Donald Trump Politics

Bernie Sanders – I’ll Be Trump’s “Worse Nightmare” If He Attacks Minorities

Sanders has fought for decades for the rights of all Americans, both economically and socially. And after seeing the Russia-elect win the US Election on Tuesday, Sanders is promising to continue the fight for all people if Trump continue his attack on minorities.

In a tweet, Sanders wrote; If Donald Trump takes people’s anger and turns it against Muslims, Hispanics, African Americans and women, we will be his worst nightmare.

Bernie later challenged Trump to abandon his “Muslim ban” campaign plan and his call to enact a “deportation force” to depart 11 million people.

“If Trump is serious about being a president for all Americans he must rescind his plans to ban Muslims and deport 11 million people.”


Thousands of Minorities go Missing in America, And No One Cares

Nicole Goodlett of Spartanburg, SC, missing since March 2014.

When nearly 300 Nigerian school girls were kidnapped by the terrorist group Boko Haram and went missing in April, the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls  became a rallying call to draw attention to the crime and to demand action.

Nations, including the United States, sent resources to Africa in hopes of finding those girls while every day, here in America, scores of black people go missing with little or no fanfare or calls to action.

The National Crime Information Center reports that more than 270,000 minorities have been reported missing since 2010. Almost half of that number is made up of African-Americans, and roughly 64,000 are African-American girls and women.

Where’s the hangtag? Where’s the media attention? Where’s the movement?


Abortion Arizona Featured illegal Planned Parenthood Republican Party (United States)

Jan Brewer Makes It Illegal For Minorities To Get Abortion Procedures

You want your government small and non-intrusive? Well try this one on for size! Jan Brewer, the same Republican governor who tried to make racial profiling legal in her state of Arizona, just signed another racially motivated bill into law. This time, Mrs. Brewer is targeting minority women electing to get a legal abortion in her state.

According to House bill 2443, it will now be a crime for abortion providers to provide the service base on the race or sex of the fetus. The explanation for the law, as stated by its supporters, is that abortion facilities are disproportionately setting up their operations in minority neighborhoods, so in an effort to curb these clinics from setting up shops, Jan Brewer’s law will allow for doctors to be sued legally for performing the procedure.

According to reporting from The Arizona Republic;

The law allows the father of an aborted fetus – or, if the mother is a minor, the mother’s parents – to take legal action against the doctor or other health-care provider who performed the abortion. If convicted of the felony, physicians would face up to seven years in jail and the loss of their medical license.

The ruling would be totally ridiculed and frankly called racists if the law made the language more direct, like saying any physicians performing abortions for minorities can face up to seven years in jail if convicted, so the wisdom at play here, is to put these physicians on notice – having them second-guessing any decision to offer the service to those minorities women requesting it. A physician knowing they can end up in jail or fined if a case is brought against them, will reconsider performing this service to minorities.

Conservatives place great emphasis on their love for small government. Yet, not small enough that it won’t dictate what you can or cannot do with your own productive organs.

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