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Trump To Reveal Some “Interesting Things” About The Guy In The White House

The Donald recently told NBC that he has his very own investigators in Hawaii, and their sole purpose is to find out the truth about President Obama’s place of birth. “I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding,” Trump told NBC.

On Thursday, about a month after making the claim to NBC, Donald Trump was interviewed by CNN and when asked to comment on what his investigators found, all The Donald would say was, “We’re looking into it very, very strongly. At a certain point in time I’ll be revealing some interesting things,” Trump said on CNN’s American Morning.

So naturally, the speculations began on what these “interesting things” could be.

That the president played a lot of basketball growing up? Probably! That’s pretty interesting!

Was it that he took some drugs as a young man? We’d bet that’s it. We’re glad Trump is doing the country this tremendous public service. The news media has never looked into finding any details about Obama’s life, and it’s about time we learned a thing or two about his past.

According to our source close to Trump (a cartoon sack of gold coins with a dollar sign on it), President Obama may in fact be a black man, and his middle name probably starts with the letter “H.” Very interesting things.

Some people may think journalists have been following leads on Obama’s background for years. But that’s just not the case. For example, do we know how old Obama is? No. He’s probably in his mid-eighties, but it’s hard to tell, because the media doesn’t bother to look into these things.

Thanks to The Donald, for organizing this group of  “investigators” who will show and tell us what these “interesting things” are. We cannot wait to know who this guy in the White House really is.

Paul Ryan Planned Parenthood Politics Republican United States Wisconsin

The So-Called Media Only Covers Right Wing Issues

We’ve been saying it forever. Despite what the Conservatives and Republicans want you to believe, there is no such thing as  “left winged media.”

The truth is, there is a right winged media, and just about all it covers is everything the Right does. Remember the town hall meetings of 2009? Remember the Teaparty rallies and marches on Washington? And remember the handful of individuals – 5 people to be exact – who gathered in front of Harry Reid’s office to protest Planned Parenthood and to call for a government shutdown? Yes, even those 5 people got massive media coverage.

Now, remember the hundreds of thousands that showed up in Wisconsin – on a daily basis? No? You can’t recall because the media totally drowned out those marches and protests. How about the time when constituents began questioning the Republican’s votes on the Paul Ryan’s budget plan? Right, you can’t recall those town halls because the main stream media is not covering it.

Rachel Maddow has more in the video below;

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Donald Trump Won’t Waste His Time With Voting In Primaries

And why should he? He’s The Donald for crying out loud! He don’t need to vote in no stinkin’ primary! That’s a waste of his time, and quite frankly, his money. We are talking about the Trump here… There’s casinos to bankrupt, there’s hairspray to buy. Why waste time voting in a primary?!?

According to th New York Board of Elections, the last vote The Donald had cast in a primary election was back in 1989, some 22 years ago. But now, the Republican Presidential wanna-be candidate would like for you, all of you, to drive, walk, or push your ride  to the polls in 2012 and cast your ballots for him.

The report originally appeared on NY1, a television station in New York. After it aired, The Donald did what The Donald does best – lied again.

“You’re going to pay a big price because you’re wrong,” he told the NY1. “I have records that I voted and so does the Board of Elections … I signed in at every election.”

I don’t know about you, but I may have my own casinos to bankrupt on the day The Donald’s name appears on a ballot.

Barack Obama Birthers Donald Trump

Robert DeNiro Defends Obama, Disses The Donald

“It’s like a big hustle,” De Niro said of The Donald’s birthers act. “It’s like being a car salesman. Don’t go out there and say things unless you can back them up.”

That was Robert DeNiro’s response to what Donald Trump is doing with the birther issue. DeNiro was giving an onstage interview with NBC News anchor Brian Williams at the Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday. Mr. DeNiro continued;

“I won’t mention names, but there are certain people on the news in the last couple of weeks—what they’re doing is crazy. They’re making statements about people that they don’t even back up. Go get the facts before you start saying things about people.”

Brian Williams wanted to make sure Mr. DeNiro was in fact talking about The Donald, so Williams asked, “Any of those people have shows on my network on Sunday night?”— clearly talking about Celebrity Apprentice. the reality show hosted by The Donald – to which Mr. DeNiro responded;

“Yes! It’s like a big hustle. It’s like being a car salesman. Don’t go out there and say things unless you can back them up. How dare you? It’s awful. Just go out there and speak and say these terrible things?… It’s crazy.”

Williams then asked about DeNiro’s feeling to what was happening in the political arena, to which Mr. DeNiro offered his defence of President Obama, saying;

“I think of the possibility of the government being shut down and I say, ‘How did we get to this point?’ …I know Obama was trying to bridge the gap. His intentions are really good. Maybe some things are not as good as we all would like but his intentions are good. A lot of these guys—their intentions are not even good. They’re just playing a game and they’re playing with people’s lives.”

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