Donald Trump Politics

New Poll – Donald Trump’s Crazy Antics Give Him HUGE GOP Lead

Over the last few weeks Donald Trump and Ben Carson were basically tied for the first position in the race for the Republican nomination for president. But thanks to the recent terrorist attacks in France, and some idiotic and anti-constitution statements from Trump regarding Syrian refugees,  in addition to his unbelievable vernal attack on Ben Carson, the Republican base has once again fall in love with The Donald.

A new poll shows Donald Trump with  commanding lead over the rest of the Republican field for president.

In the Republican primary race, the newest NBC News/SurveyMonkey online poll shows Donald Trump has the frontrunner spot to himself, with 28% support among Republican and independent voters who lean Republican. Support for Ben Carson, who was tied with Trump in last month’s online poll, has fallen off by 8 points and the former neurosurgeon is now tied with Ted Cruz at 18%. Trailing not too far behind is Marco Rubio, at 11%. The next tier of candidates has a lot of catching up to do, with Jeb Bush at 4% and Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina each with 3%.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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