Politics Ronald Reagan taxes

Yesterday’s Ronald Reagan Would Have Been A Blazin’ Liberal Today

You hear it all the time, Ronald Reagan would have done this and Ronald Reagan would have done that. And as you listen to today’s Republicans, you can’t help but wonder if they remember the same Reagan the rest of us do, the guy who actually raised taxes on the American people 11 times during his presidency.

Like the video below, where Ronald Reagan had the audacity to suggest that the rich should pay more in taxes. Statements like this would have been enough to cause today’s Republicans to round up the ‘posse,’ track down the ex president with hound dogs and nail him to a cross with a copy of Grover Norquist’s pledge glued to his forhead.

occupy wall street Politics

Next Republican Debate To Focus On Protecting The Rich – Video

Sticking to their usual talking points, the next Republican Presidential Debate will be in accordance with all that Republicans hold dear… how to protect the rich at the expense of middle class America.

The video below is a promo for the debate which will be held on CNBC. Listen to the announcer.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Wants To Sell Your Home To Investors

The Democratic National Committee put out a new ad on Friday, featuring Mitt Romney. I doubt Romney was a willing participant in this video, as some of the things said in the ad were a bit unsettling.

The ad below shows a clip of Mitt Romney expressing his preferred method of handling foreclosures, and the words he spoke would put fear into the hearts of any family who finds themselves in the unfortunate position of losing their home. “Don’t try and stop the foreclosure process,” Romney said. “Let it run its course and hit the bottom, allowing investors to buy their homes, put renters in them, fix the homes, and let it turn around and come back up. The right course is to let markets work. And in order to get markets to work and to help people, the best we can do is to get the economy going.”

In a conference call with reporters, Brad Woodhouse, the communications director for the DNC said;

“To Mitt Romney, houses aren’t places where people raise their families and build lives. They’re investments to make a profit. Mitt Romney is out of touch. He’s out of touch with what’s going on with this country, he’s out of touch with the middle class.”

Out of touch with the middle class correctly describes the millionaire Mitt Romney. He has never had to deal with the misfortune of losing his home, or should I say homes, or should I say mansions. So it is totally natural for him to think of investors over families. Imagine that decision-making in the White House, as Mitt Romney attempts to become the Republican nominee to take on President Obama in 2012.

Watch the ad below.


Republicans Reject Jobs Bill – No Jobs For You

Back in August when President Obama announced his intentions to present a jobs bill when Congress returned from their vacation, the entire world knew that bill would be rejected by Republicans – dead on arrival. Well sadly, everyone in the world got this one right. Republicans just announced that getting Americans back to work, is not their main priority.

 House Republican leaders say they are rejecting President Barack Obama’s jobs proposals to rebuild schools and blighted neighborhoods, and help keep state and local employees on the job.

In a memo to GOP lawmakers that was also issued publicly and reprinted in The New York Times, House Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., and other Republican leaders also objected to the president’s proposal for a temporary reduction in payroll taxes, in order to boost consumer spending and increase demand.

The GOP leaders say such a temporary reduction means taxes will go up later when the reduction expires in 2013.

“While employees would see an additional temporary benefit from this proposal in 2012,” they wrote, “they would experience a larger effective tax increase 12 months later when the payroll tax reverted back to its full level.”

Oh really?

So Republicans have decided not to put middle class America back to work. Here are their concerns: One of the benefits of the jobs bill will be a payroll tax cut. That tax cut will temporarily reduce taxes from their current rate and is designed to trigger more hires by the private sector. After the temporary payroll tax cut expires, the rate goes back to what they are right now, not more than they are now, but the same rate you’re paying this very second.

This is what the Republicans are calling a tax hike, and this is their reason for rejecting a bill that has the potential to put millions of Americans back to work.

The politics at play here are sickening. The ideas outlined in the President’s jobs plan were previously submitted by these very same Republicans, but now, because of their agenda to make this president fail, these Republicans have decided to finish what Bin Laden started, and that’s to destroy the American economy.

Republicans, Al Qaeda, Taliban… they’re all the same to me.

Barack Obama Politics Republican Tax Tax break United States

President Obama – “Wealthiest Americans Must Pay Their Fair Share!”

In his weekly address to the nation, President Obama continued his push for a balanced approach to the nation’s debt problem, and called for Republicans to agree to raising revenues along with spending cuts.

“The truth is, you can’t solve our deficit without cutting spending. But you also can’t solve it without asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share – or without taking on loopholes that give special interests and big corporations tax breaks that middle-class Americans don’t get.

It’s pretty simple. I don’t think oil companies should keep getting special tax breaks when they’re making tens of billions in profits. I don’t think hedge fund managers should pay taxes at a lower rate than their secretaries. And I don’t think it’s fair to ask nothing of someone like me when the average family has seen their income decline over the past decade – and when many of you are just trying to stretch every dollar as far as it will go.

We shouldn’t put the burden of deficit reduction on the backs of folks who’ve already borne the brunt of the recession. It’s not reasonable and it’s not right. If we’re going to ask seniors, or students, or middle-class Americans to sacrifice, then we have to ask corporations and the wealthiest Americans to share in that sacrifice.”

The President:

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