Abortions Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Supports an Easier Path for Women Seeking an Abortion

The Liberal in Donald Trump is making himself known again. Once a Democrat, the newly crowned Republican presidential candidate answered a question on “The Dr. Oz Show,” with an answer that is sure to upset many Abortion-hating Republicans.

According to the Republicans’ nominee for president, women seeking abortions should get the procedure with ease, not jumping through hoops like having to get a prescription from their doctors.

“I would say it should not be prescription,” he told the audience, adding that many women “just aren’t in a position to go get a prescription.”

The GOP’s 2016 platform says it opposes the FDA’s “endorsement of over-the-counter sales of powerful contraceptives without a physician’s recommendation.”

The comment comes days after Trump unveiled a plan aimed at making childcare more affordable for women and as he works to boost his poll numbers with women. Polls show women favoring Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, though Trump does better than her with men.

Trump has sometimes stumbled when it comes to reproductive health issues.

During the Republican primary, he was criticized for saying that, if it the abortion were to be outlawed, women should be punished for having them. He later said that providers, not women, should be the ones who face penalties.

Donald Trump Politics

Trump Lied About Receiving Funds for Helping September 11 Victims

Breaking News – Donald Trump lied about something. Oh wait, this isn’t breaking news, this is what the Republican presidential candidate does… all the time!

This recent lie has to do with funds he received after September 11th. Trump is often heard telling anyone that will listen that he received $150,000 for helping victims of September 11th. But documents show that Trump requested those funds because he is greedy and inconsiderate.

Though the billionaire presidential candidate has repeatedly suggested he got that money for helping others out after the attacks, documents obtained by the Daily News show that Trump’s account was just a huge lie.

Records from the Empire State Development Corp., which administered the recovery program, show that Trump’s company asked for those funds for “rent loss,” “cleanup” and “repair” — not to recuperate money lost in helping people.

That government program was designed to help local businesses get back on their feet — not reimburse people for their charitable work.

Domestic Policies Donald Trump Donald Trump News Politics

Concerned About the Polls? Don’t Be.

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

I know you. You’re a Democrat, or at least someone who believes that Donald Trump is a disaster waiting to happen, and you’ve been very concerned over the past week because the polling seems to indicate that Hillary Clinton’s once safe lead is vanishing with every news release. You also wonder how anyone, and I (you) mean ANYONE, could vote for that Trump guy, and it’s a travesty that he’s even polling in the forties, much less close to Clinton. And you also fear that not only can Trump say anything without being punished in the polls, but that Hillary is losing. LOSING.

With all of this in mind, I have a question for you: Are you daft?

Let’s calm down and look at some reality. First of all, Clinton has a lead in every national poll aggregation since, well, the spring and she continues to lead in the RealClearPolitics average of both national and state polls (sorry, but that CNN poll is an outlier. Like Pluto.). She also is ahead in enough states to have more than the 270 electoral votes in RealClear, FiveThirtyEight, Princeton Election Consortium, (where on Sunday Clinton was losing Ohio and Florida, but still winning the election) and..and…and every other reputable polling site in the media ether. Plus, the odds that Hillary Clinton will win the election are above 70% according to most calculations and above 80% in some others. Last week, the Washington Post released polls for each of the 50 states and found that…Hillary is leading in enough states, even Texas and Georgia, to win handily. But that’s clearly not enough for you weak-kneed liberals who must have your 90% win projections and a 400+ electoral vote landslide in the bag before Labor Day.

It’s not going to happen. Hillary is not popular enough and voters are in a foul mood and the country is locked in at about 45% support for each party, with the middle 10% the deciding voters. It’s striking to hear that some Republicans will not vote for Trump, but there are still Bernie voters who won’t vote for Hillary. Plus, it’s still relatively early. Political junkies have been mainlining the politics cut with baking soda for more than a year now. The pure stuff doesn’t arrive until September 26. That’s when most of America will pay serious attention.

Which brings me to the most noxious comment that people make about Donald Trump, that he can say anything and not be punished in the polls. He is being punished in the polls. His numbers are terrible and they continue to be terrible even with the race tightening. If you look, you’ll see  that Trump is still polling nationally in the low 40% range. The race is getting closer because Clinton’s numbers are falling a bit because of the email and Clinton Foundation stories. She also essentially took the summer off to raise money and to let Trump say ridiculous things without competing for air time.

Trump’s numbers didn’t budge. His supporters remain who they were during the primaries (and by the by, Hillary is essentially right about them). He’s doing abominably with women, Hispanics, African-Americans, college-educated people and those with middle and upper middle class incomes, and he’s saying nothing that will win them back. To go even further, even with Clinton’s troubles, more voters support her for president than Trump. It’s terrible that this election seems to be a race to the bottom, but Trump is winning that race convincingly.

Starting this week, Hillary Clinton will be more visible and she will begin to actually run for president. She’s clearly the best qualified, and she’s the candidate with the answers that most other Americans agree with on the issues of the day. They don’t agree with mass deportations or banning Muslims from the country or Trump’s view that the country is a cesspool of stagnation, violence and decay run by a president who might still not be a citizen, but is definitely a Muslim. Hillary will make her case and make it forcefully. I also think that the debates will be an eye-opener for Trump because he’s going to be called on every one of his contradictory comments and will be forced to actually take a stand on issues he’s clearly not studied. Hillary will also have some zingers of her own and she’ll show a sense of humor that many voters don’t think she has.

And that’s ultimately why Hillary Clinton will win the election. She’s ahead in the polls now and my take is that she’ll still be leading by this time next week and the week after that. She will use the debates to reintroduce herself, her qualifications, her vision for the country and her steady realism and that will enable her to win.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

Hillary Clinton Put Some Trump Supporters in “The Basket of Deplorables” – Video

And I totally agree with her assessment.

The Democratic candidate for president spoke at a New York fundraiser Friday night, and explained who these people are and why these “deplorables” belong in this basket. According to Clinton, they’re “the racists, sexists, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”


Donald Trump Featured Louie Gohmert

Of All People, Louie Gohmert Said Hillary Clinton is “Mentally Impaired” – Video

Remember when Donald Trump stood at a podium with cameras rolling and imitated a person with a disability? Republican Representative Louie Gohmert should have stood up at that time and denounced Trump, but he didn’t. Gohmert chose instead, to stand in front of a conservative group at the FRCAction convention to accuse Hillary Clinton of being “mentally impaired.” The Republican congressman said that Christians should not make fun of the disabled – setting up his punch line to say he wouldn’t make fun of Hillary Clinton.

Since most people are Christians, and I’m serious about this. A true believer does what Jesus does…did… and still does. But, you know, you don’t make fun of people who are impaired, has special needs. And whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear she is mentally impaired and this is not somebody you should be making fun of.

The audience approvingly applauded.


Donald Trump Politics

Audio Proof that Donald Trump Supported the War in Iraq – AUDIO

Andrew Kaczynski from Buzzfeed shared this audio back in February because even back then, over 7 months ago, Donald Trump preached to his followers that he was against the war in Iraq. In fact, Donald Trump often emphasises that he was one of the only public figures to speak out against the war.

And now here we are. Just a couple of months before the November elections, Donald Trump is still pushing the claim that he was always against the war in Iraq despite this 2002 interview where he told Howard Stern “Yeah, I guess so,” when Stern asked if he supported the Iraqi invasion.


Black people Donald Trump Politics

Black Trump Supporter – “I don’t live in a black neighborhood so I’m not worried about getting shot”

The following was said by Ret. Brigadier Gen. Remo Butler, as he was interviewed by Carol Costello on CNN. I’m sure by now you have noticed that Remo Butler is a black man, but as a Trump supporter, I guess it makes sense the things he said below.

“A lot of black people don’t support Donald Trump for their own reasons, and I don’t think that the Republican party has done him any favors by helping him with his outreach to the minority communities. You know, most minorities, we want the same thing that everybody else wants,” Butler explained. “The media — and I’m not bashing the media, I would never bash the media. But you heard this: The media sets the tone. If you watch the media and you watch TV, you would think that all black people are on welfare. We live in the ghetto, we’re so afraid of getting shot, and we wear our hair in dreadlocks.”

Referring to his own baldness, Butler remarked, “I don’t wear my hair in dreadlocks because I don’t have hair.”

“Two, I speak fairly well; people can understand me. Three, I don’t live in a black neighborhood so I’m not worried about going out and getting shot,” Butler said, alluding to Trump’s past lines courting black voters. “Most of my friends are like me. We are, as Reagan said, the silent majority. There’s a silent majority of black people — you notice I don’t use the term African-American — of black people out there. And I believe a lot of those people want the same things that Donald Trump wants.

Donald Trump Employment Politics

Trump Supporter – If Black Americans “Return” to Africa, They’ll Find Work – Video

He sat on the CNN set with his Trump pin prominently displayed on his suit and explained that black Americans could “return” to Africa to find work.

Apostle Thomas Rodgers, Sr. of Antioch Road to Glory International Ministries in North Carolina told CNN host Carol Costello that black Americans should receive “dual citizenship” so that they could find jobs in Africa.

“African-Americans are the only people in the world who do not seek dual citizenship,” Rodgers said. “That’s why Chicago gangs, California gangs, the Crips and the Bloods and Detroit in Michigan — we have gangs in the streets because blacks have no vision, they have no leadership.”

“You’ve also talked about building a road back to Africa,” Costello noted. “Can you explain that?”

Rodgers replied: “Matter of fact, where our ancestors came from, from the Indian Ocean all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, that’s 4,000 miles and we want to go back and help with the highways all the way across, to create jobs, train rails, pipelines, oil, petroleum. They create jobs for young people that can’t find jobs here, that the Democrats have not did.”

“I think it would give young people in prison [jobs] just like Great Britain did,” he opined.

“So you are suggesting young people in trouble should go back to Africa, perhaps to find jobs?” the CNN host pressed.

“Not to go back, but I say to return,” Rodgers insisted. “It’s a clause in the United Nations charter, our right to return, to help build infrastructure. Everybody don’t want to stay here. We are skilled people.”

Democratic strategist Angela Rye pointed out that building a “literal” bridge back to Africa was “probably impossible.”


Donald Trump Politics

Another Bush Official Endorses Clinton Because of Trump’s “flippancy” and “ignorance”

“Secretary Clinton has demonstrated her skills as Secretary of State, especially but by no means exclusively in helping other Asian countries counter Chinese bullying in the western Pacific…”For Republicans and Democrats alike, everything in national security requires clarity and steadiness, whether managing nuclear weapons or balancing great power rivalries.””

Those are the words of James Clad, the former deputy assistant secretary of Defense under Bush. Clad is just one of the former Republican president’s officials who have dumped the Trump ship and endorsed the Democrat in the race.

Clad talked about the importance of never losing sight of national interest. He said that is a “discipline which Secretary Clinton possesses in full measure.”

“Our adversaries must never hear flippancy or ignorance in America’s voice,” he added.


Celebrities Donald Trump Racism

Actor Don Cheadle to Donald Trump – “die in a grease fire”

Actor Don Cheadle added to the criticism of Donald Trump Saturday, after the Republican presidential nominee tweeted about the death of Nykea Aldridge, the cousin of basketball player Dwyane Wade who was caught in crossfire and shot in the head and arm while leaving a school in Chicago, The Hill reports.

“Dwayne [sic] Wade’s cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!” he tweeted, misspelling the athlete’s name.

The black actor responded in two harshly worded tweets. 

Chris Matthews Donald Trump Politics

INSANITY – Chris Matthews Had No Idea the KKK Endorsed Donald Trump – Video

How can you be a “prominent” member of the media, yet clueless to the sad fact that the KKK and White Supremacist groups have endorsed Donald Trump?

Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball, questioned that sad fact on a recent installment of his show, when he attacked Hillary Clinton for bringing up Trump’s ties and endorsements from the KKK and White Supremacists. As a member of his panel pointed out that those groups have in fact endorse the Republican presidential candidate, Matthews answered that he didn’t know anything about that.

A simple google search would satisfy Matthews apparent ignorance on the matter, but Dailymotion did the work for him and his research team.

The first part of this video shows Matthews questioning and doubting Trump’s ties and endorsement from the KKK, and the second part of the video shows the KKK announcing their support for Trump.




Canada Donald Trump Politics

Barbra Streisand Said She will Move to Australia If Trump Wins – Video

In an interview on Australian television, famed entertainer Barbra Streisand, a life long Democrat and supporter of Hillary Clinton, said that she will move down under if the Republican wins the presidency in November.

“I’m either coming to your country, if you’ll let me in, or Canada,” Streisand said.


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