew about the Washington Bridge Shutdown – Video

Donald Trump resorted back to 3rd grade campaigning tonight when he went after Chris Christie because, according to Trump, Christie “hit me hard today!”

At a stump speech in South Carolina, Trump went into attack mode and focused in on New Jersey governor, Chris Christie. Earlier in the day, Christie spoke out against Trump’s call for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States.

In his stump speech, Trump took the opportunity to lash out against Christie, pointing out the crowd that Christie knew about the bridge closure, because he had breakfast with the people who shut down the bridge everyday. Trump also hit Christie on the fact that under his governorship, New Jersey saw 9 downgrades in its ratings, and lastly, Trump hit Christie for being close to President Obama during the President’s hurricane Sandy visit to New Jersey.


Donald Trump Politics

Fox News on President Obama – He “could give a shit” on Terrorism – Video

Fox News. It’s where they get their “news.” Here’s an example.

The day after President Obama spoke from the Oval Office about terrorism and terrorist threats, we turned to Fox News for… news. Enter Fox’s Stacey Dash, and the news she wants you to know about the president’s speech.

“It’s ridiculous,” Stacey Dash said. “His speech was an epic fail. It was like when you have to go to dinner with your parents, but you have a party to go to afterwards, that’s what it felt like.”

“I did not feel any better. I didn’t feel any passion from him,” Dash, a frequent Fox News contributor, went on. “I felt like he could give a shit – excuse me, like he could care less. He could care less.”

For all her troubles and her choice of words, Stacey got a 2 week suspension.


Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Calls for “Complete and Total Shutdown” on Muslims Entering America

Donald Trump has done it again. Another statement that is sure to prop up his support among the Republicans.

In an unbelievable statement, Donald Trump said, “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.”

Trump says in a statement released by his campaign Monday that his proposal comes in response to the level of hatred among “large segments of the Muslim population” toward Americans.

Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski says Trump’s proposed ban would apply to “everybody,” including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country.

Donald Trump Politics Terror terrorist

Donald Trump – I Will “Go After” Wives and Family Members of Terrorists – Video

The Donald Trump saga continues with yet another statement that Republicans will undoubtedly love – Donald Trump is promising that in his administration, not only will he go after known lawbreakers and terrorists, he will also go after the innocent, the wives and family members of the terrorists, because according to Trump, those wives and family members of known terrorists “know what’s happening.”

On CBS’ Face The Nation, Trump explained why targeting people simply because of who they know makes sense. “At least I would certainly go after the wives who absolutely knew it was happening, and I guess your definition of what I’d do, I’m going to leave that to your imagination.”

Trump also said that he didn’t believe the sister of the San Bernandino terrorist. In recent interviews the sister of Syed Farook, Saira Khan, condemned the terrorist attack her brother and his wife carried out in San Bernardino, and she said the rest of the family had no idea what they planned on doing. Trump however, doubted her statement because, she is family and obviously had to know something.

“I probably don’t believe the sister,” Trump said. “I would go after a lot of people and find out whether or not they knew. I’d be able to find out. Cause I don’t believe the sister.”


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