occupy wall street Politics

A Call To Action – Join Occupy Wall Street On Nov. 17th

Be a part of the movement for the 99%. On November 17th, Stand up and be counted.

More Info Here

occupy wall street Politics

Eric Cantor Meets Occupy Wall Street – The Encounter

We recently brought you Michele Bachmann’s encounter with some Occupiers at one of her campaign stops. Well, she wasn’t the only Republican to have an unofficial introduction to the Occupy Movement.

At a recent speech at Rice University, Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, had his first encounter too. As he stepped to the podium, Rice University students, in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement, began their “mic check” chant, coined by the Occupiers when they are about to announce their grievances publicly.

Cantor fell in line and allowed the 99% to have their voices heard. Now, if only if he’d fall in line along with the House of Representatives, and do the work that the bottom 99%  elected him to do, instead of for the top 1% that bought his loyalty and his votes.

occupy wall street Politics

Told To Leave, Portland Occupiers Partied Instead

The deadline was midnight last night, that was the time the mayor wanted the Occupiers in Portland gone. But instead of doing what Mayor Sam Adam wanted, the crowed of thousands did a countdown to the midnight hour and then partied like it was 1999.

Police stood by.

As the hours went by and the sun began to rise, Occupiers declared victory. The night however, was not without incident, as one individual decided to disregard the Occupiers’ wishes to stay peaceful.

Around 2 a.m., an announcement over the PA system warned protesters to clear the street, and someone threw a projectile, injuring a police officer. But the occupiers—who had collectively made it clear that their resistance would be nonviolent—found the offender and turned him over to police. Tensions cooled somewhat after that, and for the next few hours, the police focused on controlling the crowd, which successfully held the park. A few hours later, as the sun began to rise and the parks were legally opened, protesters declared victory.

Politics veterans weekly address

President Obama Addresses Jobs For Veterans – Video

President Obama used his weekly address to ask Congress to “put partisanship aside,” and pass his jobs bill that would put America’s veterans back to work. “Today, more than 850,000 veterans remain unemployed,” the president said. “And too many are struggling to find a job worthy of their talents and experience.”

He continued.

That’s not right.  We ask these men and women to leave their families and their jobs and risk their lives to fight for our country.  The last thing they should have to do is fight for a job when they get home.

The President again, made his pledge to the men and women of our armed services.

As Commander-in-Chief, I want every veteran to know that America will always honor your service and your sacrifice – not just today, but every day.  And just as you fought for us, we’re going to keep fighting for you – for more jobs, for more security, for the opportunity to keep your families strong and America competitive in the 21st century.

God Politics

If God Told Them To Run For President, Why Are They Willing To Torture?

Herman Cain on Saturday said that God told him to run for president. He then compared himself to Moses when Moses questioned God’s will. Herman Cain said that he too questioned God, asking “You’ve got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?”

“I prayed and prayed and prayed,” Cain told a group of young Republicans in Atlanta, according to National Journal. “I’m a man of faith, I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I’d ever done before in my life. And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. ‘You’ve got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'”

And what about Michele Bachmann?

Bachmann originally said that God told her to run for Congress, and she later said that her decision to run for president was based on a “calling” that she said, was “tugging”on her heart.

“Well, every decision that I make, I pray about, as does my husband, and I can tell you, yes, I’ve had that calling and that tugging on my heart that this is the right thing to do.”

But what’s absolutely amazing, is that these two people who claim that God told them to run for president, are the very same two willing to torture America’s enemies if they become president.

In last night’s debate – yes, the second debate this week – Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann responded to a question about torture, and whether they would continue the Bush administration’s torture policies in reference to waterboarding. Cain went first, saying that he believes waterboarding is “enhanced interrogation” and he will gladly reinstate it. Bachmann then followed up saying that torture would be part of her administration.

I’m left wondering if they’re sure they heard the voice of God telling them to run for president. Torturing, as far as I can tell, seems to be the handiwork of the devil. Maybe Bahcmann and Cain should check their messenger again.

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