Barack Obama Iowa Politics

Tea Party Argues With The President In Iowa

President Obama has always called for civility in this ugly, sometimes racially motivated environment called the American political system. And on his most recent engagement with the American people in an open-air town hall meeting in Iowa, the Tea Party used the president’s call for civility as an opportunity to show how uncivil they really are, shouting accusations from the audience to Mr. Obama and engaging the President in what is being described as a “sparing match.

This report from Yahoo.

US President Barack Obama went head-to-head with a prominent conservative Tea Party activist, in a microcosm of a political clash that will play out in the 2012 election.

Ryan Rhodes, a leader of the group in Iowa, took on Obama during an open-air town hall meeting, which marked a moment of new intensity in the president’s campaign for a second term.

Rhodes shouted out that the president’s calls for more civility in politics had little chance of coming to pass after “your vice president is calling people like me, a Tea Party member, a ‘terrorist.'”

His question referred to media reports that Vice President Joe Biden made such a remark in a private meeting with House of Representatives Democrats at the height of a debt showdown earlier this month.

The clash came as Obama was intent on wrapping up the meeting in the shadow of a red country barn draped with an American flag, as the sun set on a rural corner of Iowa.

“I know it’s not going to work, if you stand up, and I asked everybody to raise their hand… I didn’t see you, I wasn’t avoiding you,” the president said, but later circled back to answer Rhodes’s question.

“I absolutely agree that everybody needs to try to tone down the rhetoric,” he said, before going on to detail some of the more explosive charges that conservatives have laid against him.

“In fairness, since I have been called a socialist who wasn’t born in this country, who is destroying America and taking away its freedoms because I passed a health care bill, I am all for lowering the rhetoric.”

Obama and Rhodes later engaged in an animated conversation as he greeted supporters on a rope line after the event, and the activist later told reporters that he believed that Obama was indeed a socialist.

Politics Republican

Michele Bachmann – All Talk And No Action

Michele Bachmann told a crowd at a political rally in Iowa on Saturday, that she is not a talker, but a doer. This was apparently her response to Tim Pawlenty’s claim that she hasn’t done anything since being elected to congress.

Here are the two sides: Michele Bachmann

 ‘I pledge to you, I’m not a talker. I’m a doer,’ she said, in what seemed to be a response to rival GOP presidential contender Tim Pawlenty’s recent hints that Iowans shouldn’t let themselves be mesmerized by her soaring rhetoric.

Asked what he thought about Bachmann’s candidacy for President: Tim Pawlenty

 “I like Con­gress­woman Bach­mann, I’ve cam­paigned for her, I respect her,” said Paw­lenty on the pro­gram. “But her record of accom­plish­ment in Con­gress is nonex­is­tent. It’s nonex­is­tent. And so we’re not look­ing for folks who, you know, just have speech capa­bil­i­ties, we’re look­ing for peo­ple who can lead a large enter­prise in a pub­lic set­ting and drive it to con­clu­sion. I’ve done that, she hasn’t.”

Here’s the facts: Politico’s Research

Now in her third House term, Bachmann has never had a bill or resolution she’s sponsored signed into law, and she’s never wielded a committee gavel, either at the full or subcommittee level. Bachmann’s amendments and bills have rarely been considered by any committee, even with the House under GOP control. In a chamber that rewards substantive policy work and insider maneuvering, Bachmann has shunned the inside game, choosing to be more of a bomb thrower than a legislator.

My take: – the record is clear, the facts are indisputable. Michele Bachmann is all talk, no action.



Republican Calls Teaparty Congress Members “Nuts!”

Alan Simpson, the former out-spoken Republican Senator from Wyoming stayed true to his colors and called out the Teaparty members in Congress for their unwillingness to compromise, a position that led to the decision of S&P to downgrade America’s credit.

Mr. Simpson, in a telephone interview with Fox Business News today, said he found it “stunning that people are disgusted” with these Teaparty/Republicans, and asked, “what did they think was going to happen?”

“[Obama] is smarter than rigid people who don’t compromise on anything. If you came to Congress not to compromise you’re totally ineffective, you oughta’ go home. You can compromise an issue without compromising yourself. These guys think the word compromise is a silly word. They’re nuts!”


Teaparty Members Cheer On Announcement Of America’s Credit Downgrade

Teaparty members are Republicans of a whole new kind, and this kind of Republican is not one we’ve ever seen in the history of this nation. Yes, we will always have ideological differences, but this group seems to want the total destruction of  American society, our economy and our nation.

At a meeting in Wisconsin, Teaparty members actually cheered when the announcement was made that America’s credit rating was downgraded. They’re either fundamentally different in their interpretation of patriotism, or they’re just plain dumb.

Barack Obama child support Politics

Teaparty Congressman Joe Walsh Owes 9 Years Of Child Support

Who said this:

 “President Obama, quit lying. Have you no shame, sir? In three short years, you’ve bankrupted this country.”

If you answered Joe Walsh, you’d be correct! Based on that statement, it would seem that Joe Walsh, a Teaparty Congressman serving his first term in the House of Representatives, is all for fiscal responsibility, you know, paying his bills on time and living within his means, as is preached by the Teaparty.

But according to reports from The Chicago Sun-Times, Joe is a little too conservative with his money, one might even call him cheap. How cheap is this congressman who accused President Obama of  “having no shame”? Walsh owes more than $117,437.00 in child support dating back some 9 years. Have you no shame, sir?

Before getting elected, he had told Laura Walsh that because he was out of work or between jobs, he could not make child support payments. So she was surprised to read in his congressional campaign disclosures that he was earning enough money to loan his campaign $35,000.

“Joe personally loaned his campaign $35,000, which, given that he failed to make any child support payments to Laura because he ‘had no money’ is surprising,” Laura Walsh’s attorneys wrote in a motion filed in December seeking $117,437 in back child support and interest. “Joe has paid himself back at least $14,200 for the loans he gave himself.”

Let’s here what else the morally sophisticated Walsh had to say about the President. In a video message to Mr. Obama, Walsh said this;

“I won’t place one more dollar of debt upon the backs of my kids and grandkids unless we structurally reform the way this town spends money!”

Well, at least he is looking out for his kids. Walsh is already placing $117,437 dollars of debt on them. One more dollar from the president will just be wickedness.

CNN Featured

Americans Losing Faith In The Teaparty

A new CNN poll reveals some shocking details – Americans are wising up to the Teaparty and what they really stand for. Imagine that? The poll shows that the unfavorable rating of the Teaparty have risen to 47%. That’s up from a year ago, when more Americans bought into their so-called “grassroots” foundation.

Since January 2010, when only 26% of Americans found the movement to be unfavorable, more revelations were made about where their funds were coming from. And with those revelations, more and more Americans began realizing that the Teaparty movement is a lobbying organization for the rich. People like the Koch brothers and Dick Armey have invested heavily into the Teaparty, and in return for their investment, the movement goes out to protest any policy measure that goes against their rich sponsors.

But although a majority of Americans view the Teaparty in an unfavorable way, they are not alone. The CNN poll also finds both the Democratic and Republican party with a high unfavorable reading. Democrat’s polls split almost down the middle, with 46% in favor and 48% expressing a negative view. Republicans are in the same boat. The American people voted 44% in favor of the GOP, and 48% against.


Democratic Mitch McConnell Politics Republican

Is The Teaparty Turning On Scott Brown?

He seemed to be just another ordinary man, driving a pick-up truck, cruising around Massachusetts shaking hands and kissing babies. He was endorsed by the Teaparty and was poised to go down in defeat in a state that was often referred to as a liberal county – and after all, he was running a campaign to replace one of the most liberal members of Congress, the late Ted Kennedy.  At a time when Republicans only controlled 40 seats in the Senate and embraced the label “the party of NO,” Brown was seen as the automatic 41st vote against a Democratic controlled majority. The Teaparty powered his campaign with what seemed to be an unlimited amount of cash, and with the lack-luster effort of his Democratic rival Martha Coakley, Scott Brown won the Senate seat controlled by Democrats for almost 50 years.

The Teaparty rejoiced. Their 41st “NO” vote was in place and this was supposed to be the beginning of the revolution to “take their country back!” But something was different about Brown. He seemed to be putting the people of his state before the wishes of his party. He was not the rubber-stamp they expected and he even sided with Democrats on some very important pieces of legislations, like the New START Treaty, repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Financial Reform and the Jobs bill in 2010 – bills geared to increase America’s security and economic standing, but vastly different from the Teaparty’s ideas on where they wanted America to be.

Now, because of his stance on these and other issues, the Teaparty is trying to unseat Brown.

Scott Wheeler, a Republican activist whose Political Action Committee invested “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in Brown’s election campaign is livid! In a recent article Wheeler wrote called, “Why Scott Brown Must Be Defeated,” Mr. Wheeler said;

An organization I run, The National Republican Trust PAC, raised and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to help Scott Brown win the Massachusetts special election to fill the seat vacated upon the death of Ted Kennedy. That organization will now do everything possible to see that Brown is defeated by a primary opponent when he faces reelection in 2012. Why? Because there is no difference between him and a Democrat.

Brown is caught between a rock and a hard place. His party is turning against him, his Teaparty supporters are turning against him, and with his re-election coming up in 2012, Democrats will prefer seeing one of their own reclaim the seat once held by Ted Kennedy. Mr. Brown is feeling the uprising from all sides.

In a meeting with his constituents, Newsweek describes Brown’s opening statement to the audience as he explains the dilemma he faces;

The strain of walking such a fine line must be getting to Brown, because as soon as he finishes his initial round of pleasantries, he launches into a peevish rant about how unfair conservatives are being when they criticize him. “The Democrats are in charge!” he shouts, his voice reaching the high, strained register that teenagers typically use when they don’t want to take out the trash. “Does that mean I’m supposed to do nothing? That I’m supposed to vote with my party every single second of every single day? Why? I haven’t done it for 15 years in the state legislature. All of a sudden I’m supposed to be an ideologue? I’m not quite sure what the mystery is, folks. When I hear some of the comments…I don’t know what the mystery is. I said I was going down there to be a Scott Brown Republican, not someone who works for Harry Reid—or Mitch McConnell!” It’s as if Brown is no longer addressing the people in the room—again, they’re mostly Democrats. Instead, he seems to be fending off foes in Washington, real or otherwise. Unsure of how to react, the crowd quietly pokes at its meatloaf.

This dilemma is real, and Scott Brown knows it. If he fights for the people and does what he believe is right, then the Teaparty and the Republicans in Congress will continue to do all they can to take away his GOP membership card. If he becomes a Republican rubber-stamp, then it is very likely the citizens of Massachusetts will make their voices heard in 2012 and reward the seat to someone who puts them first. And if he aligns himself more with the Democrats, then Democrats accuse him of playing politics, just to get re-elected.

Scott Brown doesn’t need any advise from me, a simple blogger, but if I were to advise him, I would tell him to continue doing what is right for his constituents. Let the Teaparty, Republicans and Democrats fight among themselves. But knowing how the Republicans demand their caucus stick together in opposition to President Obama’s initiatives, its only a matter of time before they make Brown fall into line.


Hi, I’m a Teapartier! – Must See Video

OMG! You must watch this!

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