Featured Republican

Ron Paul Thinks “Honest Rape” is Okay… Dishonest Rape Is Apparently Not Okay

Ron Paul, presently in the Republican race to be president of the United States, appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Show and made some very controversial news. Morgan put a hypothetical question to Paul…what would you do if one of your daughters were raped and became pregnant.

 “If it’s an honest rape, that individual should go immediately to the emergency room, I would give them a shot of estrogen.”

We’re not sure what “honest rape” is, or what the defining line is for determining the difference between honest rape and, say, dishonest rape. But this we do know. Ron Paul and his brand of Republican/Libertarianism, should be seen and not heard. We as a nation would be much better off, without such nonsensical comments coming from the mouths of these so-called political leaders.

hypocrite Mitt Romney Politics presidential

Mitt Romney Thinks Telling This Lie Makes Him More Patriotic

Mitt Romney has said it over and over, but no one ever fact checked his claim. We had no reason to because the statement made us feel extra patriotic. Then again, we are talking about Mitt Romney – the ultimate Flip Flopper –  and with that in mind, Buzzfeed did some simple fact checking and revealed yet another Romney falsehood!

Here’s the lie.

You know, we (Americans) are the only people on Earth that put our hand over our heart during the playing of the National Anthem.

The video and pictures below tells the full story.

Let’s see what the people do in China…

in Brazil…

and how about the people of France?

And Ghana?

Oh Willard. One of your claims to fame is that you ran a successful bid as head of the Olympic Games. Did you not see participants from other countries placing their hands over their hearts too? Or maybe you think Americans are so gullible, that you can say anything and get away with it…!

See more at Buzzfeed.

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics

Newt Gingrich Is At The End Of The Road… Or Is He?

The latest polls in Nevada have Mitt Romney leading and expected to win tonight’s Republican primary election by some 20 points. That is not good news for his rivals and an email to reporters from Newt Gingrich is raising speculations about the future of his campaign.

According to the National Journal, Gingrich will deliver a news conference tonight after the election results. Is he ready to concede the race and throw his support behind Romney, or is he going to continue his defiance against his party’s elite and march on to the next state?

Gingrich’s press conference is scheduled for 11PM in Las Vegas.

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