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Trump Supporter Cites “Internment Camps” For Muslims

He was interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News about Donald Trump and his many statements about stopping an entire group of people from coming to America based entirely on their religion. The U.S Constitution is totally against religious tests of course, but certain people are in the Trump camp are willfully blind to the Constitution.

His name is Carl Higbie and he is a Trump supporter. And he is apparently in favor of using the likes of “internment camps” to hold Muslims in America.

KELLY: Come on. You’re not — you’re not proposing we go back to the days of internment camps, I hope.

HIGBIE: No, no, no. I’m not proposing that at all, Megyn, but what I am saying is we need to protect America from —

KELLY: You know better than to suggest that. I mean, that’s the kind of stuff that gets people scared, Carl.

HIGBIE: Right, but it’s — I’m just saying there is precedent for it, and I’m not saying I agree with it, but in this case I absolutely believe that a regional based —

KELLY: You can’t be citing Japanese internment camps as precedent for anything the president-elect is gonna do.

HIGBIE: Look, the president needs to protect America first, and if that means having people that are not protected under our Constitution have some sort of registry so we can understand, until we can identify the true threat and where it’s coming from, I support it.



Glenn Beck Warns – “Spoiled Child” Obama Will Put Conservatives in Internment Camps

Back in January, Glenn Beck saw the light and admitted that he played a role in “tearing the country apart” with his lies and misinformation.

“I think I played a role, unfortunately, in helping tear the country apart and it’s not who we are,” Beck said, as he spoke to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. He continued, “I didn’t realize how really fragile the people were. I thought we were kind of more in it together and now I look back and realize, if we could’ve talked about the uniting principles instead of just the problems, I think I would look back more fondly.”

Well, that was then. Almost immediately after coming to terms with his destructive ways, Beck went to grabbing his part of the fragile fabric that makes up this nation and he continued to pull, ripping and tearing the country apart.

His most recent lie was telling his faithful followers that President Obama is getting ready to put Conservatives in Internment camps. Beck warned that the President and his policies are falling apart because of all the issues Obama is dealing with. Calling Obama a “spoiled child” Beck said that it is only a matter of time before the President gathers up all the conservatives and lock them away like the days of Hitler’s Germany!



Glenn Beck Warns Brain Dead Listeners of Impending Obama Death Camps

A long long time ago, Glenn Beck admitted that he was involved in the type of propaganda that caused division in the country. He made that revelation two weeks ago.

Glenn Beck apparently forgot his moment of truth from two weeks ago. He is now back to his same old tricks to fool his uneducated audience into thinking the worse of the President and his policies. In his recent diatribe however, Glenn Beck’s conclusion had nothing to do with any policies of the president, but solely based in fear and further division.

Expanding on something said by Justice Scalia a week ago, Beck warns that if Americans refuse Obamacare, Abortions or Global Warming, they would be rounded up and tossed into internment camps.

And his listeners eat it all up!

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