Politics Republican teachers Wisconsin

Wisconsin Loses More Workers Because Of Scott Walker’s Policies

Remember when Scott Walker promised that the only way to get Wisconsin working again was to take collective bargaining away from public employees? Well apparently, even that was a lie, as Wisconsin isn’t working, they’re loosing jobs and Walker’s policies are to blame.

The Associated Press reports;

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin’s statewide teachers union is laying off 40 percent of its workers as a result of the law pushed by Gov. Scott Walker and passed by the Legislature curbing collective bargaining rights.

Wisconsin Education Association Council executive director Dan Burkhalter announced the layoffs of 42 workers on Monday, saying it was a result of what he called Walker’s “union-busting” bill.

Burkhalter says budget cuts are also being made as a result of the new law, which opponents said was designed to weaken the power of unions like WEAC.

Thanks Walker!

Barack Obama CNN Politics

Fareed Zakaria Spoke The Truth. Liberals Cry Foul

For whatever reason, this story is big today, with both Liberals and Conservatives joining together and speaking as one voice. I, a self-prescribed liberal, beg to differ with the majority, and I’m taking Fareed Zakaria’s side on this one.

What’s all the fuss about?

On his CNN show, Fareed Zakaria said these words: ” I think liberals need to grow up!” He was referring to the criticism Liberals have hauled on President Obama over the last few weeks, in response to his compromising with Republicans to keep the nation from going into default. Zakaria points out that Liberals seem to think the President’s soaring speeches alone are enough to pass legislation. And also, that because President Obama finds himself compromising with the Republicans, he is to be blamed for the way Washington works.

Both sides of the political spectrum apparently disagree with Fareed. The Conservative Newsbusters said, “Maybe this “recurring liberal fantasy” was fostered by folks like Zakaria that presented Barack Obama to the American people as a messiah. If the public has a Hollywood-like view of this president, it’s because the media put him on a pedestal like nobody before him.”

And the liberal leaning site Crooks And Liars said;

No, Liberals aren’t upset that he doesn’t make more heartwarming speeches. Liberals are upset that Obama’s tactics to negotiate in the conditions Zakaria describes is to start out giving the other side more than 50% of what they want and move further to the right from there. But that’s a much harder position to defend, so Chait and Zakaria create a strawman to make liberals look unreasonable. Further, there is no indication–as Zakaria asserts–that Americans are concerned with jobs AND deficit spending. Americans care about their jobs and the economy vis a vis whether they’ll have a job in the foreseeable future.

And even Mediaite started their piece about the story by saying, “Hey, Fareed, so’s yer face!”

Well, sometimes the truth hurts. No one is expecting a full endorsement to everything this president does, but what these Liberals don’t understand is that the constant beating up on the president when it’s unwarranted serves one purpose only – it legitimizes the daily criticism from the Conservatives, whether they be true or not. President Obama is not a one-man team, and the Constitution did not grant him the authority to make policies. Those powers are given to Congress, and right now, that Congress is divided with one side determined to go against everything the President is for.

So preach on Fareed, someone has to point out to these Liberals that what they’re doing amounts to shooting themselves in the foot.


Bachmann Changes The Meaning Of Submissive

Michele Bachmann is in a pickle.

Back in 2006, her husband Mr. Marcus Bachmann asked/told/commanded her to get a post-doctorate degree in tax law. Bachmann, recalling the incident, told her husband that she didn’t want to. “Tax law? I hate taxes,” Bachmann said to Marcus. “Why should I go into something like that? But the Lord says, be submissive. Wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands.'” So she did as she was told.

In the Republican debate last week Michele Bachmann was asked, if she wins the presidency, would she be submissive to her husband. The audience showed their displeasure in the question by booing the moderator, and a friend of mine joined in, saying that the question was sexist. Bachmann seemed to share the same feeling about the question. She hesitated, then answered, saying that to her, ‘submissive’ meant respect for each other.

I, on the other hand, think the question about her submissiveness to her husband was appropriate, seeing that she intends to run for the most powerful position in the United States of America. People ought to know exactly who will be making the crucial decisions and policies for the country. Who will she be answering too?

And the question didn’t stop at the debate. Michele Bachmann went on CBS’s Face The Nation on Sunday, and was asked to explain her “submissive” statement again, to which she continued her “submissive means respect” answer. She said, “submission, means respect – mutual respect. I respect my husband, he respects me,” she added. “We have been married 33 years, we have a great marriage…and respecting each other, listening to each other is what that means.”

The CBS host asked Michele if submissive meant subservient. Bachmann replied,

 “You know, I guess it depends on what word people are used to, but respect is really what it means. Not to us. To us it means respect. We respect each other, we listen to each other, we love each other and that is what it means.”

So I, determined to prove that my interpretation of the word was wrong all along, looked up the word in the dictionary. And to my shock and dismay, was this:

Submissive  (səbˈmɪsɪv) adj. “of, tending towards, or indicating submission, humility, or servility, compliant.

Nowhere in that definition was the word “respect.” So still determined to prove that I was mistaken, I looked up the synonyms for submissive, and again, I was shocked to find the following;

Synonyms of Submissive:

  • abject,
  • accommodating,
  • acquiescent,
  • amenable,
  • bowing down,
  • conformable,
  • complying,
  • deferential,
  • docile,
  • domesticated,
  • dutiful,
  • giving in,
  • humble,
  • ingratiating,
  • lowly,
  • malleable,
  • meek,
  • menial,
  • nonresistant,
  • nonresisting,
  • obedient,
  • obeisant,
  • obeying,
  • obsequious,
  • passive,
  • pliable,
  • pliant,
  • resigned,
  • servile,
  • slavish,
  • subdued,
  • tame,
  • tractable,
  • uncomplaining,
  • unresisting,
  • yes,
  • yielding

I tried, and I simply cannot find the word “respect” as a definition for submission. But this comes as no surprise, we are talking about Michele Bachmann – she is the same one who tried to re-invent American history, and claim that America’s founding fathers “worked tirelessly to end slavery.”

So her claiming that “respect” means submission, is expected. It’s a lie… but it’s expected.

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