Donald Trump Politics

Watch Disabled People Make Fun of Donald Trump – Video

Donald Trump was recently awarded more love and respect in the Republican party when he made fun of a disabled reporter last month. This love and respect manifested itself in HUGE poll numbers for the Republicans’ beloved, as he now leads his closest Republican contender for the GOP nomination by 20 points.

Well now, the tables have turned and Donald Trump is getting a piece of his own medicine from disabled Americans.

“Not only did I write a book entitled Crippled America,” one man in the video said in his best Donald Trump imitation and referring to Trump’s new book, “but I also make fun of crippled Americans. And I’ll sign either one.”

And if I were to bet, I’m sure these disabled Americans will not get the same love and respect from the Republican party.


Donald Trump Politics

Republicans Approve – Trump Gets his Biggest Lead Ever

Donald Trump’s bigotry and fascist tendencies are reaping huge benefits for the Republican, as other apparent like-minded folks in the Republican party flock together to bolster Trump’s numbers.

A new CNN poll finds 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents behind Trump, while his nearest competitor trails by 20 points.

Three candidates cluster behind Trump in the mid-teens, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at 16%, former neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 14% and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 12%. All other candidates have the support of less than 5% of GOP voters in the race for the Republican Party’s nomination for president.

Carson (down 8 points since October), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (down 5 points to 3%) and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (down 4 points to 1%) have lost the most ground since the last CNN/ORC poll, conducted in mid-October.

Cruz (up 12 points) and Trump (up 9 points) are the greatest beneficiaries of those declines. Rubio is also up slightly, gaining 4 points — an increase within the poll’s margin of sampling error — since the last CNN/ORC poll.

Donald Trump Politics terrorist attacks

Donald Trump – At Least my Poll Numbers Will Go Up Because of Killings in San Bernardino

Donald Trump loves himself, and he will pat himself on the back and take praise in any situation every chance he gets. So when domestic terrorists in San Bernandino slaughtered 14 people at a Christmas party yesterday, Trump found a way to use the attacks to praise… donald trump.

An obvious twitter fan of the donald tweeted out that because of the shooting, Trump’s poll numbers will “jump”.

Trump quickly and I assume, happily, retweeted.


Donald Trump Politics

Trump to CNN – Pay Me $5 Million to Come To Your GOP Debate

This guy swears life revolves around him… life and the GOP debates. So he is demanding $5 million from CNN for his presence on their next debate stage, scheduled to take place on December 15th in Las Vegas!

Donald Trump proposed demanding $5 million from CNN in order for him to participate in the next Republican presidential debate during a rally in Macon, Ga. on Monday.

Trump felt the payment — which he promised to donate to “Wounded Warriors or the vets” — was in order because CNN “doesn’t treat me properly” and because he felt he was responsible for the high ratings CNN got during the GOP debate it hosted in September.

“CNN had 23 million people. It was the biggest show in the history of CNN,” Trump said. And the billionaire businessman is reopening negotiations over whether he will lend his star power to the debate the network is hosting Dec. 15.

“How about I tell CNN that I’m not gonna do the next debate?” Trump asked the crowd.

“I won’t do the debate unless they pay me $5 million, all of which money goes to the Wounded Warriors or to vets,” Trump said, following a segue into how people who are “really, really, really smart like I am,” don’t need teleprompters.

Donald Trump Politics

Glenn Beck Figures it out – Donald Trump is Secretly Working for Hillary Clinton – Video

And you thought Glenn Beck wasn’t a smart man. Well, I don’t blame you. I thought he was a fool too! But apparently there is a little nugget between the man’s ears and it’s working overtime these days!

Like in this recent episode of his show, where Glenn Beck finally figured out the liberal plot to get Hillary Clinton elected president in 2016. According to Beck’s nugget, Hillary’s secret weapon for 2016 is Donald Trump!

“What are the odds that he is a spoiler?” Beck asked. “What are the odds that he got into this because he’s friend with the Clintons and he’ll get massive payback? If Hillary Clinton gets in because he ran third party, do you know the favor they’re going to owe him?”

“It makes no sense otherwise,” Beck insisted, asserting that “it’s more logical to believe that” scenario than the idea that Trump is actually a Republican or even someone who cares about the issues.


Donald Trump Politics

MTV Debunks Trump’s “Thousands and Thousands” Celebrating Comment – Video

Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans have been busy lately, trying to prove Trump’s claim that there were “thousands and thousands” of people celebrating in the streets of New Jersey when the World Trade Centers fell on September 11th.

One of the places they got information from was a post written in May of 2013 by Debbie Schlussel, a conservative blogger. In her piece, the blogger referenced reporting from MTV News and MTV’s interview of a woman who said she saw people celebrating in the streets in New Jersey.

That post from Schlussel seems to be the origin of Trump’s “thousands and thousands” lie, and MTV, being thrust in the middle of Trump’s presidential campaign, dug in their archives and found the video in question. They also did a followup with the woman they interviewed back then and, once again, debunked Trump’s false claims that “thousands and thousands” of people were celebrating in New Jersey.


BLM Donald Trump Politics

Black Pastor on Donald Trump – “He lacks the decorum” to be President – Video

Donald Trump was supposed to get 100 endorsements from black pastors today, but in the closed-door meeting between the Republican candidate and the pastors, he only walked away a few.

“Overall the mood was very positive” one pastor recalled about the closed-door meeting. Although the pastor admitted that Trump would probably not get his endorsement.

Interviewed on MSNBC, the two pastors, Bishop Orrin Pullings Sr. and Bishop Victor Couzens, spoke about some of the topics brought up in the meeting, topics including the recent incident at a Trump rally where a BlackLivesMatter protester was “ruffed up.” Asked about Trump’s response to their inquiry about that incident, the pastor replied that Trump said he didn’t know the protester was from BlackLivesMatter.

Asked if Donald Trump is the same loud mouth and outspoken man behind closed doors as he portrays on the campaign trail, the pastors responded that Trump was very different in the closed-door meeting.

“I saw somebody different behind the scenes,” one pastor said. “I was very disappointed with the fact that he did not represent and articulate himself.” The pastors said that although Trump was there in the meeting, other members of his campaign answered numerous questions and made statements on his behalf.

Asked if Trump got any endorsements in the meetings from the black pastors, the answer was yes, although he did not get the amount of endorsements he was looking for.

“I wasn’t one of the ones that endorsed him and I don’t know that I will even become ones that endorse him. I think there is a certain decorum that the president of the United States has to be able to exemplify. I appreciate his business acumen, but he short still on decorum in my book.”


Donald Trump Politics

Republicans Attack – “Donald Trump is a Fascist”

Since announcing his run for the Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump has led the field of possible candidates, and has led despite multiple lies and misinformation by his campaign.

But apparently some of the more recent lies and ignorant statements from Donald Trump is causing some in his own party to question his intellect and his ability to lead their party and more relevant, to be President of the United States.

Republican experts are warning that Trump could do lasting damage to the GOP, and that his nomination in the party primaries would essentially hand the presidency to Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Several campaign teams in the primary race now appear to be coalescing around the need to oppose the celebrity billionaire’s candidacy.

Establishment conservatives even took the unfathomable step of using the F-word against a member of their own party.

“Trump is a fascist. And that’s not a term I use loosely or often. But he’s earned it,” Max Boot, a military historian and foreign policy advisor to Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio, posted on Twitter.

“Forced federal registration of US citizens, based on religious identity, is fascism. Period,” added John Noonan, a national security advisor to former Florida governor Jeb Bush.

In its Tuesday editorial the New York Times said the past week of the campaign had been “dominated by Donald Trump’s racist lies.”

The Seattle Times used similarly strong language in a Wednesday editorial that denounced Trump’s “button-pushing lie after button-pushing lie.”

“Trump’s campaign message reflects a kind of creeping fascism,” the paper said. “It needs to be rejected.”

Donald Trump Politics

Republican Leader Donald Trump Mocks Disabled NY Times Reporter – Video


Donald Trump, the leader in the Republican race for president, has once again hit rock bottom. But the blind Republicans supporting his presidential bid apparently see nothing wrong.

In his never-ending quest to prove there were “thousands and thousands” of people in New Jersey celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers, a lie that has been debunked over and over, Trump stood in-front of a group at a campaign rally on Wednesday and  began reading from an article he said was written days after the September 11th attacks. He then showed the crowd how the reporter – a man who is physically disabled – Trump, the Republican presidential leader, gave the crowd his interpretation of how the reporter acts and talks.

Needless to say, people are upset again at the Republican, but it is a safe bet to say that Republicans will love him more.


Ben Carson Donald Trump Politics

Ben Carson Apologizes for Agreeing With Donald Trump’s Lie

So much bullshit dropping from Donald Trump’s mouth over the last few days, it’s hard to keep up! Since the terrorist attacks in Paris, Trump has been the top politician in the country and the only politicians who masterfully use the tragedy for his own personal gain. Once trailing his fellow Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson for the GOP nomination for President, Donald Trump now leads the field and he leads by a lot!

One of the many droppings from Trump’s mouth is the claim that “thousands and thousands” of people in New Jersey celebrated in the streets when the Twin Towers came crumbling down. In a speech to some of his supporters in Alabama on Saturday, Trump said he “watched the World Trade Center go down” and watched in New Jersey, “as thousands of people were cheering as the building was coming down.” The claim has been widely discredited, but Trump doubled and tripled down, insisting that he in fact saw “thousands and thousands” of people in Jersey cheered and celebrated the attacks on the Twin Towers.

“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down,” Trump said on ABC on Sunday. “And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down,” Trump said Saturday at the rally. “Thousands of people were cheering. So something’s going on. We’ve got to find out what it is.”

Ben Carson. Remember him? He once led the Republican field in Iowa. Carson apparently thought that agreeing with Trump would get his name in the news again and thus, keep him relevant. Asked by reporters if he knew what Trump was talking about, Carson replied, “yes,” then stated that he “saw video” of the thousands and thousands celebrating in New Jersey.

“There are going to be people who respond inappropriately to virtually everything. I think that was an inappropriate response. I don’t know if on the basis of that all Muslims are bad people,”

Carson’s decision to ride Trump’s insane coat-tail however, did not give him the boost he looked for. So just about 24 hours later, Carson issued an apology for lying about the “thousands and thousands” celebrating in Jersey.

This tweet from ABC News.

Donald Trump Politics

New Poll – Donald Trump’s Crazy Antics Give Him HUGE GOP Lead

Over the last few weeks Donald Trump and Ben Carson were basically tied for the first position in the race for the Republican nomination for president. But thanks to the recent terrorist attacks in France, and some idiotic and anti-constitution statements from Trump regarding Syrian refugees,  in addition to his unbelievable vernal attack on Ben Carson, the Republican base has once again fall in love with The Donald.

A new poll shows Donald Trump with  commanding lead over the rest of the Republican field for president.

In the Republican primary race, the newest NBC News/SurveyMonkey online poll shows Donald Trump has the frontrunner spot to himself, with 28% support among Republican and independent voters who lean Republican. Support for Ben Carson, who was tied with Trump in last month’s online poll, has fallen off by 8 points and the former neurosurgeon is now tied with Ted Cruz at 18%. Trailing not too far behind is Marco Rubio, at 11%. The next tier of candidates has a lot of catching up to do, with Jeb Bush at 4% and Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina each with 3%.

Donald Trump paris Politics

Donald Trump – More Guns Would Have Been the Answer in Paris – Video

The ironic thing is, the terrorists use of guns caused the most carnage in Paris last weekend, but according to Donald Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, more guns on the scene would have been the answer. It’s the usual Republican answer – More guns is the answer to everything.

Speaking to CNN on Saturday, Trump said;

“When you look at Paris — you know the toughest gun laws in the world, Paris — nobody had guns but the bad guys. Nobody had guns. Nobody. They were just shooting them one by one and then they (security forces) broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.

“You can say what you want, but if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would’ve been a much, much different situation.”

Then on Monday at a rally in Knoxville, Tennessee, Trump doubled down on the favorite NRA talking point;

“You have the horrible attack. And by the way, Paris is one of the places in the world that’s toughest on guns… If 20 of those people — you don’t need more, but could’ve been more, could’ve been all of them. But if 20 of those people that were shot, viciously — and if you heard the stories, ‘Come on over, boom, come on over, boom, come here, boom,” one after another after another, hundreds of people, plenty are dying and will be dead. Now, if you had 25 people in there that had guns, okay? It would have been a totally different story, folks. There would have been the shootout at the O.K. Corral.”

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