illegal Immigration Immigration Reform Politics

President Obama – The Real Problem with Immigration is Congress

(Photo credit SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

Following his meeting with Texas Governor Rick Perry, President Obama  issued a statement saying that there are no real differences between what he an Perry wants in regards to the border security and immigration issues in South Texas. The President stated that the real stumbling block is getting Congress to act on getting things done.

“The problem here is not a major disagreement around the actions that could be helpful in dealing with the problem. The challenge is, is Congress willing to act to get this done,” the president told reporters. “The question is are we more interested in politics or are we more interested in solving the problem.”

The president urged Republicans to put politics aside and act on his request for $3.7 in emergency funding to cope with the influx of unaccompanied minors flooding across the border.

“Congress has the ability to work with all parties involved to directly help this solution,” Obama said. “This supplemental offers them the ability to work immediately to get this done.”

Abortions illegal north dakota Politics

Abortions Are Now Illegal in North Dakota

It’s now legal. Abortions are illegal in North Dakota.

Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed legislation Tuesday that that would make North Dakota the nation’s most restrictive state on abortion rights, banning the procedure if a fetal heartbeat can be detected — something that can happen as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.

The Republican governor also signed into law another measure that would makes North Dakota the first to ban abortions based on genetic defects such as Down syndrome.

The measures are fueled in part by an attempt to close the state’s sole abortion clinic in Fargo. Supporters of the so-called fetal heartbeat measure said it is a direct challenge the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion up until a fetus is considered viable, usually at 22 to 24 weeks.

Abortion-rights advocates have promised a legal fight that they say will be long, costly and unwinnable for the state

Abortion Arizona Featured illegal Planned Parenthood Republican Party (United States)

Jan Brewer Makes It Illegal For Minorities To Get Abortion Procedures

You want your government small and non-intrusive? Well try this one on for size! Jan Brewer, the same Republican governor who tried to make racial profiling legal in her state of Arizona, just signed another racially motivated bill into law. This time, Mrs. Brewer is targeting minority women electing to get a legal abortion in her state.

According to House bill 2443, it will now be a crime for abortion providers to provide the service base on the race or sex of the fetus. The explanation for the law, as stated by its supporters, is that abortion facilities are disproportionately setting up their operations in minority neighborhoods, so in an effort to curb these clinics from setting up shops, Jan Brewer’s law will allow for doctors to be sued legally for performing the procedure.

According to reporting from The Arizona Republic;

The law allows the father of an aborted fetus – or, if the mother is a minor, the mother’s parents – to take legal action against the doctor or other health-care provider who performed the abortion. If convicted of the felony, physicians would face up to seven years in jail and the loss of their medical license.

The ruling would be totally ridiculed and frankly called racists if the law made the language more direct, like saying any physicians performing abortions for minorities can face up to seven years in jail if convicted, so the wisdom at play here, is to put these physicians on notice – having them second-guessing any decision to offer the service to those minorities women requesting it. A physician knowing they can end up in jail or fined if a case is brought against them, will reconsider performing this service to minorities.

Conservatives place great emphasis on their love for small government. Yet, not small enough that it won’t dictate what you can or cannot do with your own productive organs.

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