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Blame Shifting – Trump Blames Hillary For Things He’s Guilty Of

I’m amazed that Trump’s game is not seen by more people, especially those people who call themselves “pundits” which is essentially the art studying politicians. I am clearly a novice compared to the professionals we see on TV every second of every day. But so far, the professionals are still perplexed by Donald Trump.

Here’s my simple observation. If you want to know what Donald Trump is up to, just listen to the way he attacks his opponents. It’s a classic case of blame your opponent for the very thing you’re guilty of. This method – something Trump has done over and over again – is also known as Karl Rove Strategy #3 – a primitive psychological process of Projection, better known as ‘Blame-Shifting.’

Take Trump’s latest dust-up for example. On Monday, Trump dabbled in Rove’s playbook once again when he claimed, “millions of people…voted illegally” and without any proof to substantiate his claims, Trump went further, saying that “serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California.” This frantic blame-shifting game came into play after news broke that Hillary Clinton appeared willing to join efforts requesting election result recounts in Michigan and Wisconsin.

It is well documented that Russia played a pivotal role in Trump’s election “win.” Federal agencies have investigated and concluded that Russia hacked into computers and databases of a number of Democratic officials, including the Democratic National Committee, and information deemed harmful to Hillary Clinton was revealed.

Others have taken this even further. Some say that Russia’s influence on the 2016 election did not stop at hacking databases for Democrats, they claim that Russia also hacked into the voting machines as well. There have been numerous polling stations reporting that the amount of votes cast for Trump were greater than the amount of registered voters on record. Clearly, something is amiss and you don’t have to be a math genius to figure it out. Trump trailed the entire way in the general election process, then blew-out Clinton on election night. Many say that was only possible with the help of Russia’s hack-job.

So now that recount requests are made in Michigan and Wisconsin – two states that Trump “won”, Trump is projecting blame again, blaming the other side for things his side did during the 2016 election. With no proof whatsoever, Donald Trump is now claiming that voting irregularities happened in Democratic won states like California, Virginia and New Hampshire.

Karl Rove Strategy #3 is strong and at play. And the professionals are still wondering what is up Trump’s sleeve!

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