Arizona Barack Obama Birthers Birthers White House

Arizona Birthers Forms “Posse” To Investigate President Obama

The Birthers are back, or maybe they just never left.

Even after President Obama officially put an end to the nonsense of Birtherism by providing the very document they’ve asked for since he walked into office, some people just can’t accept the fact that this Black man is living in the White House.

Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, has decided to form a posse – a five member group called the Cold Case Posse – to investigate the President’s birth, his birth certificate, or his certificate of live birth…whatever you want to call it, Arpaio’s posse will investigate it. Arpaio says the citizens of  Maricopa County demand this investigation be done.

“This investigation does not involve politics,” Arpaio told WND. “I listen to all the residents of Maricopa County who come to my office with complaints, regardless what their politics are.

“My door is open to everyone, and I don’t kick them out. If a complaint is legitimate, I don’t dump it into the wastebasket,” he continued. “When I get allegations brought to me by the citizens of Maricopa County, I look into the allegations, just like I am doing here.”

Arpaio is responding to a complaint brought to his office by representatives of the Surprise Tea Party in Surprise, Ariz., who have expressed in writing their concerns that the voting rights of Maricopa County residents in the 2012 presidential election could be compromised if Obama were to use a forged birth certificate to establish his eligibility under Article 1, Section 2, of the Constitution.

“The Cold Case Posse is a good place to put this investigation,” Arpaio said. “The individuals on this posse have been sworn in by me and I have granted them the authority required to conduct this investigation.”

Arpaio explained to WND that in the final analysis, all decisions stop with him.

“I will have the ultimate authority to decide,” he emphasized. “I gave the Cold Case Posse the authority to investigate, but the results of their investigation ultimately come to me and I will then decide how best to proceed from there.”

I wonder what else this posse would want to see as proof that Barack Obama is an American? Every possible item that can be given as proof of his citizenship has been provided, but he and the citizens of Maricopa County aren’t satisfied yet.

I remember the years they hounded President Bush for his proof of citizenship…oh wait…this wasn’t an issue then as he set off to destroy America’s economy. As a matter of fact, this has never been an issue since George Washington’s inauguration. But then again, all the Presidents before Mr. Obama, have been white.

MSNBC Politics taxes

Poor Republican Millionaire Only Has $400,000.00 Left

So President Obama today made a proposal to raise necessary revenue through tax hikes. Not for the middle class, but for millionaires. Well today, one of these millionaires expressed his disgust with the president’s plan, saying that after he pays all his bills and reinvests in his business, he wouldn’t be able to support his family on the balance; $400,000.00

This poor millionaire, who simply cannot afford to pay the same rate middle class Americans are paying right now, just happens to be a Republican congressman, Rep John Fleming (LA). Today on MSNBC, Mr. Fleming had this to say;

“In my own case, I own LLCs. The income flows to my personal tax return and whatever is left over after taxes are paid, I feed my family on the one hand and on the other hand, I reinvest in my business.”

Chris Jansing, the MSNBC host pointed out to the poor millionaire that according to the Wall Street Journal, “your businesses, which I believe are Subway Sandwich shops and UPS stores — very successful — brought you last year, over $6 million.”

But Mr. Fleming was having none of it, and explained to the MSNBC host just how poor he is, and how devastating it would be if he is asked to pay the same rate working Americans pay.

“Yeah, that’s before you pay 500 employees, you pay rent, you pay equipment and food,” Fleming agreed. “Since my net income — and again, that’s the individual rate that I told you about — the amount that I have to reinvest in my business and feed my family is more like $600,000 of that $6.3 million. And so by the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over to invest in new locations, upgrade my locations, buy more equipment.”

I don’t know how you small people do it. Working all those hours, paying all those taxes and still eking out a living on a helluva lot less than $400,000.00

You middle class Americans are just insane!!!


Teapartier Andrew Breitbart To Liberals – Bring It On, We Have Guns

Last year when the so-called grassroots Teaparty started, multiple videos of them making threats against Liberals and Democrats began popping up online. The Teaparty however, tried unsuccessfully to maintain their civility towards the other side of the Political aisle, but the videos kept coming.

Well that was then. Today, The Teaparty is not even concerned about appearing violent. They openly praise Texas governor Rick Perry when he bragged about executing the most people in our nation’s history, and they applauded and called for the death of a person who has no health care insurance, but need extensive medical care.

And then this. Andrew Breitbart, a favorite Teaparty conservative media personality, addressed a Teaparty crowd and shared his innermost feelings towards Liberals and unions. Breitbart is heard saying, “we outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns.” After the audience began laughing, Breitbart exclaimed, “I’m not kidding!”

Barack Obama Politics Republican

Obama – This Is Not Class Warfare, It’s Math

Today, President Obama outlined his plan for deficit reduction. He again called for a balanced approach to reducing the nation’s deficit through both spending cuts and raising revenue by asking the top 3% of the wealthiest Americans to pay the same rate middle class Americans already pay. Of course, Republicans used the last few days to get their talking points out, calling the President’s proposal “class warfare.”

But President Obama had an answer for them;

It comes down to this: We have to prioritize. Both parties agree that we need to reduce the deficit by the same amount — by $4 trillion. So what choices are we going to make to reach that goal? Either we ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share in taxes, or we’re going to have to ask seniors to pay more for Medicare. We can’t afford to do both.

Either we gut education and medical research, or we’ve got to reform the tax code so that the most profitable corporations have to give up tax loopholes that other companies don’t get. We can’t afford to do both.

This is not class warfare. It’s math. The money is going to have to come from someplace. And if we’re not willing to ask those who’ve done extraordinarily well to help America close the deficit and we are trying to reach that same target of $4 trillion, then the logic, the math says everybody else has to do a whole lot more: We’ve got to put the entire burden on the middle class and the poor. We’ve got to scale back on the investments that have always helped our economy grow. We’ve got to settle for second-rate roads and second-rate bridges and second-rate airports, and schools that are crumbling.

That’s unacceptable to me. That’s unacceptable to the American people. And it will not happen on my watch. I will not support — I will not support — any plan that puts all the burden for closing our deficit on ordinary Americans. And I will veto any bill that changes benefits for those who rely on Medicare but does not raise serious revenues by asking the wealthiest Americans or biggest corporations to pay their fair share. We are not going to have a one-sided deal that hurts the folks who are most vulnerable.

But explaining simple math to a group who thinks teachers are the enemy and wants to eliminate the Department of Education, may not be the easiest thing to do, but based on the President’s attitude today, I think he’s up for the challenge.

Barack Obama Politics White House

President Promises To Veto Bill With Entitlement Cuts Alone

As the middle class continues to suffer, another Washington showdown has begun.

Last week, John Boehner made a statement in which he advised the Super Committee to keep taxes off the negotiating table, “it’s a very simple equation,” Boehner said, speaking to the Economic Club of Washington,”tax increases destroy jobs. And the Joint Committee is a jobs committee. Its mission is to reduce the deficit that is threatening job creation in our country.”

Boehner’s claims of course, are unfounded. Over the last 11 years, taxes on these “job creators” have been lower than in previous administrations, including the Clinton White House, where they paid more in taxes, and the economy flourished. If lowering taxes was the answer, the economy would be better now than it was under Clinton.

But back to the showdown…

After Boehner made his statement trying to influence the decisions being made in the Super Committee, whose job is to come up with another $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction by Thanksgiving, Senior White House officials told the Huffington Post that President Obama will veto any agreement that has only cuts in entitlement programs and no tax increase on the wealthy.

“[W]hat the president is saying is he is not doing [beneficiary reforms] if the Republicans are unwilling to ask the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations to pay their fair share,” explained a senior administration official. “What they can’t do is send something to us with the things we propose and without the stuff on the revenue side because we will veto that.”

In a speech today, the President will also outline a proposal to ask the top 3% of millionaire Americans to contribute at the same tax rate that middle class Americans pay.

If we are to draw a conclusion from previous showdowns between the White House and the Congressional Republicans, calling this a win for the no-compromising-Republicans would not be far-fetched. However, the Super Committee’s decision is above the influence threshold of Boehner and the Republicans.

Built into the agreement to raise the debt ceiling is specific language that governs how the Super Committee functions. And part of that language states that the President maintains his veto rights and can use those rights if he disagrees with the Committee’s recommendations. But if an agreement is not reached by the members of the Committee, a trigger mechanism automatically goes into effect, cutting funds from programs both Democrats and Republicans adore.

Hmmm, maybe the President did win the debt ceiling debate after all…!


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