Donald Trump Politics

Hillary Clinton Now Leads Trump by Double Digits 

What a difference a sexual assault claim makes

Clinton is now favored by 49 percentof likely voters and Trump is backed by 38 percent.

The poll shows Clinton increasing her lead over the Republican nominee. A poll conducted two weeks ago showed both major party’s nominees tied among likely voters at 43 percent.

A portion of the poll was conducted after the release of a 2005 tape in which Trump is heard making lewd comments about women. In the tape, the GOP nominee describes how he can grope and kiss women without their consent because of his celebrity status. The tape’s release has led to fallout among some Republicans, who say they can no longer support their party’s nominee.

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Donald Trump Featured sexual assault

AP Reports – Sexual Assault Victim Invited by Trump Paid $2500 By Pro-Trump Group

The Associated Press is reporting that at least one of the women that appeared with Donald Trump in a pre-debate political stunt, was paid $2500 by a pro-Trump group to tell her story. The Ap also reports that the woman was never sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton.

The Arkansas woman, Kathy Shelton, was sexually assaulted at age 12 and was the victim in a 1975 case in which Clinton was appointed to represent her then-41-year-old attacker, Thomas Alfred Taylor. Shelton has accused Clinton of crossing ethical bounds in the case, and over the past few months, Shelton has given TV and video interviews slamming Clinton.

Shelton’s case has been extensively cited in conservative media as evidence that Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, does not have the best interests of women at heart.

The May payment to Shelton by the Committee to Restore America’s Greatness PAC, founded by Stone, was described as “contract labor” in campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. Asked by The Associated Press about the reason for the payment, Stone said in an email that Shelton “was extensively interviewed on video about her experience with Hillary Clinton and was paid for her time.”

Donald Trump Paul Ryan Politics

Paul Ryan Will Not Help Trump Anymore – Trump Throws a Twitter Fit

The little boy in Donald Trump raised his ugly head again. This time, to pick a fight with Republican House Speaker, Paul Ryan.

Since the audio/video of Trump’s 2005 womanizing ways came to light on Friday, Ryan publicly disavowed Donald Trump saying he was “sickened” by Trump’s statements about groping and forcing himself on women. Ryan and Trump were scheduled to hold a joint event on Saturday, but Ryan disinvited Trump after the recording went public.

On Monday, Ryan took it a step further, telling House members that his goal is no longer to get Trump elected, but to spend more time trying helping other Republicans running for reelection down ballot. Trump of course, failed to understand his own role in forcing Ryan to take such a position. He took to the twitter machine to lash out at the House Speaker.

Asked to respond to Trump’s tweet tantrum, Ryan’s spokeswoman said, “The speaker is going to spend the next month focused entirely on protecting our congressional majorities in order to advance our ‘Better Way’ agenda.”

You can expect more retaliation from Trump in 3,2,1

Donald Trump Politics

Best Tweet from the Second Presidential Debate – Tweet

Donald Trump is always chastising Muslims because, as he sees it, they always fail to report crimes to the authority, so it is fitting that during the second presidential debate between Trump and Hillary, this particular Muslim, Moustafa Bayoumi, took to twitter and tweeted this;

Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump Demonstrates The 5 Profiles of a Stalker in Townhall Debate – PIC

As Hillary Clinton went about the business of winning the second Presidential debate, her opponent, Republican Donald Trump, was busy auditioning for the role of ‘David’ in the sequel to the 90’s Stalker film, FEAR!

1. Keep talking, I’m sneaking up behind you

2. Now I’m right behind you and you can’t see me

3. Lurk Lurk Lurk

4. Now I’m on your side and you still can’t see me

5. So close, I can grab your pus… Oops!

Donald Trump Politics

Hillary Beats Trump Again in Second Presidential Debate

CNN’s David Gergen is usually very measured in his interpretation of political matters. So after the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Gergen offered his take on who won the debate. He concluded that Trump’s chances of winning the White House “evaporated Sunday night.”

In other words, Trump lost…again!

Whatever chance Donald Trump still had of capturing the White House largely evaporated Sunday night in his second debate with Hillary Clinton.
Coming off the worst 10 days of any campaign in recent history, Trump desperately needed a win in order to reverse his slide in the polls. He was indeed better than in the first debate and she was not as commanding. Even so, he blew his opportunity for victory in the first 20 minutes and could never fully recover. CNN’s poll found that by 57-34%, a majority of voters watching them thought she got the best of him.
His loss came through a series of bizarre moments. The first was his surprise pre-debate appearance with four female accusers of Bill Clinton. While a case can be made for re-hearing their claims of long ago, the event seemed like a stunt and Trump never made real use of it in the debate.
But more damning still was the way he handled the disgusting video from 11 years ago in which he made vulgar sexual remarks. Trump could possibly have achieved a measure of forgiveness if he had issued a sincere, thoughtful apology about his past as well as some ugly incidents in this campaign. But his apology was limited in scope, seemed slightly dismissive, and went off track when he mixed ISIS into the conversation.
Barack Obama Donald Trump Politics sexual assault

Obama on Trump Tape – It’s “Disturbing” and “Unbelievable Rhetoric” – Video

Here is something amazing, something you’ve never seen or heard of before – the President of the United States had to comment on a the words of a Republican presidential nominee, who said that he sexually assault women and that he gets away with it because of his fame.

While campaigning for Tammy Duckworth in Chicago, the President commented about the self-inflicted perils of Donald Trump.

“One of the most disturbing things about this election is just the unbelievable rhetoric coming from the top of the Republican ticket. I don’t need to repeat it, there are children in the room.”

“Demeaning women, degrading women, but also minorities, immigrants, people of other faiths, mocking the disabled, insulting our troops, insulting our veterans — that tells you a couple of things. That tells you that he’s insecure enough that he pumps himself up by putting other people down, not a character trait that I would advise for someone in the Oval Office. It tells you he doesn’t care much about the basic values we try to impart to our kids. It tells you he would be careless with the civility and respect that a real vibrant Democracy requires.”


Donald Trump Politics sexual assault

Trump’s Sexual Assault on Women Force Republicans to Look To Pence

If Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, is the stabilizing factor in Trump’s 1-legged campaign, then removing Pence from the equation should eventually result in a loud thud as Trump’s campaign crushes to the ground.

That is the hope of some Republican officials in the wake of Trump’s confession that he happily committed sexual assault on unsuspecting women.

Donald Trump could be left without a running mate as GOP officials may consider pressuring Mike Pence to quit the race after he publicly stated that he could not ‘condone’ the billionaire’s crude hot mic comments.

A few GOP leaders may be considering a scenario in which they would convince Pence to leave the ticket, according to CNN.

Former Jeb Bush supporter, Vin Weber told the network that he would ‘absolutely’ call for Pence to leave the ticket as a way to put ‘immeasurable pressure’ on Trump to leave the race.

‘Pence is the anchor that keeps Trump in the race,’ so without him it would be over for the candidate, Weber said.

Pence’s advocacy for Trump came to a screeching, perhaps temporary, halt Saturday in the hours after Trump released a video apologizing for 2005 remarks in which he describes his aggressive conduct toward women.

The Indiana governor was said to be ‘beside himself’ over Trump’s comments.

Pence said in a statement about Trump: ‘I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them. I am grateful that he has expressed remorse and apologized to the American people.

Celebrities Donald Trump

Robert De Niro – Trump “is a PUNK. He’s a DOG. He’s is a PIG” – Video

Tell us how you really feel Mr. De Niro!


Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump Agreed – Ivanka Trump? She’s “a piece of ass” – Audio

Yes, there’s more. 

In the audio clip below, Donald Trump and Howard Stern discussed Trump’s kids, including the sexuality of his then 24-year-old daughter, Ivanka. And apparently showing her the respect she deserved, Donald Trump agreed with Howard Stern that his own daughter could be referred to as “a piece of ass.”

TRUMP: “My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka.”

STERN: “By the way, your daughter.”

TRUMP: “She’s beautiful.”

STERN: “Can I say this? A piece of ass.”

TRUMP: “Yeah.”

If he can agree to a comment like that about his own daughter, can you really give this Republican presidential nominee a free pass when it comes to respecting women?

Donald Trump Politics

Republican Senator Mike Lee Begs Donald Trump to “Step Down!” – Video

Senator Mike Lee took to Facebook to beg and plead Donald Trump to step down and “allow someone else to carry the banner.”

“I respectfully ask you, with all due respect, to step aside,” Lee begged. “Step down, allow someone else to carry the banner of these principles… rather than weighing down the American people.”

“As [Republicans] been asked to settle, we’ve been given a huge series of distractions. With all due respect, sir, you are the distraction. Your conduct, sir, is the distraction.”


Donald Trump Politics

Trump Supporter Sen. Kelly Ayotte is NO LONGER Supporting Donald Trump

And the avalanche continues. Republicans who lost their respect when they endorsed Donald Trump is once again gaining some respect by un-endorsing him. The latest to join the ranks of ex-Trump supporters is Republican Senator, Kelly Ayotte.

Ayotte took to Twitter to express her displeasure with the Republican nominee, after the news and audio of a 2005 recording where Donald Trump talked happily about forcing himself on women and groping them.

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