Donald Trump Politics

USA Today Endorses Clinton – “Whatever You Do, Do Not Vote for Trump”

Another Republican leaning publication went against the Republican nominee for president, urging its readers to not only vote for Clinton, but to avoid the Trump at all costs, someone the publication refers to as a “dangerous demagogue.”

The editorial board unanimously found Trump “unfit for the presidency” and the editorial, published Thursday, goes on to list the reasons why, among them: his “erratic” behavior and his “checkered” business past.

The anti-Trump sentiment does not translate into an enthusiastic Clinton endorsement. The piece notes that although some editorial board members admire her record, others have “serious reservations about Clinton’s sense of entitlement, her lack of candor and her extreme carelessness in handling classified information.”

The editorial urges readers to follow their convictions, whether that means voting for Clinton, a third-party candidate, a write-in or by focusing on down-ticket races.

The piece ends on an unequivocal note.

“Whatever you do, however, resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue. By all means vote, just not for Donald Trump.”

Donald Trump Politics

Leading Economist on Trump’s Trade Talk – “He Was Talking Absolute Garbage”

World renowned economist Paul Krugman is definitely not a fan of foolishness, so needless to say, he cannot stand Donald Trump. That said, Krugman evaluated the economic/trade aspect of Monday night’s debate and Krugman concluded that Donald Trump was talking nothing but garbage when he talked down the US economy.

There were specifics: China is “devaluing” (not so — it was holding down the yuan five years ago, but these days it’s intervening to keep the yuan up, not down.) There was this, on Mexico:

Let me give you the example of Mexico. They have a VAT tax. We’re on a different system. When we sell into Mexico, there’s a tax. When they sell in — automatic, 16 percent, approximately. When they sell into us, there’s no tax. It’s a defective agreement. It’s been defective for a long time, many years, but the politicians haven’t done anything about it.

Gah. A VAT is basically a sales tax. It is levied on both domestic and imported goods, so that it doesn’t protect against imports — which is why it’s allowed under international trade rules, and not considered a protectionist trade policy. I get that Trump is not an economist — hoo boy, is he not an economist — but this is one of his signature issues, so you might have expected him to learn a few facts.

More broadly, Trump’s whole view on trade is that other people are taking advantage of us — that it’s all about dominance, and that we’re weak. And even if you think we’ve pushed globalization too far, even if you are worried about the effects of trade on income distribution, that’s just a foolish way to think about the problem.

So don’t score Trump as somehow winning on trade. Yes, he blustered more confidently on that subject than on anything else. But he was talking absolute garbage even there.

Donald Trump Racism

Hillary Clinton Exposes More of Donald Trump’s Racism – Video

Originally, this post was supposed to be about all those black supporters of Donald Trump… all the 100 so-called “pastors” that is, remember them? They had a meeting with Trump in Manhattan a few months ago then emerged from the meeting at a press conference declaring their support for the Republican nominee.

Well honestly speaking, not all the ‘100 pastors’ announced their support for Trump, only a few. So this post was originally for those pastors and a question that bugged my mind  – what happened to your morals and more appropriately, what happened to your Christianity?

In the clip below, Trump was talking about his “success” in forcing President Obama to produce his birth certificate. He even had the nerves to say that he’s had a “healing” with the black community. Trump then told a truth for a change, saying his relationship with blacks go way back, like “over the last… a little while” – a clear admission that this “relationship” with the black community is new, one could even say pandering for votes.

Yet, some blacks – some pastors – support him.

But Hillary Clinton was not about to let this one go by. She pointed out that Trump and his racist ways go back decades, resulting in two federal lawsuits against him for refusing to rent apartments to black people.

Hillary explained;

But remember, Donald started his career back in 1973 being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy. He actually was sued twice by the Justice Department. So he has a long record of engaging in racists behavior.


Donald Trump Politics

Horror Icon Stephen King – “A Trump Presidency Scares Me to Death” – Video

If there’s one man who would seem immune to fear, it’s Stephen King, the best-selling author and master of horror fiction.
But after more than 50 novels, hundreds of short stories and numerous film adaptations of his voluminous work, the 69-year-old still gets spooked, the Washington Post reports. 

The author’s personal boogie man is not a supernatural clown or a zombie, as it turns out — it’s Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“A Tump presidency scares me more than anything else,” King told Ron Charles, editor of The Washington Post’s Book World, during a Facebook Live interview Saturday. “I’m terrified that he’ll become president.”


Donald Trump Politics

Trump Manager – It’s Not the Media’s Job to be Fact-Checkers – Video

Donald Trump has benefited from over a billion dollars in free media since announcing his candidacy for president. In essence, the same media that Trump and his campaign manager are complains about is the same media that allowed Donald Trump to lie once every 3 minutes, and to constantly go unchallenged.

But suddenly, due to some calls for the presidential debate moderator to fact-check the contestants, Trump and his people are crying foul!

In a recent interview, Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, actually had the balls to say the job of a journalist is not to fact-check.

And I really don’t appreciate campaigns thinking it is the job of the media to go and be these virtual fact-checkers and that these debate moderators should somehow do their bidding. They picked on Matt Lauer after the Commander-in-Chief debate … forum. We thought he did a great job, but they didn’t like the fact that Hillary Clinton was asked about her email server and her vote in Iraq. That’s not Matt Lauer’s fault. And Lester Holt, he’s a respected…brilliant newsman. He’ll do a good job tomorrow night as a moderator. It’s not his job…

The fight to keep Americans ignorant is alive and well in the Trump world. Just let the candidates lie and let the American people believe whatever they want!


Domestic Policies Donald Trump Donald Trump News Politics

Time For the Main Event

I suppose it was inevitable that the first debate of the 2016 presidential campaign would be touted as a must-see, Super Bowl-sized audience extravaganza. This has been building since Dwight Eisenhower lamented that running for president was akin to being a product marketed across the country. Television and now social media has turned this election into the first full-force, multi-screen election. We will never turn back.

But the main concern is about the match-up. Who will win? How will they win? How will the debate shape the race? The conventional wisdom says that the debates in and of themselves will not change the dynamics of the campaign, but the research also says that the first debate has the most overall impact on shaping voters’ attitudes.

As of now, Hillary Clinton has rebounded from a bad couple of weeks and has seen her poll numbers improve. Trump has taken the lead in some of the key swing states, but that was based on his rise nationally, and those swing states should come back to Clinton. The reason for Trump’s rise, though, is interesting. Most of his rebound is based on Republicans deciding to support their nominee including, evidently, Ted Cruz, who endorsed Trump this weekend. The country remains as polarized as ever and there are a larger number of voters who say they are undecided and could be swayed by tomorrow’s debate. Then there are the Johnson and Stein voters, more of whom are Democrats who don’t want to vote for Hillary.

Which brings us to debate strategy. Of course, the more compelling media story is which Donald Trump will show up: the controversial, offensive one or the moderate, less blustery one. This is a false choice. Donald Trump has shown that he can’t stay away from saying things that grab headlines and reinforces stereotypes, and I expect that this is the Trump we’ll see on Monday night. He can try to appear presidential and restrained, but he’ll still be talking about building walls and deporting people and what terrible shape the country’s in right now. The last time he had to make a consequential speech, at the GOP convention in July, he painted a dystopian picture of a country that really doesn’t exist. During the summer, after he hired a new set of advisors, his message did become restrained at times, but we were never more than a few days removed from his making an outrageous claim about things that were not supported by data. And further, he told so many untruths, it was difficult to keep up. He will not be able to get away with that on Monday.

Hillary’s job in the debate, quite simply, is to appeal to the Bernie voters who don’t think she’s got his back. If she can convince wavering Democrats that her agenda is liberal enough for them to vote for her, then she’s done her job. Along the way, she needs to look presidential and strong, and she needs to remind the audience about Trump’s, shall we say, discomfort with specific policies. She will face some rough spots over the emails and the Clinton Foundation, but if she keeps the focus on Trump’s questionable business activities that will blunt some his points. And if Trump really tries to bring up things like Bill’s affairs or Hillary’s looks or any other topic from the dark side, Clinton should just remind people that we have very pressing issues, but Trump is worried about THAT?

Of course, if either candidate makes a huge mistake or comes off looking anything resembling unpresidential, then that will absolutely damage their chances. It will be interesting television and I’m glad that so many people are expected to watch.

This race is still Hillary’s to lose. I don’t expect her to.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

Don King Used the N Word at Black Church While Introducing Donald Trump – Video

Boxing promoter Don King, a strong Donald Trump supporter, used the “N” word at a Trump event while introducing Donald Trump to the audience.

In the midst of Trump’s so-called “outreach” to black people, King, whose only job was to introduce the Republican presidential nominee to the mostly black church audience, used the opportunity to share part of a conversation he claimed he had with Michael Jackson, dropping the N word along the way.

“I told Michael Jackson, I said if you’re poor, you’re a poor Negro– I won’t use the n-word,” he recounted. “But if you’re rich, you’re a rich Negro. If you’re intelligent and intellectual, you’re an intelligent and intellectual Negro.”

“If you’re a dancing and sliding and gliding n*gger– I mean negro,” he corrected, as Trump and the rest of the room erupted in laughter, “you’re a dancing and sliding and gliding Negro.”

“So they’re not alienatin’, because you can not assimilate,” he said. “You’re going to be a Negro until you die.”

Trump thanked King as he took the stage. “Ah, there’s only one Don King, only one Don,” he said.


Donald Trump Politics

Robert Reich Tells Trump Supporter – Donald Trump “is a con man”

“I finally found a Trump supporter – this morning when I went to buy coffee. (I noticed a Trump bumper sticker on his car.)

“Hi,” I said. “Noticed your Trump bumper sticker.”

“Yup,” he said, a bit defensively.

“I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I’m curious. Why are you supporting him?”

“I know he’s a little bit much,” said the Trump supporter. “But he’s a successful businessman. And we need a successful businessman as president.”

“How do you know he’s a successful businessman?” I asked.

“Because he’s made a fortune.”

“Has he really?” I asked.

“Of course. Forbes magazine says he’s worth four and a half billion.”

“That doesn’t mean he’s been a success,” I said.

“In my book it does,” said the Trump supporter.

“You know, in 1976, when Trump was just starting his career, he said he was worth about $200 million,” I said. “Most of that was from his father.”

“That just proves my point,” said the Trump supporter. “He turned that $200 million into four and a half billion. Brilliant man.“

“But if he had just put that $200 million into an index fund and reinvested the dividends, he’d be worth twelve billion today,” I said.

The Trump supporter went silent.

“And he got about $850 million in tax subsidies, just in New York alone,” I said.

More silence.

“He’s not a businessman,” I said. “He’s a con man. “Hope you enjoy your coffee.”

Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics

The Lie That Keeps On Giving

It’s funny how public opinion can be swayed by a good lie or repeating an untruth until people believe it. OK, well maybe it’s not so funny when it comes to the presidential race, but here we have it. Up to now, Hillary Clinton was seen as the less truthful candidate, but the real truth is that more than half of the public pronouncements Donald Trump has made are, well, lies. And that’s really why I said last week that Hillary’s drop in the polls was not anything to panic about. All we had to do was wait a little bit and Trump would likely say something that would further reinforce the fact that he is woefully unprepared and unqualified to be president.

We didn’t even have to wait a week.

Trump’s commitment to the birther issue is proof positive that he doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to run the Executive branch. After all, how can someone who is gullible enough to believe, and susceptible to low-level analytical arguments, be trusted to gather information and make an educated decision that might cost us lives? And he stuck with it for five years. Then, even though he received documentary proof that he was wrong, he continued to push the lie. Until Friday. Then he finally acknowledged what has never, ever been true. Trust Trump to make a decision. Nope.

But wait, there’s more. He then doubled down on the lie that Hillary Clinton wants to gut the Second Amendment and, gasp, take your guns away. Rather than making the point with a political argument, though, he repeated the idea that Hillary should be harmed by pro-gun citizens in order to…prove a point. I’m not quite sure what that point would be, but since it is not anchored in reality, it really doesn’t matter what the point is. The result is quite a backlash against Trump, and one that will reverse his momentum in the polls, and rightly so.

I’m sure that Trump will try to deflect all of this at the debates, but if he can go so far off script during a scripted campaign event, imagine what he’ll say during a debate that, evidently, he hasn’t really prepared for. September 26 should be quite a show.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Barack Obama Birtherism Birthers Chris Wallace Donald Trump Politics

Chris Wallace Praised “How Quickly” Trump Ended The Birther Issue – Video

Fox’s Chris Wallace can sometimes be sane… or maybe it’s just an act. I’ve watched his various interviews on numerous occasions and at times wondered why he worked at Fox. But he works at Fox News where a level of bias is necessary for employment, a clear bias that was on full display in this little chat he had with Shepard Smith.

Speaking about Donald Trump’s recent acknowledgement that President Obama was in fact, born in the United States, Wallace apparently forgot that for over 5 years, Donald Trump led the Birther movement and lied about the president’s place of birth. In his chat with Smith, Wallace sounded as if Trump’s birtherism began only a few days ago.

“In less than 24 hours, he cut it off,” Wallace said referring to Trump’s acceptance of the President’s American birth. “He said Obama was born in America, period. So that’s different, and may in fact help him limit the political damage.”

Wallace compared Trump’s response to the birther issue to other unforced errors he’s had in the past, and he praised “how quickly” Trump’s campaign “rolled it back.”

He continued;

What’s different is that so often in the past when Trump would get into one these things like the fight with the gold-star family after the Democratic convention or going after the Mexican-American judge who was handling the Trump University case, he would keep it going for a while, and he would refuse to back off. That would feed the flame, if you will.


Donald Trump Politics

Trump Foresees Someone Shooting Hillary Clinton – “Let’s see what happens to her” Video

Once again, Donald Trump stood in front of his supporters and suggested that someone could assassinate Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, if it weren’t for all her bodyguards and all the guns they carry. Trump then advised Clinton’s bodyguards to “drop all weapons,” and “disarm,” in anticipation of what would then happen to Mrs Clinton.

Here’s the Republican presidential candidate anticipating what could happen to Hillary Clinton if her bodyguards took his advice.

You know she’s very much against the second amendment. She wants to destroy your second amendment. Guns! Guns! Guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you’ve never seen before. I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm. Right? Right? I think they should disarm. Immediately. What do you think, yes? Yes. Yes. Take their guns away, she doesn’t want guns. Take their… Let’s see what happens to her.


Birthers Donald Trump Politics

Trump’s Campaign Issues Statement – “Obama Was Born in the United States”

The Birthers wouldn’t like this one bit.

After successfully forcing the first black president of the United States to show his papers, Donald Trump understandably turned off a lot of black Americans and is currently polling way below 10 percent. However, he is now running for president and needs every vote possible. So, let the politiking begin  continue!

“In 2011, Mr. Trump was finally able to bring this ugly incident to its conclusion by successfully compelling President Obama to release his birth certificate. Mr. Trump did a great service to the President and the country by bringing closure to the issue that Hillary Clinton and her team first raised,” Trump spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement.

“Inarguably, Donald J. Trump is a closer. Having successfully obtained President Obama’s birth certificate when others could not, Mr. Trump believes that President Obama was born in the United States,” Miller added.

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