George Bush Politics Texas United States

Texas Apologizes To America For Bush And Perry

Well it’s about time.

We have been waiting for this apology since Bush first announced his intentions to run for President. And here we are, 10 years later, with an economy in the ditch because Bush took us into two unpaid wars, instituted trillions in tax cuts for the rich, an exploded deficit and spent hundreds of billions in the dumb medicare part D program. And now, another Texan has decided to follow in Bush’s footsteps.

I guess this apology is better late than never!

Climate change Politics republican candidate

Why Chris Christie Cannot Be President If He Runs

Simple answer: Chris Christie, the Republican darling governor of New Jersey,  believes in global warming. And what’s even more unheard of in today’s Republican party is this; Christie believes that humans play a major role in the warming of the planet! This from

In case anyone had any doubts on where Gov. Chris Christie stands on climate change, he made his position crystal clear this afternoon: It’s real and it’s a problem.

In vetoing a bill (S2946) that would have required New Jersey to stay in a regional program intended to curb greenhouse gases — a program Christie plans to leave by the end of the year — the governor said “climate change is real.”

He added that “human activity plays a role in these changes” and that climate change is “impacting our state.”

This position by Christie seems a reasonable one, and is supported by a majority of scientists worldwide. But Republicans in this country will go to the grave holding onto their naive, irresponsible stance that global warming does not exist. So Christie’s coming out and agreeing with science and the thermometer, is in itself, enough to disqualify him from any presidential consideration for 2012.

After Christie made his statement, Doug Powers wrote on the conservative website that this is probably Christie’s way of telling Republicans that he’s tired of them asking him to run, so admitting to global warming is his way of saying move on to someone else. Doug wrote;

Ann Coulter says Christie is the only Republican who can defeat President Obama next November, but if he’s going to keep talking like this, I beg to differ (I beg to differ anyway, but especially now).

Of course, there’s always a chance that Christie’s just tired of Republicans wondering if he’s going to run for president and this is his way of getting them to stop asking.

Move on folks, there’s nothing more to see here.

Barack Obama Politics United States washington weekly address

President Obama – Washington Must Put Country Before Party

President Obama took his weekly presidential address on the road this week with a simple message, we must put country’s needs ahead of politics. Speaking about the experiences he’s had and the people he has met on his road trip, Mr. Obama said;

It reminds me of why I got into public service in the first place. Getting out of Washington and spending time with the people of this country. Seeing how hard you’re working, how creative you are, how resourceful you are, how determined you are. That only makes me more determine to serve you as best I can as president. And it only makes me more confident in our future.

That’s why it’s so important that folks in Washington put country before party.

Barack Obama Donald Trump Politics Sarah Palin

The Facts About Vacations. Barack Obama vs George Bush

The big controversy now is that Republicans are trying to hammer the President on is his vacations. President Obama and his family decided to take a 10-day vacation in Martha’s Vinyard, but Fox News, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican presidential field have read their talking-points and are zeroing in on the President’s family time as “inappropriate.”

Here are some of the lies from Donald Trump;

The fact is, he takes more vacations than any other human being I’ve ever seen. They used to complain about George Bush, but I understand he’s already exceed George Bush and we’re not even through the year, so he likes vacations.

But take a look at the video below. It shows the difference between the vacation time of the last few presidents and the hypocritical nature of this Republican argument.

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