Barack Obama Politics State of the Union address YouTube

YouTube Star Offers Obama Green Lipstick For his “first wife” – Video

She meant to say, take these green lipstick for the “First Lady,” but instead, the YouTube star known as, Glozell Green, told the president to take the lipstick for his “first wife,” causing the President to ask, “do you know something I don’t know?”

In all, the three YouTube stars selected to interview President Obama did a pretty decent job. The complete interview is shown below.


Take a Look at Brook Shields’ Scary Selfie – PIC

The actress shared her selfie on Instagram on Friday, apparently sitting in a dentist chair with a dental apparatus spreading her lips to unnatural dimensions. Brook added to the scary scene by opening her eyes as wide as possible.


Another Walking Dead Trailer – “Another Day”

New episodes start February 8th.

Featured Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

Darren Wilson Supporter – “Sharpton ought to go back into the gutter”

Since it was revealed that the Justice Department will not to bring any civil rights violation charge against Darren Wilson in the killing of Mike Brown, Wilson’s supporters are tripping over themselves trying to get in front of the cameras to sing his praises.

One of these people is Milwaukee County Sheriff and conservative commentator David Clarke. In Thursday’s episode of Fox & Friends, Clarke enthusiastically defended Wilson’s innocence while calling Eric Holder and Al Sharpton “race hustlers.”

“The grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri got it right,” Clarke concluded. “Officer Wilson has been exonerated. The thing I want to know is how does he get his reputation back?”

Clarke reserved much of his ire for Sharpton.

“I don’t expect anything intelligent to come out of the mouth of Al Sharpton,” Clarke said. “We know he is a charlatan. Al Sharpton ought to go back into the gutter he came from. The police officer is owed a lot from him, Eric Holder and the President of the United States.”

Barack Obama Benjamin Netanyahu Politics

White House – Netanyahu “Spat in our face” and “There will be a price”

Republicans in charge of Congress have managed to further divide the country and its allies by planning a Congressional meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without following protocol and coordinating the event with the White House. The meeting, set for March, has outraged the White House, causing one official saying the Israeli leader had “spat” in the face of Barack Obama.

“We thought we’ve seen everything,” the newspaper quoted an unnamed senior US official as saying. “But Bibi managed to surprise even us.

“There are things you simply don’t do. He spat in our face publicly and that’s no way to behave. Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price,” he said.

Officials in Washington said that the “chickenshit” epithet — with which an anonymous administration official branded Netanyahu several months ago — was mild compared to the language used in the White House when news of Netanyahu’s planned speech came in.

In his address the Israeli leader is expected to speak about stalled US-led nuclear negotiations with Iran, and to urge lawmakers to slap Tehran with a new round of tougher sanctions in order to force it to comply with international demands. The Mossad intelligence service on Thursday went to the rare length of issuing a press statement to deny claims, cited by Kerry, that its chief Tamir Pardo had told visiting US politicians that he opposed further sanctions.

Haaretz reported that Obama had personally demanded that Netanyahu tone down his pro-sanctions rhetoric in a phone call between the two last week. The president has said a sanctions bill would cripple negotiations with Iranian leaders at a critical stage, and has threatened to veto such a bill should it come through.

Entertainment Mike Huckabee Politics

Mike Huckabee Still Pimping Beyonce for Popularity – Beyonce’s Friend Speaks Out – Video

Mike Huckabee went on The View and continued milking his exposure from his Beyoncé attacks. But this time, someone with personal knowledge of Beyoncé was there to defend her and call out the Republican.

Over the last few weeks, Huckabee has pimped Beyoncé’s popularity to further advance his own 2016 presidential ambition. He knew that any attack on the most popular entertainer in music would bring him much needed popularity, so Huckabee has homed in on Beyoncé as his only hope to the White House.

He has stated that Jay Z is “pimping” his wife and has gone “from husband to pimp by exploiting his wife as a sex object.” And suggested that letting children listen to Beyoncé is the same thing as buying a 12-year-old girl a “stripper pole.”

But on The View yesterday, Beyoncé had a small voice and defender, as her friend Michelle Williams and former Destiny’s Child singer weighed in on Huckabee.

“I’m not the Carter spokesperson,” she said, “but to hear some of those comments that you said I thought were very, very, very low.”


Mitt Romney Politics

Republican Explains – Minimum Wage is for “Minorities,” Unskilled People Worth $7 an Hour

He is a Republican Representative from California named, Tom McClintock. And in an interview with C-SPAN on Thursday, McClintock went there with his Republican ideology in public, saying that the minimum wage is for “minorities,” teenagers and other unskilled people no work experience. And those people do not deserve more than $7 an hour.

He was answering a question from the host who asked if he would support Mitt Romney in 2016 seeing that Romney has flipped and is now calling for a raise in the minimum wage. Yes folks, Romney is now pushing to raise the minimum wage! The New York Times reports that Romney is vowing a campaign to “end the scourge of poverty” if he runs for president a third time, has backed raising the minimum wage over the wishes of congressional leaders.

“It’s not supposed to support a family. The minimum wage is that first job when you have no skills, no experience, no working history. That’s how you get into the job market, that’s how you develop that experience, develop that work record, get your first raise, then your next raise, then your promotion.”

“If your labor is an unskilled person just entering the workforce is worth say $7 an hour at a job and the minimum wage is $10, you have just been made permanently unemployable,” McClintock says. “That first rung of the economic ladder has been ripped out and you can’t get on it. That is a tragedy.”


Louie Gohmert Politics

Report – Louie Gohmert Illegally Took Campaign Funds for Personal Use

I knew there was something about Gohmert that didn’t pass the mustard test. Besides being a Republican, it seems Gohmert might also a thief. The man allegedly stole campaign funds and used those funds to pay for a trip to England. Funds amounting to over $5400.00

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a complaint after Gohmert’s campaign listed expenses for a trip to London in November and December.

The lawmaker’s campaign reported that it spent $5,451.39 at the five-star Andaz Liverpool Street hotel, $396.12 at the Old Bank Hotel in Oxford, and $234.54 for a taxi ride in Cambridgeshire.

Gohmert held speaking engagements while in England with the Cambridge Union Society, the Rothermere American Institute, the Federalist and Henry Jackson Societies, and a joint group from the U.K. House of Lords and House of Commons.

None of those events were related to campaign activities, CREW said in its complaint to the Office of Congressional Ethics.

“Rep. Gohmert’s legendary tirades may put him in high demand for public speaking engagements, but that doesn’t give him license to bill a luxury London vacation to his campaign,” said Anne Weismann, CREW’s interim executive director. “The congressman can’t credibly claim that speeches made to those who can’t vote for him served the purpose of getting him reelected.”

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