Donald Trump Politics

Glenn Beck – Talking to Trump is “like having a debate with a 4th grader” – Audio

Apparently not all the conservatives have fallen head over heals with the donald. One conservative in particular, a guy named Glenn Beck, is laughing his ass off listening to Trump talk, and it is Glen’s conclusion that talking to Donald Trump is like “having a debate with a fourth-grader.”

On his radio show today, Beck and his co-hosts laughed as they listened to Trump talking about immigration. He said it’s a major character flaw for Trump that he likes to kick people while they’re down, and Beck even rolled his eyes at Trump’s supposedly conservative solutions.

After cracking up again and again by Trump’s answers when pressed for specifics, Beck brought up a recent study showing that Trump speaks at a fourth-grade level, the lowest of any presidential candidate.

“Honestly,” Beck said, “it is like having a debate with a fourth-grader. When you listen to him, it is. It really is.”



Former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert Pleads Guilty

The former Republican House Speaker has confessed. Confessed to what you ask? To trying to withdraw a total of  $1.7 million from his account to buy the silence of a man he molested.

The 73-year-old Hastert entered his plea under a deal with prosecutors, who recommended a sentence of up to six months in prison.

The guilty plea was announced by the office of the US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. A sentencing hearing has been scheduled for February 29, it said.

Hastert allegedly made big payments to a male former high-school student to conceal claims that he had sexually abused the teen decades ago, law enforcement officials have told local media.

The Illinois Republican did not face any charges related to the allegations of sexual misconduct during his years as a high-school teacher and wrestling coach before entering politics.

But he was charged with breaking federal banking laws by trying to hide $1.7 million in cash withdrawals and lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation when it questioned him about the suspicious activity

Gun Control shooting

Two Year Old Shot and Killed by 20 Gauge Shotgun – Video

This happened in Henderson County, North Carolina on Monday. No conclusion yet on what exactly happened to two-year old Abigail, but as she was being transported to the hospital after being shot by a 20 gauge shotgun, she died.

“It’s a very, very traumatic situation for everybody involved,” Maj. Frank Stout with the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office said. “We’re going to take this very slowly, very deliberately, before any charges or any talk of charges are made.”



John Kasich is Angry! He’s “Had it” with Trump and Carson – Video

The Republican presidential candidate nobody ever talks about, spoke at a debate in Ohio today and let out all his frustrations with Trump and Carson!

“Do you know how crazy this election is?” Kasich asked, the creases in his forehead sharp enough to split a hair. “I’ve about had it with these people! I’m sick and tired of listening to this nonsense.”

Kasich began by turning his sights on Carson for his announced plan to get rid of Medicare when many senior citizens could be dependent on it. After that, Kasich went after Trump for his “crazy” mass deportation idea to “scream at [immigrants] to get out of the country.”

“What has happened to our party,” Kasich asked. “What has happened to the conservative movement? I’m done being polite and listening to this nonsense.”

Kasich also took issue with Trump’s taking credit for Ford’s decision not to move its manufacturing plants to Mexico. Kasich has said recently that Trump’s “bombast” wasn’t nearly as helpful for such issues as proposing real economic policy.

“That was like something out of a Back to the Future movie,” Kasich said. “We made that agreement back in 2011 for the simple reason that we knew what we were doing.”

Politics South Carolina

CNN Analyst Blames The Victim for Getting Slammed by School Cop – Video

This guy belongs on Fox News. But then again, in more ways than one, CNN is becoming like Fox News.

Larry Houck tried to stand up for the police officer who jumped on a little girl in a South Carolina school, ripped her out her chair and dragged her across the floor in order to kick her out the classroom. That officer, got a fan in Larry Houck!

CHRIS CUOMO: Give me the best defense for what this guy is doing, in these circumstances.

HARRY HOUCK: OK, first of all let me tell you, there’s a police officer in that school for a reason. A lot of violent gang activity in that school. Now, this officer’s called to the classroom because this student will not leave the classroom. Apparently the teacher had some kind of a problem. Now, a teacher is supposedly trained on how to handle children like this, calls the police, for the officer to come in. The officer tells her twice to get out of the chair. She won’t get out of the car – out of the chair, all right? Therefore, we have this altercation, which she does not get really hurt in. The officer pulls her out, handcuffs her, all right, and that’s it. Can the officer do that? Yes, he can do that.


HOUCK: Because you failed to comply, you are under arrest, you are failing to comply now. So the officer can use whatever force is necessary to affect an arrest. Now, it looks really bad. Like a lot of videos we’ve sat here and talked about before in the past, how bad the video looks. She did not get hurt, all right. So apparently the officer did it in a way where she could not get hurt. It just looks bad in the video.


HARRY HOUCK: Here’s the problem. This is a failure to comply again. Like in all these cases here, people don’t listen to the police when they’re giving them a command. You must comply. And then Marc’s — Marc’s giving people the impression that you don’t have to comply to police officers. And that’s why we’re having a lot of incidents. You’re giving that impression, Marc, every time I speak to you. You always have a problem, you know, talking about an officer’s use of force. And I’m telling you, it’s as a result of a failure to comply. If that girl got out of the car — got out of the seat when she was told, there’d be no problem. But apparently she had no respect for the school, no respect for her teacher, probably has no respect at home or on the street, and that’s why she acted the way she did.


Barack Obama Politics women's soccer team

President Obama – “Playing Like a Girl Means You’re a Badass” – Video

While honoring the U.S Women’s Soccer team in the East Room today – you know, the same unbelievable team that beat Japan 5-2 in the World Cup earlier this year, President Obama let it slipped that “playing like a girl means you’re a badass!”

After much applause and laughter, the president clarified that he probably shouldn’t have said it that way. He explained, “playing like a girl means being the best! It means drawing the largest TV audience for a soccer match — men or women’s — in American history. It means wearing our nation’s crest on your jersey, taking yourself and your country to the top of the world. That’s what American women do, that’s what American girls do — that’s why celebrate this team.”


Ben Carson Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Explains – Polls “are not very scientific” When He’s Losing

Donald Trump is all about the polls. He basically has nothing else to talk about on the campaign trail so at every stop, he’ll take the podium and talk about how “unbelievable” it is that the polls have him leading.

“Can you believe it?” He’ll ask his followers as he point to yet another poll showing him leading. “Even in this NBC poll, I’m ahead.” Then he’ll point the audience’s attention to what the poll says, ‘Trump leads in the polls! ‘“This is unbelievable,” he’ll  say.

That was then, this is now.

As polls after polls show Ben Carson leading Trump in the early voting state of Iowa,  Donald Trump has become the biggest critic of polls. In an interview on MSNBC’S Morning Joe, Trump was asked to explains why polls are great when he’s leading, but bad when he’s behind.

His explanation? Poll are “not very scientific” when he is losing.

“How do you justify or explain attacking polls where you’re behind but celebrating polls when you’re ahead?” Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin asked Trump on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“I believe in polls. I generally believe in polls,” Trump said. “The thing with these polls, they’re all so different. They’re coming from all over the lot where one guy is up here, somebody else is up there, you see swings of 10 and 12 points immediately, even the same day.”

“So right now its not very scientific,” Trump continued. “I think it’s very hard when you have this many. But over all Mark, I am a believer in polls, they say something. At least they spot a trend.”

Donald Trump Politics

Mike Tyson Endorses Donald Trump for President – Video

I’m not sure why you should care about this, I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t.  But for those who are intrigued by things Tyson loves, well, he just endorsed Donald Trump for president. So there!

In an interview with HuffPost, Tyson said;

He should be president of the United States. A guy that came from where he came from, doing what he’s doing in that field, and now this is where he’s at now. You know what that means? That doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy and the people don’t know what they’re doing, that means the people are tired of what you’re doing, what you’ve been doing the last 20 years. So let’s try something new! We tried Obama, right, time for a change. So we got to change. So now let’s try something new. Let’s run America like a business, where no colors matter. Whoever can do the job, gets the job … Should be president of the United States … He’s an average guy like everybody else … Anytime people are going to say bad things about Latinos, they’re going to say bad things about Blacks, bad things about any ethnic people. Whatever it is, that’s just what this country was built on. But it doesn’t stop us from striving. It doesn’t stop us from becoming president.


Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump – “It’s not been easy for me. My father gave me a small loan of $1 Million”

It’s been a rough road for Donald Trump, no thanks to his greedy and selfish father. Did you know that Trump’s daddy only gave him a loan of $1,000,000.00? That’s all he got! 1 measly million dollars! What did he expect little Donald to do with that little pittance?

At a town hall event, poor Donald Trump explained the hard road he was forced to take when an audience member asked him if he was ever told, “no” before. Trump shared his sad story. Get the tissue, you’re gonna need it!

“Oh, many times! I’ve been told ‘no’ many times. I mean, my whole life really has been a ‘no,’ and I’ve fought through it.

“It’s not been easy for me, it has not been easy for me, and, you know, I started off in Brooklyn my father gave me a small loan of $1 million. I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back and pay him back with interest.”

Incredible! His father should be jailed for child abuse!


BLM Politics

Chris Christie Kicked Off Amtrack for Disrupting Fellow Passengers

That’s what happens when your McDonalds smoothie is almost finished. You go to the quiet car of your commuter train and you start yelling at everybody. I do it all the time. I totally understand.

The Governor was on his way home after a Sunday show appearance in Washington, D.C., during which he accused some Black Lives Matters followers of calling for killing cops and blamed President Obama for this “lawlessness”. That bomb thrown, Christie proceeded to raise a ruckus in the sacred quiet car, according to a witness quoted by Gawker, yelling at his Secret Service because he didn’t get the seat he wanted and then barking into his phone complaints like “this is frickin’ ridiculous” and “seriously?! seriously?!”.

Melissa Cronin at Gawker explained that first the Governor almost missed the train, then he didn’t get the seat he wanted and then, to add insult to injury, he got kicked out of the quiet car. Bad Sunday.

A (named) passenger told Gawker:

He got on last minute yelling at his two secret service agents I think because of a seat mixup, sat down and immediately started making phone calls on the quiet car. After about 10 minutes the conductor asked him to stop or go to another car. He got up and walked out again yelling at his secret service. He was drinking a McDonald’s strawberry smoothie.

Celebrities Music

Drake’s “Hotline Bling” Music Video a Hit – Video

Yes, the music is great the song even better. But maybe it was Drake’s unorthodox dance moves is what’s making this music video so popular with the online community.

Watch and judge for yourself. And I’m sure these dance moves will be the new thing in the clubs… well, no, I’m not sure of that at all.



Jeb Throws a Fit – ” I’ve got a lot of really cool things I cold do” Instead of Being President

The frustration is kicking in. Jeb Bush thought this was going to be easy, at least a lot easier than it is now. After all, he shares the same last name as two previous presidents – albeit disastrous presidents – so the name recognition is already there. Everybody knows who he is. This was supposed to be so much easier.

The last time we checked in on the sub-par Republican politician, he was so frustrated with how his campaign for president was going, that he fired half his campaign staff and reduced the pay for his remaining employees. Starting on Nov. 1, the campaign will cut payroll costs by 40 percent, downsize its Miami headquarters by more than 50 percent, reduce travel costs by 20 percent and cut 45 percent of spending on things other than media and voter contact.

Yes, the frustration is setting in and this was manifested when Jeb threw a fit on Saturday, telling Americans that he has better things to do than running for president.

“If this election is about how we’re going to fight to get nothing done, then I don’t want anything, I don’t want any part of it. I don’t want to be elected president to sit around and see gridlock just become so dominant that people literally are in decline in their lives. That is not my motivation. I’ve got a lot of really cool things I cold do other than sit around, being miserable, listening to people demonize me and feeling compelled to demonize them. That is a joke. Elect Trump if you want that.”

And that’s not all. MSNBC is reporting that when addressing the concern that his campaign is falling apart, Bush responded, “Blah blah blah blah, that’s my answer, blah blah blah.”

And that folks explains why Jeb! is polling at 5%!

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