Elizabeth Warren Politics

It’s President Obama Against High Profile Democrats on the New Trade Agreement

U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks at an Organizing for Action summit in Washington April 23, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

President Obama has come out swing against not only Republicans, but against members of his own party who are criticizing his newest and most ambitious trade deal, the TPP or The Trans Pacific Partnership. Once his friends, the people now playing the role of his foes include the likes of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Trade Unions and Environmental groups.

“When people say that this trade deal is bad for working families, they don’t know what they’re talking about,” Obama told a group of about 200 volunteers and donors with Organizing for Action, an advocacy group formed by his former campaign team. “I take that personally. My entire presidency has been about helping working families.

“The Chamber of Commerce didn’t elect me twice – working folks did,” he said.

Obama argued it would be illogical for him to sign a trade deal that would hurt middle-class jobs given his efforts to expand health care insurance, bail out the auto industry and overhaul Wall Street regulations.

“I spent a lot of time and a lot of political capital to save the auto industry,” Obama said, banging the lectern with a pointed finger for emphasis. “Why would I pass a deal that would be bad for U.S. auto workers?”

Obama is seeking fast-track authority from Congress to finalize the TPP deal, which would link a dozen economies and cover a third of global trade.

The Senate could vote on the fast-track legislation next week, but it may face a tough ride in the House of Representatives, where many Democrats oppose it.

Democratic opponents say the deal would cause a repeat of the factory closures and job losses seen after the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico was approved in 1993.

Obama said he understands the fears, but said the criticism was out of date, arguing the new deal will include strong protections for labor and the environment, and warning that a failure to pass it would cede economic power to China.

“You need to tell me what’s wrong with this trade agreement, not one that was passed 25 years ago,” he said, urging his supporters to spread the word.

“We can’t just oppose trade on reflex alone.”


President Obama is Frustrated Over Republicans’ Holdup of Loretta Lynch – Video

And now the President of the United States is calling out the Republicans over their continued blockage of the Loretta Lynch confirmation. The President correctly stated that Loretta Lynch is “a woman who everybody believes is qualified” to be the next Attorney General of the United States, but she is blocked for no reason by Republicans.

Explaining that Mrs Lynch has waited for confirmation “longer than the previous seven attorney general nominees combined,” a visually exasperated president called the blockage “political gamesmanship in the Senate.” Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is holding up the Lynch confirmation because he wants Democrats to vote on abortion language in a Human Trafficking Bill.

Republicans love abortions apparently!

Again, one thing has nothing to do with the other, but… political gamesmanship!



Bachmann’s Followers Chastise Her for Comparing Obama to German Co-pilot

Like only the crazy Bachmann Lunatic can, she took the opportunity to use the German plane crash for her own dumb Republican politics.

In a post on her Facebook page, the retired Republican congresswoman saw it fit to compare the president of the United States to the co-pilot of the German flight, whose apparent intentional actions crashed the plane killing all 150 people on board.

Said Bachmann;

With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls on the German Wings flight – a deranged pilot flying his entire nation into the rocks. After the fact, among the smoldering remains of American cities, the shocked survivors will ask, why did he do it?

Luckily, Americans have morals and we’re quick to shut down the lunacy emitting from the Republican.

Melissa Coca, replied with this comment;

Comparing this tragedy to anything is moronic and despicable. Congratulations, for once more upholding the level of stupid which only you can.

And this from Henry Graham Kicklighter

I’m so glad that you’re a political has-been, Michele

And Steve Crews had this to say;

Hey fear mongers you should try passing rumors that are true. But You would have to give up on a lot of your rants on here. It has been proven he is not muslim, he is a citizen of the US, he is doing everything he can to avoid a war with Iran (no thanks to 47 traitors) some of you are republican that no matter what you won’t belive anyone that disagrees with you. Some are racist, bigots. And some just vote stright party. He is a good man just he has different ideals than you and you can’t belive a black man might have a better ideal than a bunch of old white men. If you could get over it we would be lots better off.

On and on the disgust for Michele and the Republicans went, and I smiled in delight that my fellow Americans are seeing these people for the sickos they really are.

Barack Obama Celebrities Politics Television

Video Shows President Obama Reading Mean Tweets About Himself – Video

If you are a mean person and sent an evil and mean tweet to President Obama… in other words, if you are a Republican and tweeted your unfounded frustrations at the president, then chances are you got your tweet read… by the president himself!

In an appearance Comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s NBC show, the president followed in the footsteps of many other Kimmel guests and read mean and nasty tweets about himself.

And you thought your evilness went nowhere.


Featured Healthcare Politics

Convicted Republican Felon Calls Obama “Vulgar” and “Boy From the Ghetto” – PIC

Again, this is a convicted felon talking. His name is Dinesh D’Souza and yes, he is a convicted felon and pleaded guilty for illegal campaign contributions.

D’Souza posted this on his twitter feed apparently complaining that the President is a “vulgar man” and a “boy from the ghetto,” because the president took a selfie for Buzzfeed to promote the Affordable Health Care Act, better known as Obamacare.

My question is this: Since when is taking a selfie a vulgar act done by ghetto people? And while I’m at it, lemme also ask this: why is a convicted Republican felon the moral authority on selfie taking etiquette?

Republicans. Their stupidity never cease to amaze me!

Politics Rape

Fox Issues a Correction – Finally Figured Out Obama Is NOT the Rapist

It took them a few days to figure this out. After showing a picture of President Obama in a story about an alleged rape, Fox finally decided to issue a correction and an “apology” to their story.

At 10:31 p.m. Sunday, two days after the original “mistake” was made, Fox 5 anchor Misha DiBono read this statement:

“And we have an apology now. Friday night at 10 o’clock, we inadvertently used a photo of President Obama while reporting on a story about charges being dropped in a local case. We regret the error.”


Total Insanity – A Republican said Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech was “Verbal Rape” – Audio

Yea, this really happened. Last week,  President Obama spoke at a prayer breakfast and used the occasion to, among other things, talk about how there are extremists in all religions, and how these extremists use their religion as a basis for hate and terrorism.

Again, this was a general speech where multiple forms of religion were mentioned. But the president’s decision to include Christianity and some of the documented horrendous acts done under that religious banner, touched off the usual wave of backlash from the Republicans and those in the conservative media.

This manufactured outrage by some of these people were covered in a previous post, but when a conservative mouthpiece equates the president’s speech to “verbal rape,” well, that outrageous statement is worth a mention.

Conservative activist Star Parker told radio host Mark Levin this weekend that President Obama’s remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast last week amounted to “verbal rape” because he “stole all the energy in the room” with his “secular humanism.”

“It was verbal rape. Frankly, what the president did was verbal rape,” Parker said. “He stole all the energy in the room. He stole from all of us. He stole the momentum in the room, he stole from our country, he stole from the world.”

Explaining that those in the room had already been dealing in what she called weak interfaith “sippy soup,” Parker said Obama “reduced that whole meeting to meaninglessness.”

“This is what we were doing in this room, all this prayer, all these people, and then the president gets up and totally politicizes it,” she said. “It was verbal rape. You could feel the energy leave the room because he is so adamant about his secular humanism. These are certainly big questions, but he reduced that whole meeting to meaninglessness. It was just bad.”

Christianity Politics

Watch President Obama’s Full Speech at The Prayer Breakfast – Video

It has already started. On the right, the talk in the Republican and conservative arena is that President Obama never mentioned Islam, but criticized Christianity in his speech today. On one of these websites, the author wrote…

At none other than the National Prayer Breakfast, Obama once again attacked Christianity’s   perceived offences in the name of Christ and the Crusades of over a thousand years ago,  while specifically leaving out references to atrocities committed in the name of Muhammed and Islam…..

Of course, the website author nitpicked a 3 minutes section of the 24 minutes speech and presented that as the basis for their criticism. A false criticism that is, because the entire speech focused on ALL religions and how extremists hijack these religions for their own sick use.

So for those who wish to know the truth, I challenge you to listen to the full speech, instead of soundbites and nitpicking.

Do you accept the challenge?


Politics State of the union

Obama Clobbered Republicans in SOTU – This Meme Explains Perfectly

While President Obama gave his State of The Union Address last night, there was a line in his speech where he praised the fact that he is not running for office again. To this line, some Republicans in the chamber began applauding and laughing sarcastically, but Obama’s comeback to their excitement was priceless.

“I have no more campaigns to run,” Obama said. At this point the Republican applauds began, but Obama shot back, “I know because I won both of them.”

That response almost broke Twitter, as memes popped up all over the place demonstrating how the president clobbered the Republicans. In my view, this meme below was the best one yet!

Politics State of the Union address

The Hug – President Obama and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The hug was real and it permeated through the chamber for all to see. And it was refreshing, considering the last midterm elections when spineless Democrats made a frantic dash away from the president and his successful policies. Heck, one of them did not even want to say if she voted for the man. But in last night’s State Of The Union Address, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg showed those spineless Democrats how it should be done.

It should be noted that those Democrats who ran away from the president lost their reelection. Apparently the voters turned their backs on those politicians after they turned their backs on the president.

“She is one of my favorite people,” Obama told The New Yorker in 2014, after the 81-year-old associate justice was rushed to the hospital with a blocked artery. Following her hospitalization, Ginsburg brushed aside suggestions that she step down from the bench while Obama is still in office. The president told the magazine at the time: “Life tenure means she gets to decide, not anybody else, when she chooses to go.”

It’s clear that the warm feelings are mutual between Ginsburg and Obama, who had a special bond even before he was elected president.

“When the Court had one of its occasional dinners for members of the Senate, Ginsburg asked that Obama be seated at her table,” wrote Supreme Court expert Jeffrey Toobin.

Ginsburg has served on the Supreme Court since 1993, when she was appointed by then-President Bill Clinton. Since then, she has become famous for her advocacy for women’s rights, perhaps most notably her blistering dissent in the Hobby Lobby case, and her strong opposition to the court’s Citizens United decision, which she said she wished she could overrule.

Politics State of the union

Watch It Again – The President’s State Of The Union Address – Video

The State of The Union Address 2015


President Obama’s Approval Ratings Now Up to 50 Percent

Republicans, you are not doing a good job at tanking the economy. According to this new poll by the Washington Post, the president’s work on the economy is paying off, and Americans are giving Mr. Obama some much needed credit.

Per a Washington Post/ABC News poll released Monday, Obama’s approval rating is back at 50%, the highest recorded in that poll since spring of 2013, and a nine-point shift since December. 44% disapprove of Obama, ten points lower than in December, one of the few times in his second term he’s been above water.

The WaPo poll echoes those by PEW and Gallup that have also found Obama’s approval rating trending upward in the last two months.

The spike in his approval is largely attributed to steadily improving job numbers combined with plunging gas prices. (Some even wonder whether the decrease in gas prices might have saved the Democrats had it happened only a couple months ago.)

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