executive orders Immigration Politics

Republicans Now Want Obama to Use His Executive Order Authority – Video

Luke Russert of MSNBC is stunned. According to Russert, who has covered Congress for the entire time John Boehner has been in charge of the House of Representatives, “…the week the House GOP sued the president over his issue of executive actions, they are now encouraging on a statement to act by himself regarding the border,” Russert said. “You really can’t make that up.”

The MSNBC reporter was talking about the House Republicans canceling a vote on the border bill before heading home for yet another vacation. The bill never made it to the floor and Republicans were okay with leaving Washington and heading home, with the border crisis still unsettled. Russert reported that they now want President Obama to use his Executive Order authority, although they’re presently suing him for using his Executive Order authority.

In his reporting, Russert couldn’t believe what was happening. Like he said, “you really can’t make that up.”


Israel Palestine Politics

Heartbreaking Video – UN Official Breaks Down Talking About The Deaths in Gaza

In an interview with Al Jazeera Arabic, UN Official Christopher Gunness could not contain his emotions when asked about the clear massacre of innocent lives in Gaza. “The rights of Palestinians, and even their children, are wholesale denied… and its appalling,” Gunness said, right before breaking down in tears, a breathtaking image captured on video.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to continue bombing Gaza with or without a cease-fire agreement in place. He claims the goal of the Israeli military is to demolish all the tunnels used by Hamas.

Meanwhile, 24 days into the war, over 1400 innocent Gaza civilians have died. Some of those killed were hiding away in UN Shelters and schools, so-called “safe zones.”



Obama to GOP – “They’re Not Happy That I’m President, But That’s Okay” – Video

On the same day Republicans were voting to sue the president for doing what all presidents do – a vote that passed the Republican controlled House of Representatives along party lines, 225 to 201 – President Obama was meeting with the American voters and pointed out that Republicans were engaging in a “political stunt.”

He said that the party needs to “stop just hating all the time,” saying that he knows they’re mad that he’s president, and that they only have to wait a few more years before they “can be mad at the next president.”

“We could do so much more if Congress would come on and help out a little bit. Stop being mad all the time. Stop. Stop just hating all the time. C’mon … I know they’re not happy that I’m president but that’s okay. I got a couple of years left. C’mon … then you can be mad at the next president.”

The president then broke the news that this frivolous lawsuit the Republicans are ginning up will unfortunately be paid for by the American people!

Republicans, once again costing Americans millions!


hypocrite Politics

Republican Rand Paul is Going After ‘the Black Vote’ – Must Be Another Presidential Election

He’s running for president, and he’s a politician. That said, Rand Paul and others like him will twist and turn and squeeze themselves in any shape or reshape possible, if it gives them the ability to get a vote in 2016. So yes, he will pander to the Black community, to the Hispanic community, to women, to gays. These are just some of the groups Rand Paul and the Republicans have hammered over the last few years but, he is running for president and he’s a politician… and he’s a Republican!

So here goes Rand Paul the pretzel!

You’ve got to give this much to Rand Paul: Kentucky’s junior senator is willing to do something almost unheard of in modern presidential politics, which is to make arguments that not everyone in his party already cares about. For this reason alone, Paul is probably the most interesting presidential hopeful out there, if not the most likely to succeed.

Paul’s latest gambit, as you may have seen, involves an appeal to black voters, who generally have about as much attachment to the Republican Party as Donald Sterling has to his wife. This unusual courtship, which included a speech to the Urban League in which Paul actually quoted Malcolm X, led to a spate of media stories in the past week about a new contest between the parties to win over black voters in closely divided states.

Israel Palestine Politics war


Photo: Lefteris Pitarakis/AP

As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

July 31, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

OK Israel, enough is enough. When you start to bomb schools and kill sleeping children you have lost me for good. I knew Netanyahu was a right wing scum bucket, but now he should be considered a terrorist. If Arabs did this, we would be calling them just that. No more double standards, I’m done.

This is exactly what the Israeli’s have done. They bombed United Nations schools where Palestinian civilians went to escape the bombings because they thought they would be safe there. U.N. officials say they warned the Israeli’s no fewer than 17 times about the locations of these schools and that children would be there and that civilians were gathered there, civilians not terrorists.

“Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children” said Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. I agree. The Israeli’s claim there was rocket fire from near the school so of course they needed to bomb the entire school. The Geneva Convention prohibits attacks on schools and hospitals, but hey they are Israel so they can get away with it right?

Anyone who claims there is no double standard at work here is simply full of shit. I mentioned Arabs but if any other country were bombing schools and killing children at the pace the Israel’s are right now the United States would be leading the charge against that country. The war hawks here would be calling for retaliation and another war against the violating country. Not with Israel. This is as appalling as the despicable acts of violence the Israelis are responsible for.

There is no excuse. We wouldn’t be accepting one from an Iran or a North Korea or even Germany for that matter. So far there have been 1,328 Palestinian deaths in this Gaza war. There have been 59 Israeli deaths. This is a one-sided massacre. Dare I say a Holocaust? Yes I dare.

The Israeli’s want this to be seen by everyone as a fair war. If that were the case then the Palestinians would have the same fire power that Israel has. Of course they do not. It makes sense for the right wing of this country to love Netanyahu because they love war. Anyone on the left who backs this daily massacre is a hypocrite. These people will call Bush, Cheney et al, war mongers, but in the same breath they will make excuses for Netanyahu. I’m here to call them on their bullshit hypocrisy.

The United States and their Israel apologist machine is in full force. The National Security Council has already put out a statement that tried to make the Palestinians equally responsible for the bombings by saying they oppose the Israeli attacks on the schools BUT ALSO oppose Palestinians hiding weapons in the schools. There is yet to be any evidence of that of course and even if there was it’s no excuse to kill innocent civilians and children.

The word “terrorist” has not been used by the United States in response to these school bombings. I wonder why? Ask yourself if that word would be part of the discourse if the roles were reversed or if one of the “Axis of Evil” were responsible for the attacks. You and I know the answer, it’s obvious.

There have been several “terrorist” attacks on these school. The U.N. has said there have been NO weapons stored in these schools by Palestinians. The U.N. is the same organization that said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

They were right then and they are right now.

It’s time to call out Netanyahu for what he is. A terrorist.


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