Donald Trump Politics

Republican David Frum Finds a Constitutional Way to Remove Trump from Office

While some dissatisfied Congressional Democrats appear impotent with the thought of a Trump presidency, some in the Republicans party are diligently researching ways to remove one of their own from getting the ultimate power of President of the United States.

David Frum, speechwriter for former Republican president, George W. Bush, came up with a rather unique and Constitutional method to take Trump out.

“Presidents can be removed in two ways,” Frum said. “By impeachment of course for high crimes and misdemeanors. And we have a pretty high bar for what constitutes that. But if somebody is simply psychologically or physically incapable, there is also a process in the Constitution, section four of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment that says, it’s a complicated process, it’s difficult to do. I don’t predict that this will happen at all. But I do think we are going to be talking about it more and more as we wonder about the mental state of the President Elect.”

Donald Trump has been erratic. He spoke to the Australian Prime Minister over an unsecured phone. He met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe without any policy briefing.  Trump continues to tweet about the New York Times unaware that the stature of the President Elect criticising the free press sends the wrong signals to despots especially coming from presumably the world’s number one democracy. He tweeted about a meeting with Ford Chairman Bill Ford about a plant he claimed was being shipped to Mexico that was never going to Mexico.

Frum is referencing this part of the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution.

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.


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Jews Concerned about Surge in Anti-Semitism In Trump Era

If you’re not a white male between the ages of 65 and 85, then you have something to worried about in this Trump era.

At a national meeting of the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish civil rights group, about 1,000 people listened to talks expressing shock at the hatred expressed during the presidential campaign and questioned what they thought was a high-level of acceptance by other Americans.

“I’m struggling right now in this American moment,” said Yehuda Kurtzer, president of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, an education and research organization, in his talk at the event. “I wonder whether I have been — and I think the answer is probably yes — a little bit naive.”

During this past year, anti-Semitic imagery proliferated on social media, Jewish journalists were targeted and longstanding anti-Jewish conspiracy theories got a fresh airing. Much of the bias originated with the alt-right, or alternative right, a loose group espousing a provocative and reactionary strain of conservatism. It’s often associated with far right efforts to preserve “white identity,” oppose multiculturalism and defend “Western values.”
Donald Trump Featured

Trump Supporter Cites “Internment Camps” For Muslims

He was interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News about Donald Trump and his many statements about stopping an entire group of people from coming to America based entirely on their religion. The U.S Constitution is totally against religious tests of course, but certain people are in the Trump camp are willfully blind to the Constitution.

His name is Carl Higbie and he is a Trump supporter. And he is apparently in favor of using the likes of “internment camps” to hold Muslims in America.

KELLY: Come on. You’re not — you’re not proposing we go back to the days of internment camps, I hope.

HIGBIE: No, no, no. I’m not proposing that at all, Megyn, but what I am saying is we need to protect America from —

KELLY: You know better than to suggest that. I mean, that’s the kind of stuff that gets people scared, Carl.

HIGBIE: Right, but it’s — I’m just saying there is precedent for it, and I’m not saying I agree with it, but in this case I absolutely believe that a regional based —

KELLY: You can’t be citing Japanese internment camps as precedent for anything the president-elect is gonna do.

HIGBIE: Look, the president needs to protect America first, and if that means having people that are not protected under our Constitution have some sort of registry so we can understand, until we can identify the true threat and where it’s coming from, I support it.


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Trump Wants Top Secret Clearance for… His Kids

Can you imagine the uproar, the furor Republicans and quite frankly the furor Democrats would have if a Democratic president-elect wanted Top Security clearance for his kids? But for whatever reason, Donald Trump doesn’t garner the same respond when he makes such a request.

Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s team has asked the White House to explore the possibility of getting his children top-secret security clearances, CBS News said on Monday, citing unnamed sources.

Daughter Ivanka, sons Eric and Donald Jr. and son-in-law Jared Kushner were close advisers to Trump’s campaign and are part of his transition team announced on Friday. The CBS report did not specify for which Trump children top-secret clearance was being sought.

Donald Trump Featured

GOP Consultant – How Can Trump Serve “All Americans” with Steve Bannon Advising Him

More truth… Donald Trump ran a campaign catering to the most racists among us. When he shockingly won the election, Trump asked that all Americans “come together.” But then he named a known racist, Steve Bannon, as his chief adviser?

Republican Consultant, Ana Navarro could not understand how Trump wants us all come together when a known racist is advising him.

Republican consultant Ana Navarro told CNN’s “New Day” Monday that President-elect Donald Trump was already failing to serve “all Americans” as he promised in his victory speech on Election Day.

“I think that the appointments he makes early on are the first signal he sends about what kind of president he is going to be,” Navarro said. “Many of us are torn by the utter disdain that we have for candidate Donald Trump and the utmost respect we have for the office of the presidency of the United States, and we want to give this guy a chance. We want to extend the olive branch and extend one to us, but if what he is doing is naming somebody like Steve Bannon, who has got such a track record and such a reputation for being controversial, for leading the hunting season against Republicans.”

Navarro said Trump has not been forceful enough in his denouncement of violence against minorities following last Tuesday’s election results.

Donald Trump Featured Racism

Report – Hate Crimes Skyrocket After Trump’s Win

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there have been over 200 hate crimes in the week since Donald Trump was elected.

I guess you can say his election emboldened hate and racism.

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Russia Already Giving Trump Orders

I like to call him the Russia-elect because Russia played a pivotal role in him winning the election. So now that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States, the people responsible for his win are telling Trump what they want.

The Kremlin’s spokesman has urged President-elect Donald Trump to begin repairing U.S.-Russia relations by pressuring NATO to withdraw forces from the Russian border. Dmitry Peskov, President Vladimir Putin’s official mouthpiece, said this “would lead to a kind of detente in Europe.” Peskov said in an interview with the Associated Press that the presence of NATO troops near its borders keeps relations tense, as Russia cannot feel “safe.”

“Of course, we have to take measures to counter,” he was cited as saying. Trump repeatedly praised Putin throughout his campaign and echoed the Kremlin’s stance on NATO, at one point even defying Article 5 of the treaty by refusing to commit to defending NATO allies in the Baltics. His detractors have warned that his fondness for Russia may mean unprecedented interference by the Kremlin in U.S. policies, and Peskov’s recent comments appear to be the first indication of that in Trump’s upcoming term.

Donald Trump Featured

On the Election: This Is Bad, and It’s Going to Get Worse

Remember when Ronald Reagan–the actor–was supposed to represent the nadir of presidential victors? How could we elect a former actor? What a laugh riot.

This is not funny. This is bad.

I’ve read and watched a lot of news and I’m still having trouble reconciling the people who decided in the end that Donald Trump would make a good president. Don’t get me wrong; I fully understand that many Americans are angry and frustrated, have lost their homes while wealthy bankers got bailouts, have seen their communities lose resources, jobs and hope, and generally don’t see Washington as a place where problems are solved. I get that. I feel it too. But it takes a special leap sans parachute to go from that to seeing Donald Trump as the best person to solve these problems.

I especially don’t understand how anybody associated with women (mothers, daughters, sisters) could vote for him after what he said about them. Those kinds of comments disqualify you from being a moral, upstanding person who will represent all Americans. Yet more white women voted for him than Hillary. Many of the articles I’ve read quote women as saying that he was going to bring back jobs. Or they just didn’t like Hillary. Or maybe it was Comey’s letter. It still doesn’t excuse what he said. or make him in any way presidential.

The same thing goes for the other groups that Trump verbally assaulted during the campaign and the bitter, angry tone in which he not only said ugly things, but the way he tolerated that speech, and actions, in his followers. He ran a stupefying xenophobic, hateful campaign, but because enough people decided that despite that, he was the only candidate that would bring back their coal and steel jobs, that they could rationalize him away as refreshingly honest. It’s no wonder that schoolchildren were actually afraid the day after the election.

But the joke will be on those who think that Trump will change Washington. Almost immediately, the same lobbyists and interest group attorneys who genuflect before Republican winners were back in the capital, eager and willing to do whatever bidding the Trump trolls will ask of them. They will serve themselves at his table, but this time in the name of the oil and gas industries and, yes, the same multinational corporations that have no interest or intent in bringing jobs back to the United States. Trump will talk about ripping up trade deals and slapping 35% tariffs on Chinese goods, but that will produce higher prices, higher interest rates and higher anxiety as the world sees America as an adversary, not a friend. Choking off immigration will further erode our economy because new residents are a major source of strength and growth, and if you think that American citizens are eager to pick fruit, clean hotel rooms and do the dirty work at slaughterhouses, then you are in for a rude awakening.

And then there’s the reason why Hillary lost in the states where she needed to win. Much of the reason is in the numbers below.

Republican votes by the year:
2008 59,930,551
2012 60,934,407
2016 59,022,040

Democratic votes by the year:
2008 69,438,98
2012 65,918,507
2016 59,245,315

Democrats didn’t come out in the numbers they did for Obama, and it turned out that the Hispanic juggernaut and African-American support was a myth too. Even with President Obama stumping for Hillary in North Carolina and Florida. That, to me, was a sobering lesson. Not even Obama could get his coalition out in sufficient numbers. I guess too many people in key states just didn’t like Clinton.

Then there’s this piece of political stool-softening that tries to paint Trump as essentially a pragmatist who will likely jettison his most incendiary campaign proposals and rule from the center-right. I don’t believe a word of it. Trump is not experienced enough in the ways of governing, nor do I think he really understands at more than a headline level what’s involved in legislation and how it can hide some explosively nefarious provisions. With both Ryan and McConnell, but also the farthest-right and alt-right voices clamoring for his short attention span, he will be at the mercy of the Republicans who have been slobbering over themselves in anticipation of controlling the levers of power for the first time since 2006.

They will send him cuts to Medicare, Social Security, AFDC, Medicaid and any other social program they can get their hands on, and he’ll probably sign most of them into law. He has promised to work first on an infrastructure bill, but the GOP regulars, allergic to any new revenue, will demand that a costly measure such as that be paid for with corresponding tax breaks to businesses and cuts to other programs. Guess which ones? The GOP will also attach their greatest hits such as cuts to Planned Parenthood, overseas family planning projects, and school programs other than abstinence education while restoring aid to religious institutions, And did you say women’s health programs and abortion? By 2020, we might be wistfully remembering a country that had a heart.

As if the talking heads haven’t been discredited enough, the news organizations are saying that the angry, tweeting, inappropriate, insulting, profane Donald Trump is a character that he will retire, a la Stephen Colbert. That one smells too nasty to even consider. The Donald Trump of the past two weeks is the real imposter and it’s only a matter of time before he loses his cool and his credibility (what he has) over some perceived slight or media report. He’s already advocated for laws that would make it easier to sue for libel, and, like Nixon but with a real personality, he will do something about it. The media will continue to play lap dog for him and find false equivalencies by comparing him to other presidents. There is not comparison. He is the Singularity.

But there is good news. More voters supported the Democratic vision of the country, as evidenced by the popular vote. And Trump’s margins of victory in the states that mattered–Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan–were tiny and were also based on promises that he will have a difficult time keeping. If he and the GOP also decide to repeal the Affordable Care Act and millions lose their health insurance, then the GOP will be toast.  And then there’s the future of the party. Right now, it’s difficult to see who will emerge as the face of the Democrats in the coming years. Sanders can be the driving ideological force, but the party will need a younger face to run for president.

The best news, though, is that this means that the Democrats will likely gain seats in Congress in 2018 because the party in power usually suffers midterm losses. This bodes well for the Senate especially, where the Democrats will need to defend far more seats than the GOP. In the meantime, I expect new Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to hold the line against the far right.

This will be a difficult four years for the country, and we will even survive this, but only if we agitate, agitate, agitate.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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White House Investigating “10 Clear Links” of Trump’s Partnership with Russia

Huffington Post is reporting that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are reviewing the Democratic Coalition’s investigative report highlighting 10 “clear links” that the FBI failed to investigate about our President-elect’s business ties to Russia, and to the Putin regime.

It’s named “The Dworkin Report.”

“The FBI missed at least 10 key connections between President-elect Trump and Russia when they conducted their investigation and concluded that our President-elect had no links to the country,” said Scott Dworkin, Senior Advisor to the Democratic Coalition and author of the report. “It is imperative that the American people be made aware of this information.”

The Dworkin Report shows that Donald Trump has incorporated almost 250 registered businesses in Russia.

This hard evidence directly contradicts Trump’s prior statements about having no business ties to Russia over the summer.

Additionally, the evidence shows that Trump has travelled to Russia dating back to 1987, before the end of the Soviet Union.

In particular, a visit in 2010 included a tour of St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum led by a Russian government official of sufficient ranking, that he earned a personal photo and award from Vladimir Putin earlier this year.

The Democratic Coalition also revealed a 2013 video recorded interview with Donald Trump to MSNBC’s Thomas A. Roberts – which he has confirmed as authentic – where he claimed twice to have a relationship with Putin.

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Megyn Kelly Says Trump Bought Her “Gifts” for Favorable Coverage on Fox

According to Megyn Kelly’s new memoir, Settle for More, Donald Trump was mad at her long before she asked those pointed questions at the first Republican presidential debate.

In the book, Kelly said Donald Trump tried offering her various “gifts” to influence her coverage of him. These gifts, Kelly said, came months before Donald announced his plan to run for president. She refused them all, setting up herself up for the wrath of the now president-elect Trump.

“Months before announcing his candidacy, [Trump] had tried hard to curry Ms. Kelly’s favor. He sent her notes, including a laudatory comment scrawled across her picture in The New York Times Magazine. (When Vanity Fair reported this, Mr. Trump denied it; Ms. Kelly includes proof, a picture.) Ms. Kelly and her husband declined an invitation to Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s fabled estate in Palm Beach, Fla. Then Mr. Trump tried, repeatedly and unsuccessfully, to persuade her to let him pick up the tab for the weekend she spent with two girlfriends at the Trump SoHo hotel.

“This is actually one of the untold stories of the 2016 campaign,” Ms. Kelly writes. “I was not the only journalist to whom Trump offered gifts clearly meant to shape coverage. Many reporters have told me that Trump worked hard to offer them something fabulous — from hotel rooms to rides on his 757.”

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Shooting at Anti-Trump Protest – Protester Shot

A protester was shot during an anti-Donald Trump march in Portland, Ore., where demonstrations against the President-elect have grown increasingly violent over the past three nights, cops said early Saturday, NY Daily News reports.

A gunman was driving by the protesters as they crossed the Morrison Bridge near the downtown area around 1 a.m. The suspect, described as an African-American male in his late teens, got out of his car following a confrontation with a demonstrator and fired off several shots, striking the victim at least once.

The suspect sped off as officers rushed to provide medical aid.

Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson told the Daily News that the victim suffered non-life threatening injuries and was taken to a hospital in stable condition. It was not immediately clear what motivated the shooting and the suspect was still being sought early Saturday.

Celebrities Donald Trump

Gregg Popovich – “It’s Disgusting” that Donald Trump is America’s Leader – Audio

NBA Coach Gregg Popovich let loose on the so-called “values” of those Americans who, as Popovich put it, “would ground their kids for life” if those kids acted like or said the things Donald Trump said during his presidential campaign.

“I’m still sick to my stomach, not basically because the Republicans won, but because of the disgusting tenor and tone of the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic,” Popovich said. “I live in a country where half the people ignored all that to elect someone. That’s the scariest part of it to me.”

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