
Asian Racism – Dirty Black Man Literally Washed Into Clean Asian Man – Video

Blatent racism is the only message one could get from this Qiaobi ad, as a black man is forced into a washing machine by an Asian woman and literally got the blackness washed off him.

The ad begins with the black man, full of paint stains on his shirt and face, catcalling a young Asian woman while she is doing her laundry.

After seductively calling the man over to her, the woman goes in for a kiss but instead feeds him a Qiaobi detergent pod.

Adding insult to injury, she then pushes him into a washing machine.

The woman then sits on the machine, while grunts of pain can be heard off-screen.

To her pleasant surprise, when the load of laundry is done, a young Asian man with a clean shirt climbs out of the machine.


Barack Obama BLM Politics

Donald Trump Fanatic Arrested with Bombs After Threatening Barack Obama

Donald Trump and the Republican party just lost a vote as John Roos, one of Trump’s biggest fans, is now in custody.

A fanatical Donald Trump supporter, who was arrested by the FBI in Oregon this week after repeatedly threatening to kill President Barack Obama and federal agents, had multiple pipe bombs in his home, authorities alleged in court on Friday.

John Martin Roos, a 61-year-old from Oregon, has been charged with communication of a threat in interstate commerce, and additional charges are likely forthcoming. Roos first came onto the federal government’s radar after a “concerned citizen” brought Roos’ Facebook and Twitter postings to the FBI’s attention in February, according to an affidavit from Special Agent Jeffrey Gray. (Excerpts, below, from Roos’ postings contain explicit language.)

In one Jan. 31 Facebook post cited by the FBI, Roos referred to agents as “pussies” and wrote he would “snipe them with hunting rifles everywhere.” (Despite his threats to kill members of law enforcement, he also complained on Facebook earlier this month about the “liberal media … slamming police.”) In a post in November that was also cited by the FBI, Roos spoke out against accepting refugees and threatened to kill Obama.

“Obama you goat fffing fudgepacker, the refugees are men of fighting age. Black lives matter! Sure we need someone to pick cotton and wash cars. Paris, burn diseased muslim neighborhoods to the ground and start over with human beings. Obama you are on a hit list,” he wrote in a post that appears to have been removed.

Beyond what was mentioned in the affidavit, Roos regularly posted on both Facebook and Twitter about his support for Trump and his hatred for Obama, who he called a “muslim faggot” and other derogatory terms. He indicated he wanted to kill Obama’s family and made other racist and sexist statements about Michelle Obama. He also made negative references to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, singer Beyonce, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and reporter Michelle Fields, and said he believed that the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was killed by Obama. He praised Ann Coulter and Stacey Dash, and posted several links to posts on

Donald Trump Politics sexism

Donald Trump – I Have No Intentions to Move to the Center – Audio

Due to some of the things he has said, Donald Trump has been linked to sexism, racism and xenophobia. But in an interview with conservative radio talk-show host Michael Savage, Trump assured the host and all his supporters that moderating his message is not going to happen. He has no plans to change his sexist, racist and xenophobic ways.

“The reason you’re popular is because of borders, because of immigration, because of the flood of Muslims coming into the country,” Savage said. “I would almost say, Donald, please don’t let the moderate influences in your campaign take you off-point, it’s what got you where you are. Are you going to modify your campaign and move a little bit more to the center now?”

Trump assured him that he would not adjust his message, telling Savage that “the last thing I should be doing now is changing so I don’t think you have anything to worry about, okay?”

But then again, Donald Trump is called a classic liar by other politicians, both Democrats and Republicans. They say Trump will say whatever and do whatever to get elected. When politicians call you a liar, then that is really saying something.


Climate Change Domestic Policies Donald Trump Donald Trump Immigration Reform Politics

Denying the Climate of Fear

It was certainly bound to happen. After all, one of Donald Trump’s earliest backers hosted the same crowd when she was running for national office. This is what happens when a politician plays into the anger with more anger and blame and bluster and racism and Islamophobia and, above all, ignorance.

Look, Bernie Sanders has some angry Democrats at his rallies, but Sanders is a responsible, thinking adult who knows that the way you channel anger is to turn it into positive energy and constructive policies.

But the Republican Party has denied climate change for so long that they didn’t see the political climate shifting underneath their Gucci loafers. And now that both the planet and the right-wing are heating up to the point that there’s no turning back, we have our first political super storm. And it’s ugly. Trump has fed the storm for years with his claim that President Obama was not a citizen and that Ted Cruz should be barred from the GOP race. He’s also claimed his own reality when it comes to his finances, his bankruptcies and, in the aftermath of his canceled Chicago rally, the claim that if he hadn’t brought up immigration, it wouldn’t have been an issue in this campaign. Of course it would have: the difference is that maybe we could have had an adult conversation about it, not a white-hot ethnic slur-fest that’s resulting in more Hispanics applying for citizenship so they can vote against Trump (shudder) in November.

The motley crew’s endorsement of Trump – from the Klan to the Illinois Nazi Party to Chris Christie to Ben Carson – makes it quite clear that his message is dangerous and that he needs to be careful about stoking emotional outbursts. Trump needs to rebuke all of this in a national statement, but I’m not holding my breath.

In the meantime, the deniers will ensure that the atmosphere just gets hotter.

Donald Trump Politics

Right Wing Nut Say – “there is a high degree of racism against Donald Trump” – Audio

Racism… against Donald Trump! That little piece of nonsense comes straight from the bowel of Michael Savage, a right-wing nut-job and an avid Donald Trump supporter who calls himself the “architect of Trump’s message.” Savage thinks Donald Trump is facing “racism” because… Trump is a rich man!

And who are these anti-Trump racists? Why, they’re “the deviants, the perverts, the intellectual haters of America, the losers who are jealous of anybody who has succeeded,” Savage explained.

“A tremendous degree of racism is being directed at Donald Trump and he is expressing certainly no racial issues, none whatsoever; he is expressing nationalist issues, not racist issues,” Savage said. “But the perverted, deviant left is so twisted in their thinking that anyone who stands up for our borders, our language and our culture is to these sickos a racist.”

He said that these liberals “hate Trump” more than murderers, rapists and Al Qaeda terrorists “because liberalism is a mental disorder.”


Featured Racism

Black Woman Kicked Off Bus for Refusing to Sit in the Back

And this story is not about Rosa Parks, it’s about an incident that happened in California in 2014!

According to the SF Gate, Toni Young — who is black — states she was on her way to a family celebration in Sacramento in April of 2014 when she grabbed a front seat on a Greyhound bus driven by Cynthia Lara.

Young states that after she took her seat, Lara told her she would have to move because she was expecting an elderly woman to board when they reached Sacramento.

Despite explaining that she was getting off in Sacramento and that the seat would be available then, Lara insisted that Young move.

According to Young’s attorney, Michael Adams, she complied but “quietly” told Lara, “You don’t have to have an attitude about this.”

The lawsuit states Lara  “loudly asserted that she did not have any attitude,” and called for a security guard to remove Young from the bus.

It was then, Young asserts that Lara “loudly muttered” the racial slur.

“It was shocking to me that we have an incident like this reminiscent of the Rosa Parks incident many years ago,” said attorney Adams.

According to the attorney, Young was escorted off the bus and had to wait several hours for the next one. Young said she asked the guard for paperwork to file a complaint, but he said they were out of the forms. When she asked to speak with the station manager, she was told her the manager was not available.

Young stated that by the time she reached Sacramento, the family celebration was over.

“It was the most dehumanizing incident of my life,” explained Young. “I will never ride a Greyhound bus again.”

Donald Trump Featured Politics Racism

White Supremacist Group to Hold Rally for Donald Trump in DC – Video

Flirting with the racist among him, Donald Trump has found another reason to act ignorant and to pretend that endorsements from hate groups like the Klu Klux Klan, or David Duke, or White Supremacist, can be accepted on a case by case basis.

On Saturday evening, an Arlington-based think tank called the National Policy Institute plans to hold its annual conference in the rotunda of the Reagan building in D.C., with around 150 attendees expected.  The topic of the conference will be the Republican presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump.
But the NPI isn’t just any think tank. The Southern Poverty Law Center considers its president Richard Spencer to be one of the “most successful young white nationalist leaders” in the country today.
The NPI’s website says the group is  “dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of  people of European descent in the United States.”
In Trump, Spencer sees a figure “energizing” the white nationalist movement. So on Saturday, conference attendees will enjoy cocktails, dinner, desert, and three speakers praising and parsing the “Trump phenomenon.”


Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump Jr. Gives Radio Interview to White Supremacist

Donald Trump found himself in hot water on Sunday when he refused to denounce an endorsement by the former leader of the KKK, David Duke Now his son, Donald Trump Jr., apparently thought it appropriate to give a 20-minute radio interview to a white supremacist, a man who said slavery was great for black Americans.

James Edwards, host of the show “Political Cesspool,” scored a 20-minute interview with Donald Trump Jr. at a Memphis rally on Saturday, he wrote on his blog.

Edwards, who calls his views unabashedly “pro-white,” has hosted Ku Klux Klan leaders and Holocaust deniers on his show. He once wrote of slavery: “For blacks in the Americas, slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Unfortunately, it’s the worst thing that ever happened to white Americans.”

Donald Trump Politics

Donald Trump’s Campaign calls Obama “half-breed” “Head Negro” in charge – Video

More racist talk from the Donald Trump campaign that is sure to raise Trump’s poll numbers among the Republican voters.

The top spokesperson for Donald Trump’s campaign along with Donald Trump himself, have made it their number one mission to haul personal insults at the president. Coming from the opposition party you’ll expect a healthy debate about the best policies for the country. But the Republican Party and its top presidential candidate have no policies, so personal attacks are their only option.

In an interview with CNN, Trump’s spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, already known for calling Obama the “head negro” in charge, took that line of reasoning a step further and referred to the president of the United States as, “half-breed.” Given a chance to walk back that line of personal attack that has absolutely nothing to do with politics, Pierson doubled down of course.

“Would you like to retract that?” the CNN host asked.

“No, not at all,” she replied. “These tweets — I’m an activist and I am a half-breed. I’m always getting called a half-breed. And on Twitter when you’re fighting with liberals and even establishment, you go back at them in the same silliness they are giving you.”

“So, I myself am a half-breed,” Pierson added. “We have entered silly season. Donald Trump is up in the polls. There’s desperate campaigns out there, they can’t take him down so they try to take down the people that are around him. And we’re just not going to get distracted by all that nonsense.”

A future job at Fox News awaits.



Racists Girls Posed for Yearbook Picture Wearing “NI**ER” T-Shirts – Video

The girls who happily chose to come together and spell out the racial slur, “NI**ER” on their shirts were part of a larger group of girls. Put together, the larger group – each with a letter on their black t-shirt – spelt “BEST*YOU’VE*EVER*SEEN*CLASS*OF*2016.”

The six girls, belonging to the Desert Vista High School in Phoenix Arizona, apparently thought doing this extra photo-shoot would be hilarious. It was taken on Friday for the group’s “Senior Picture Day,” and then posted on social media where it immediately, went viral.

Dr. Christine Barela, the principal at Desert Vista, sent the following letter to parents:

We want to let you know we share your outrage and disappointment over the actions of a handful of our students today. We want to make it crystal clear those actions are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Desert Vista. Those actions do not represent who we are as a campus. We can assure you we will discipline these students in accordance with district policy and our student handbook. While we don’t discuss individual discipline, we can tell you that in addition, the obvious need for sensitivity training will be addressed.

Students, though, say that thanks to Twitter, they discovered that the girls who took part in the racist photo shoot only received a five-day suspension, and they don’t think the punishment fits the crime.


Barack Obama Donald Trump Donald Trump Racists

Trump Supporter Proudly Displays his Racism Along with His Trump Sign

On the same day when blacks and whites came together to celebrate the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and on the same day when President Obama paid a visit to Omaha Nebraska, a Trump supporter decided to display his racism on full view for all to see.

In the window of his home, the Trump supporter, a man named Steve Bowman, put up a sign saying “NIGGA OBAMA” next to his “TRUMP” poster. When asked about his racist views for the first African-American president, Bowman answered that he “was born in the 60’s,” and is apparently doing all he can to keep his 60’s racist mentality alive and well in 2016.

His neighbor, an Africa American woman with two small children said that she is used to seeing this level of racism and hatred from her neighbor. She said that she will not allow  Bowman’s hate to get the best of her.

“He’s been putting up stuff like that constantly. Constantly putting up stuff like that and I’ll bring it up to him gently, you know, ‘take that down please you know this is not the neighborhood for that. He understands and he will take it down after I mention it to him, but then he’ll put something else up.”



Bill Maher – “The Teaparty was Born, Bred and Raised from Racism”

Fresh back from his vacation, HBO’s Bill Maher was interviewed by The Daily Beast and asked a series of questions ranging from President Obama’s last State of The Union address to The Republican Presidential candidates. And as usual, Maher’s perspective on the issues are usually spot on, and although the interview has many quotable areas, it was his feelings on the Teaparty that had me nodding my head in agreement.

Asked if the Teaparty was born out of pure racism for the first black American president, Maher quickly agreed… and expanded on the racism foundation in the Teaparty.

More like totally. Born, bred, and raised from racism. Of course. There’s a number of things that prove it, but Obama has mostly completed their agenda. He cut taxes on 98 percent of Americans. He cut the deficit by two-thirds. He reduced the size of government, which is something that Bush and Reagan never did. And yet they still hate him. What could it be? I am always racking my brain! Is it because he’s skinny? What could it be! That’s of course what it is. There was no Tea Party during Bush despite the financial collapse, the bailout of the banks, the bailout of the automobile industry—all of this “socialist money” out the window, the thing that they supposedly hate, and yet no movement of concerned white taxpayers sprouting up. But suddenly, a month after Count Chocula takes office, they break out the three-cornered hat!

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