Donald Trump Politics

USA Today Endorses Clinton – “Whatever You Do, Do Not Vote for Trump”

Another Republican leaning publication went against the Republican nominee for president, urging its readers to not only vote for Clinton, but to avoid the Trump at all costs, someone the publication refers to as a “dangerous demagogue.”

The editorial board unanimously found Trump “unfit for the presidency” and the editorial, published Thursday, goes on to list the reasons why, among them: his “erratic” behavior and his “checkered” business past.

The anti-Trump sentiment does not translate into an enthusiastic Clinton endorsement. The piece notes that although some editorial board members admire her record, others have “serious reservations about Clinton’s sense of entitlement, her lack of candor and her extreme carelessness in handling classified information.”

The editorial urges readers to follow their convictions, whether that means voting for Clinton, a third-party candidate, a write-in or by focusing on down-ticket races.

The piece ends on an unequivocal note.

“Whatever you do, however, resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue. By all means vote, just not for Donald Trump.”

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