Donald Trump Entertainment Featured

Alec Baldwin to Trump – “Release you tax returns and I’ll stop”

I think we’ll be watching Alec Baldwin play Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live for a long, long, long time. Baldwin just laid out the condition under which he would stop playing the role and it’s a condition we know Trump will not agree to.

Too much to hide!

Donald Trump told the world that he tried watching Saturday Night Live AGAIN, but couldn’t, “Unwatchable!” Trump said, “Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad”

Baldwin happily replied; – “Release you tax returns and I’ll stop”

Donald Trump Featured twitter

SNL Takes On Donald Trump’s Addictive Twitter Activities – Video

Saturday Night Live took on Donald Trump’s Twitter account activities on Saturday and Alec Baldwin did a very skilful job as Russia’s President-elect, Donald Trump. The play was based on Trump’s apparent addictive use of Twitter, and before the show was over, Trump jumped on Twitter to tweet his disapproval.

“Just tried watching Saturday Night Live” Trump said, “- unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad”

Donald Trump Donald Trump

Foreign Affairs: Be Very Afraid

I think I’ve decided that the best way to incorporate the reality of Donald Trump being president is to just assume that what he’s saying at the time is undergirded by willful ignorance, lack of knowledge, boasts, and the idea that he’s a huckster showman who has little working knowledge of the United States Constitution, the country’s history, and his responsibilities as the head of its executive branch. In fact, I have begun to sleep better at night assuming that he’s going to make a shockingly terrible decision on a weekly (daily?) basis, and at some point will provoke both domestic and foreign crises simply to keep himself in the news.

Perverse? Yes, but such is the state of our politics.

The litany of Trump’s ignorance of diplomatic and presidential protocol is concerning, especially for a 70 year old man who has some impressive educational accomplishments. I certainly understand that he believes that he was elected to shake up the system and to drain the political swamp in DC. The problem is that there is a right way and a wrong way to make great change. The right way is to have a comprehensive plan as to how you’re going to do it and to tell your friends first how your approach might affect them. Gushing over the dictators in Pakistan, the Philippines and Kazakhstan is not the way to do that, especially when British PM Theresa May only gets a “come by if you’re in the US” invitation. Trump is playing the businessman who doesn’t want to upset any potential customers, but this is reason one why electing business people with no political experience is a terrible idea.

And then there’s Taiwan and China. Somebody needs to tell the know-nothing who will occupy the Oval Office come January, that the Chinese have a great deal of power and that they are not afraid to use it. He can’t treat the Chinese as some backwater nation that can be cowed with 45% tariffs or threats about undercutting American companies with cheap materials and labor. Might Trump be the one who ultimately tames China and revives US trade? Possibly, but he’s not going to do that by wading into the one issue that China cannot abide, which is recognition of Taiwan. Perhaps Obama can save this bit of face before he leaves, but he and his team need to pointedly remind Trump that there are still some rules he needs to respect.

But what do you expect from a man who is surrounding himself with generals. Talk about sending a message. The problem, again, is that Trump is sending the message that he doesn’t really understand the constitution. The military is supposed to be under civilian control, not making major decisions about the country’s policies. And the bigger problem is that because Trump doesn’t have a clear plan and is ignorant of both policy and world events, he’s going to have to rely on those generals for advice, and there are going to be a lot of them in the room during cabinet meetings. If he appoints a Secretary of States that he doesn’t really respect, like Mitt Romney, Trump will more likely minimize his advice and turn to his military men. Not that Mitt Romney knows how to be Secretary of State. On-the-job training is going to be a hallmark of this administration. The will make unnecessary mistakes. I hope they learn from them.

If we could only have General Tso. But, alas, his creator is gone.

As for domestic affairs, the deal with United Technologies and Carrier was a public relations win for Trump, but at the expense of the taxpayers in Indiana who will pay more and get less because Trump and Mike Pence did the Republican thing and gave the company a tax break. Bribery? Yes. Smart? No. Because Trump will not be able to replicate what he did with Carrier with other companies. If he had thought about a long-term strategy, maybe he would have a template to work with., but he’s making it up as he goes along and the people who voted for him based on his jobs promise will be terrifically disappointed with the trade-off.

And my bet is that those 1,000 saved jobs will ultimately go to Mexico. After all, as Trump has said, it’s just good business.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Featured Mexicans

Trump Explains – No Need To Build a Wall Because We Have “Vicious Rivers” – Video

If the man lied about almost everything he ran on during his campaign for the presidency, why do they expect him to keep any of the promises he made while campaigning? Although “building a wall” along the southern border to “keep the Mexicans out” was high on his priority list, it seems that Trump’s priorities have changed..

On Thursday, during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity in Cincinnati, Ohio, Trump said that “vicious rivers” and “mountains” would mean that it was not necessary to build the border wall in parts of the border.

“Now, there are certain places you don’t need a wall, because you have, you know, you have mountains, you have other things. You have large and rather vicious rivers,” he said during the interview, though he declined to specify where those natural barriers were.

Watch the latest video at

Donald Trump Featured

Trump Can Send You Unblockable Texts – Stephen Colbert Explains – Video

Donald Trump will have the ability to send unblockable texts to every mobile number in the United States after his inauguration in January. Something that scares the sh*t out of Americans concerned about their personal space, their privacy and they unwanted invasion of it. The fact that citizens cannot block unwelcomed texts from anyone, including the next president is, to say the least, a violation of our Fourth Amendment Constitutional right to privacy.

Stephen Colbert understands this fear.

“You can unfollow Trump, delete Twitter, go into the world, live your life, but the bad news is, starting Jan. 20, Donald Trump can send unblockable mass text messages to the entire nation,” Colbert said.

“The only person I would trust less with that technology is Anthony Weiner. Yes, feel free to block alerts about floods and missing persons, but if Trump wants you to know how he feels about the cast of ‘Hamilton,’ you will listen.”


Donald Trump Featured

Trump Surrogate Explains – “There’s No Such Thing as Facts”

Esquire Reports: Is there such a thing as truth? The past 18 months posed this seemingly absurd question. It’s not whether something Donald Trump says is true, but about whether anyone even cares. Trump’s campaign made a bet that enough voters didn’t (or couldn’t) tell the difference in a deluge of information, and that bet paid off. Trump won the most important election in decades. His surrogate Scott Nell Hughes explicitly confirmed that whole strategy yesterday.

Hughes joined The Diane Rehm Show to discuss the media’s role in covering the Trump administration. If the campaign and transition are anything to go on, Trump’s White House will not overly concern itself with reality. The whole segment is here, but another member of the panel, The Atlantic‘s James Fallows, flagged one particular moment of the conversation. Around the 14-minute mark, Hughes illustrated a defining principle of Trumpism: There’s no longer such thing as fact, because anything is true if enough people believe it.

“Well, I think it’s also an idea of an opinion. And that’s—on one hand, I hear half the media saying that these are lies. But on the other half, there are many people that go, ‘No, it’s true.’ And so one thing that has been interesting this entire campaign season to watch, is that people that say facts are facts—they’re not really facts. Everybody has a way—it’s kind of like looking at ratings, or looking at a glass of half-full water. Everybody has a way of interpreting them to be the truth, or not truth. There’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts.

Donald Trump Featured

Blame Shifting – Trump Blames Hillary For Things He’s Guilty Of

I’m amazed that Trump’s game is not seen by more people, especially those people who call themselves “pundits” which is essentially the art studying politicians. I am clearly a novice compared to the professionals we see on TV every second of every day. But so far, the professionals are still perplexed by Donald Trump.

Here’s my simple observation. If you want to know what Donald Trump is up to, just listen to the way he attacks his opponents. It’s a classic case of blame your opponent for the very thing you’re guilty of. This method – something Trump has done over and over again – is also known as Karl Rove Strategy #3 – a primitive psychological process of Projection, better known as ‘Blame-Shifting.’

Take Trump’s latest dust-up for example. On Monday, Trump dabbled in Rove’s playbook once again when he claimed, “millions of people…voted illegally” and without any proof to substantiate his claims, Trump went further, saying that “serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California.” This frantic blame-shifting game came into play after news broke that Hillary Clinton appeared willing to join efforts requesting election result recounts in Michigan and Wisconsin.

It is well documented that Russia played a pivotal role in Trump’s election “win.” Federal agencies have investigated and concluded that Russia hacked into computers and databases of a number of Democratic officials, including the Democratic National Committee, and information deemed harmful to Hillary Clinton was revealed.

Others have taken this even further. Some say that Russia’s influence on the 2016 election did not stop at hacking databases for Democrats, they claim that Russia also hacked into the voting machines as well. There have been numerous polling stations reporting that the amount of votes cast for Trump were greater than the amount of registered voters on record. Clearly, something is amiss and you don’t have to be a math genius to figure it out. Trump trailed the entire way in the general election process, then blew-out Clinton on election night. Many say that was only possible with the help of Russia’s hack-job.

So now that recount requests are made in Michigan and Wisconsin – two states that Trump “won”, Trump is projecting blame again, blaming the other side for things his side did during the 2016 election. With no proof whatsoever, Donald Trump is now claiming that voting irregularities happened in Democratic won states like California, Virginia and New Hampshire.

Karl Rove Strategy #3 is strong and at play. And the professionals are still wondering what is up Trump’s sleeve!

Donald Trump Featured

Elector Resigns – Says He “Can Not and Will Not Vote for Donald Trump”

He is one of the Electors from Texas and from the looks of things, this Elector takes his job very seriously. Art Sisneros can easily be classified as one of the sane electors in the group of crazies already pledging their support for Donald Trump.

Sisneros wrote in his personal blog that based on his belief that Donald Trump is not equip for the Presidency, he is quitting his role as an Elector in the state of Texas.

If Trump is not qualified and my role, both morally and historically, as an elected official is to vote my conscience, then I can not and will not vote for Donald Trump for President. I believe voting for Trump would bring dishonor to God. The reality is Trump will be our President, no matter what my decision is. Many are furious that I am willing to have this discussion publicly. Personally, I wish more civil officers would be honest about their convictions. Assuming a Trump Presidency is their ultimate goal, they will get that. The problem is, that isn’t what they want. They want a democracy. They will threaten to kill anyone who challenges their power to vote for Skittles for dinner. That is evidence alone to prove that our republic is lost. The shell may remain, but in the hearts of the people and functionality of the system our republic is gone. I also believe that a pledge is a man’s word that he will follow through on something he committed to. God’s Word is clear we should all “let our ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and our ‘no,’s ‘no.”[20] I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district. Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.

Donald Trump Education

Trump’s Education Pick: Making American Public Schools Worse!

Just remember: Most voters rejected Donald Trump’s vision of the United States. They rejected his rhetoric, his vile comments about women and minorities, and they don’t want large tax cuts to the wealthy, a trade war with China or a Supreme Court that overturns hard-won democratic victories for women, gays, and those that desperately need health insurance. They also rejected the far right’s view that religious people should be able to discriminate in the name of God’s love and that hate groups should have a seat at the country’s table of power.

Donald Trump will, of course, not pay any attention to this. That’s why we need to remind him at every turn that we are here and we will be loud. And by the way, Charles Blow is my new hero.

As Trump builds his cabinet, it’s becoming clear that he is not a new Populist, but an old-style Republican with the added twist of not respecting the Constitution or his responsibility to be president 100% of the time, not part time so he can also sell his name on buildings. He also hasn’t given a lot of thought about how his appointments will actually contradict what he ran on.

For example, his proposed choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos. Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, her choice would have reflected a commitment to public schools with a mixture of Charter School policies sprinkled in. Ms. DeVos, however, has never taught in a classroom, doesn’t have experience with public schools, doesn’t have any political experience, and doesn’t respect that public school teachers need representation and protection from a very political public school system. She begins with a firm commitment to school vouchers and Charter School, with public schools an afterthought. Oddly, she worked with Jeb Bush in Florida and is a fan of national standards, though not calling them Common Core. Her track record is terrible. Just what we need for education policy.

It’s a very good thing that the federal government has no constitutional role in the public schools because both Arne Duncan, President Obama’s Secretary of Education, and Ms. DeVos could do far greater damage. As it is, Ms. DeVos can try to guide policy towards more school competition, but she can’t force districts to radically change their curricula or administration. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that the choice of Ms. DeVos sends a message that the Secretary of Education need not have very much actual education experience. It’s insulting to have someone foisted on you who knows less about education or what works in the classroom for students than you do. It’s also a travesty that Ms. DeVos has little respect for the associations, such as the NEA, that continue to work hard to defend teachers against unwarranted interference and ensure that every education professional earns a livable salary and works in a safe, productive environment. Living through the Christie years here in New Jersey saw the education establishment fight for every scrap of respect and bargaining right we ever had. We won some and lost some major ones. We will fight, but it would be nice if we didn’t have to.

Donald Trump and the new know-nothing Republicans he’s appointed so far have a point-of-view that does not reflect the majority of voters in this country. They are anti-Muslim, supportive of far right wing hate groups, or just inexperienced to the point that they will be learning on the job for the first year, including the president-elect himself. Many of his supporters want to make America great again, when it’s pretty great as it is.

It’s a shame that we’ll be taking three steps backward before we take one stride forward.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

Keith Olbermann Explains “How To Remove Trump Without Trying” – Video

Keith Olbermann sat before the camera once again and dug into the United States Constitution, more specifically, Amendment 25, Section 4. Olbermann explains “how to remove Trump as POTUS without really trying.”

Donald Trump Featured

Mike Pence – “Who Cares” if Trump Has Conflicts of Interests

As you’ve probably heard, Donald Trump and his business partners from around the world are having secret meeting. Again, these are men who have business ties with Trump, and they are sneaking in under the cover of night and outside of any media coverage to see their business partner.

Some people apparently think there is nothing wrong with this obvious conflict of interest.

During an interview with Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday,” Pence was asked about allegations that Trump’s meetings with business leaders from nations like India could constitute “the Clinton Foundation on steroids.” His response was to quote a line he heard from Trump on the same subject: “Who cares?”

After Pence reassured viewers that “the best legal minds in the country” were involved in the transition process, Wallace pointed out that this is “not just a legal question,” but one that speaks to the ethical character of the president-elect, particularly given reports that his children (who are still in charge of his business empire) will also act as advisers to the new administration.

“Well, I can tell you, in a recent interview after the election, the president-elect summed up his view of his interest in his business life with two words. He said, ‘Who cares?’” Pence replied to Wallace.

Donald Trump Politics

The Will of the Minority

The American people have spoken. And a majority voted for Hillary Clinton. Which would be great if we had a democracy in this country, but we don’t. We have a republic…if we can keep it. And in a republic some funny things can happen, like protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

But who’s going to protect the majority from an especially rabid minority who now controls every branch of the government and has little reason to consider the effects of their policy proposals on the country at large? It will take some thoughtful opposition from the GOP majority to put a brake on what I’m sure will be some terrible ideas. And I have very little confidence that Donald Trump, the rather self-centered con man huckster who will sit in the Oval Office, will moderate his ideas in the interests of unity. He might, but I am extremely skeptical.

Consider his latest appointments.

He is bucking the Republican establishment with his picks for CIA Director, National Security Adviser and Attorney General. That mix of Mike Pompeo, Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions should create an explosive brew of anti-Muslim sentiment, seasoned with a hatred of Hillary Clinton and a bias towards torture. And of course we have the very real prospect, I’d say a certainly, that Trump will nominate a climate denier for Interior and a hawk for Defense. I understand that the president-elect wants to shake up Washington, but he’s doing nothing to help bridge the wide chasm between the majority who voted against him and the minority who set aside many of the things he said in the campaign that show him to be less than a moral leader for this country, including support from the far right voices of hatred. Does he care that a shift of 70,000 votes would have cost him the election? Probably not, but ignoring those voters will turn out to be perilous for him.

What’s also becoming clear, and will be clearer as we get into the first months of his term, is that just because Donald Trump said he was going to do certain things like rip up trade agreements and set punishing tariff rates, doesn’t mean that the world will stand still for them. China and Mexico have weapons at their disposal to make things difficult for our economy and the people whose manufacturing jobs Trump has promised to create. Getting rid of NAFTA will actually cost the country jobs. Plus, if the bond market continues to firm up, that will mean higher interest rates on mortgages and automobiles which will then require wage hikes and probably higher inflation. All we’ll need is disco and polyester to complete the 70s throwback. How fun. And if you thought the Carter family was interesting, just wait. The Trump family will be far more entertaining and one of them will conduct themselves so badly that they will be disowned via Twitter by the midterm elections.

Despite the hopes of the liberal press, and even some of the conservative media, Donald Trump is no moderate. He will try to deport millions of people, demonize Islam, ignore his more enthusiastic right wing hate group supporters when he should be strongly condemning them, criminalize abortion in many states and open up more public land for commercial use. The rest of the GOP will then take a knife to social programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, which are exactly the programs that Trump’s core supporters rely on. How terrible it will be when they realize, too late, that the Republicans actually want smaller social programs. Yes, we will likely get better roads, bridges and other infrastructure improvements and some jobs for the people who are hurting, but at what cost?

All of this will also come in an atmosphere where Trump will complain loudly and often on Twitter about the unfairness and inaccuracy of anyone who opposes him. This weekend’s Hamilton incident is a case in point. We can debate whether the cast should have broken protocol and addressed Mike Pence, but in an era where Republicans and Democrats talk past, over and under each other, getting a message directly to the incoming Vice President was a smart move. Trump’s response, that Hamilton is an overrated show, tells me volumes about the thickness of his skin and his artistic appreciation. And besides, the real point was to stop speech and to stifle dissent.

For someone who doesn’t command the will of the majority, that is dangerous.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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