Featured Politics Steve King

Steve King to President Obama – Please Don’t Make us Impeach You

Republicans are determined to somehow bring legal charges against President Obama with their proposed lawsuit. And although John Boehner has said multiple times, that it is not the intention of the Republicans to impeach the President, Boehner has said many things in the past that turned out to be false. And we’ve seen from recent incidents that Boehner has no control over the people in his party. So although he may try to convince the American people that impeachment is off the table, Boehner’s words mean absolutely nothing.

Here’s an example of someone who apparently has more pull than Boehner. Steve King went on Fox News and practically begged the president not to take executive actions on immigration reform. King warned that if such actions are taken by the president, then the I-WORD would surly come into play.

In an interview on Sunday, Fox News host Chris Wallace asked King what Republicans would do if the president decided to take executive action to stop the deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants.

“None of us want to do the thing that’s left for us as an alternative,” King explained. “But if the president has decided that he’s simple not going to enforce any immigration law or at least not against anybody except the felons — which essentially he has done already, this is a broader group of people — I think Congress has to sit down and have a serious look at the rest of this Constitution, and that includes that i-word that we don’t want to say.”

The Iowa Republican added: “And I only say that now because I want to encourage the president, ‘Please don’t put America into a constitutional crisis. Please don’t do that. There’s too much at stake in this country to be decided that you can take over the Constitution and write it at will.'”

“You’re saying that if he were to do that, impeachment would be on the table?” Wallace pressed.

“I think then we have to sit down and take a look at that,” King insisted. “If that’s not enough to bring that about then I don’t know what would be. We’ve never seen anything in this country like a president who says I’m going make up all the immigration law that I choose.”


Karl Rove Cries Shame on Republicans and Conservatives For Continuing Impeachment Talks – Video

Ya hear that Sarah Palin? Karl Rove is talking to you and your ilk!

But then again, we are talking about Karl Rove here. He’s just another partisan right winged Republican whose statements should be taken with a grain of salt.

Rove, the former advisor to George Bush, went on Fox News’s On the Record and cried shame on all those Republicans who are talking about impeaching the President. Rove is angry with these Republicans because they have lost the impeachment talking point, and he feels that President Obama and the democrats are now taking advantage of it. Rove said that the White House is “suggesting a constitutional crisis” in an effort to “fatten the accounts of Democratic fundraising groups.”

This however, is what Rove is saying this week. Next week, it is very likely that he would be the leader of the impeach Obama posse.


Featured Politics Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Jumps On The “Impeach Obama” Bandwagon

“You don’t bring a lawsuit to a gunfight,” Sarah Palin said on Fox’s Hannity on Tuesday, questioning Boehner’s proposed lawsuit of the president. “And there’s no place for lawyers on the front lines. I think it’s time for a little less talk, a lot more action,” she said.

Palin then suggested that some Republicans in Congress want to impeach the president, so that should be the reason to start the impeachment proceedings.

“When we see even GOP lawmakers who are recognizing and proclaiming Obama’s violation of the constitution, and then ignoring that constitution and the power they have to impeach, it gets kind of frustrating for the American people.”

Echoing an op-ed she published this week on the Breitbart website, Palin said impeachment was the only device Congress could use to halt the actions of what she described as an “imperial President.”

“The one tool they have are articles of impeachment, let’s get going on that,” she said.

They’re ringing the impeachment bell, but no one, not Sarah Palin, not John Boehner, not any other congressional Republican are saying exactly what the president has done that warrants impeachment.


Louie Gohmert Politics

Louie Gohmert Unknowingly Explains The GOP Plan – Default on Debt, Impeach Obama

The Republican secrets are slowly coming out. About a week ago, we heard one of their secret when a Republican unknowingly explained the reason they wanted to delay the implementation of Obamacare – they wanted to delay it for a year in hopes of winning the Senate in 2014 and then totally repealing the law. That secret came to light complements of Trey Radel – Representative from Florida.

Now, Republican brainchild Louie Gohmert is unknowingly explaining that – although his party is responsible for shutting down the government right before this country hits the debt ceiling on October 17th – if America default on the debt, President Obama will be impeached.

So with this second secret known, do you really think Republicans will deal in good faith with Democrats to avoid hitting the debt ceiling on October 17th? I’ll say no. They are more willing to launch this nation over the financial cliff. And if they get a chance to impeach the president before we hit bottom, then so be it.


Conservatives Want to Impeach Obama for “Wrecking the Stock Market”

Although the stock market just closed at the highest it has ever been, the craziness coming from the conservative movement just cannot take a day off.

Today, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 15,056, an all-time record. For one conservative group, this can only mean one thing: it’s time to impeach President Obama.

That was the message Capitol Hill Daily, a conservative publication based out of Baltimore, sent to Citizen United’s listserv today. They accused President Obama of “wreck[ing] the stock market” and asked readers to take a poll about whether he should be impeached as a result.

From the email:

Dear Concerned Reader,
Fearing the very worst, the nation’s super-rich are unloading their stocks at an alarming rate.

Even more troubling, the wealthiest 1% of Americans, who typically know the most, are the ones most anxious to sell.

You see, Obama just allowed 13 new tax increases to further slow the economy, wreck the stock market and make it even harder on the 12 million Americans already looking for work.

The bigger question is this…
Is Obama’s Latest Tax Screw Up Grounds For Impeachment?

Again, the stock market is in record high territory. But these people are circulating materials asking for the impeachment of the president for wrecking the stock market?

Republicans should be outraged that their leaders think so little of them. Why would you accept information that is known to be a lie? Why are you Republicans so easily fooled?

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