occupy wall street Politics Protest

The Whole World Is Watching – Police Brutality In San Francisco

You thought the New York Police Department was the only one attacking peaceful protesters for… protesting? Think again.

The San Francisco Police Department has successfully added their interpretation of  “excessive police action” to the historic movement that is Occupy Wall Street, with their actions earlier tonight in California.

To chants of  “The whole world is watching!”,  police, apparently irritated with the peaceful crowd and their video cameras, took a page from the NYPD. They began destroying the Occupiers food supply, then later, tossed the protesters around as they made their arrests.

To serve and protect has taken on a whole new meaning, and it doesn’t seem to include the people at Occupy Wall Street.

The video.

Herman Cain Republican vote

Republican Leader Leaves Party Because Of Herman Cain

The Republican party is shedding their loyal members one by one. This time its Lauro Antonio Garza, the Republican leader of Somos Republicans, a Texas Republican group that caters to conservative Hispanics.

Mr. Garza sat back and listened to the recent claims by Herman Cain, that an electric fence along the border states would be the way to keep illegals out of the country. When asked about those irresponsible statements on this week’s Meet The Press, Cain said he was joking. No one in the Republican leadership however, had any problems with Cain’s careless remarks, and this silence from the Republican leadership was the last straw for Mr. Garza.

Below is his letter.

GOP leadership: Beyond Reprehensible

How much distance has been travelled since President George W. Bush left office? To us at Somos Republicans, the answer is, ‘Way too much!’ We fear that for most of the Republican Party, the answer is, ‘Not far enough!!’

Today, we find the Republican Party has strayed from its roots and its founding principals so far that they can no longer be seen. We saw this yesterday, in the glare of broad daylight, when a leading presidential candidate, Herman Cain, not once, but twice, advocated for the murder of innocent people and that was met with cheers! Somos Republicans, America’s largest organization of conservative Hispanics, was alone in its criticism of this loud mouth hateful bigot. He says he was ‘joking.’ Nobody here is laughing! The fact the GOP allows and applauds such outrageous thoughts is beyond reprehensible.

To us, the idea of allegedly ‘Pro-Life’ people shouting for the un-Constitutional use of deadly force is unbelievable. Then, too, we shouldn’t be surprised since Republican leaders have been advocating for the nullification of the American Constitution in states like Arizona, Georgia and now Alabama. When did Republicans, once synonymous with ‘conservative,’ become so liberal as to attack their very own Bill of Rights in the 4th and 14th Amendments?!

Where is Republican leadership? Where has the guiding principal of ‘Morality’ gone?! If the Republican Party cannot or will not rebuke this hateful bigot and others like him who wear the mantle of ‘Republican’ then perhaps the time has come for a rebuke of the Party itself!

Ronald Reagan left the Democrat Party saying they had left him. Perhaps, I shall do the same because the Republican Party has become radical and unreasonable. President Reagan must be tumbling in his grave!
Lauro Antonio Garza,MPO
Somos Republicans, Texas State Director
October 16, 2011


President Obama On The Road Again For The American Jobs Act

The President began another three-day trip on Monday, as he continues his push to put Americans back to work. Mr. Obama will visit cities in both North Carolina and Virginia, telling the American people of his jobs bill that will keep teachers and emergency responders on the job, while providing for infrastructure funds to hire thousands more workers.

In the first vote on the President’s $447 billion jobs bill, Senate Republicans unanimously defeated the legislation. But the President is not giving up the fight. He told the crowd at an airport in Asheville, North Carolina, “We’re going to give members of Congress another chance to step up to the plate and do the right thing. Maybe they just couldn’t understand the whole all at once. So we’re going to break it up into bite-size pieces so they can take a thoughtful approach to this legislation.”

At another stop at a high school in Millers Creek, the President told the crowd of about 2000 supporters, “I need you to give Congress a piece of your mind. Tell them what’s at stake here… There are too many of our fellow Americans hurting and you can’t stand by and do nothing. Now is the time to act.”

Watch the President’s speech below.

Mitt Romney Politics Wall Street

The Picture Mitt Romney Doesn’t Want You To See

This cannot be the image the Romney campaign wants the voters to see, so that’s why we’re showing it.


Here we find the multi-million dollar Republican presidential candidate, from his time at Bain Capital. Romney is doing what Romney does best, no, not flip-flopping, but basking in the royal favor of his Wall Street buddies. And what could be better than having them stuff your pockets with cold hard cash!

No wonder Wall Street is giddy with excitement over the idea of a Romney presidency

marriage occupy wall street Politics

A Marriage Proposal – Occupy Wall Street Style

How original is this?

What’s the perfect way to ask the one you love to “occupy your life?” You use the “people’s microphone,” get down on one knee and with hundreds looking on and repeating everything you say, you make your proposal in the middle of a protest movement.

Now that’s original!

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