Donald Trump Politics

Trump to CNN – Pay Me $5 Million to Come To Your GOP Debate

This guy swears life revolves around him… life and the GOP debates. So he is demanding $5 million from CNN for his presence on their next debate stage, scheduled to take place on December 15th in Las Vegas!

Donald Trump proposed demanding $5 million from CNN in order for him to participate in the next Republican presidential debate during a rally in Macon, Ga. on Monday.

Trump felt the payment — which he promised to donate to “Wounded Warriors or the vets” — was in order because CNN “doesn’t treat me properly” and because he felt he was responsible for the high ratings CNN got during the GOP debate it hosted in September.

“CNN had 23 million people. It was the biggest show in the history of CNN,” Trump said. And the billionaire businessman is reopening negotiations over whether he will lend his star power to the debate the network is hosting Dec. 15.

“How about I tell CNN that I’m not gonna do the next debate?” Trump asked the crowd.

“I won’t do the debate unless they pay me $5 million, all of which money goes to the Wounded Warriors or to vets,” Trump said, following a segue into how people who are “really, really, really smart like I am,” don’t need teleprompters.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump on CNN’S Fascination with Him – “every question had to do with me”

If it wasn’t for Donald Trump, CNN wouldn’t have had a debate last night. Seriously,  I mean come on! Every single question had to do with what Trump had previously said. “According to Donald Trump…this” or “Donald Trump said…that” and then the rest of the GOP presidential wannabes were asked to respond.

Things got so kiss-ass that even the bloviated please talk about me all the time Donald Trump himself noticed and spoke about it the day after, on msnbc.

“I thought I was on too much,” Trump said. “I felt badly for everybody else. Every question had to do with me. Even the first characters, I mean, everything was about Trump.”

Now when this statement is being made by a man who toots his own horn every chance he gets, you know something is seriously wrong.

Trump continued;

And then they go into this debate, and there was split screens all over the place. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was a little bit unfair to a lot of other people, frankly. But from my standpoint, I was treated fairly. Time magazine did a poll, and it had 67% say Trump won the debate. You know, I was listening to you talking about Carly, and I thought Carly was fine, but they saw it a little bit differently.”

CNN owes the American people an apology. No one, except CNN and Fox News, cares about Trump and his come pat me on my shoulder please campaigning style. People tuned into the debate to learn about the candidates’ position on the issues, and instead all we heard was candidates supporting Trump’s views, or where they disagreed with him.

Excuse me while I pat Trump on the shoulder for having the main stream media in his back pocket!



Bernie Sanders Tried To Debate Michele Bachman, But You You Can’t Debate a Brick – Video

When you continue pairing the likes of Bernie Sanders with imbeciles like Michele Bachmann, the outcome will always be the same – a total waste of time.

Sanders of course, had facts on his side and tried to educate the Republican Congress lady. But the rebellious Republican came armed with her talking points, name calling and the uncanny ability to blame Obama for Republicans blocking all of his policies.

Watch what happened.

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