Donald Trump Featured

Trump Adviser – “Dead People Generally Vote for Democrats” – #INSANITY

With people like this advising Donald Trump, are there any questions as to why Trump says the dumbest things?

Top Donald Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani claimed Sunday that Democrats could steal a close election by having dead people vote in inner cities, while vice presidential candidate Mike Pence said the ticket will “absolutely accept the result of the election.”

“I’m sorry, dead people generally vote for Democrats rather than Republicans,” the former New York City mayor told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.” “You want me to (say) that I think the election in Philadelphia and Chicago is going to be fair? I would have to be a moron to say that.”
Celebrities Donald Trump nicki minaj

Nicki Minaj Hits Donald Trump’s Wife, Melina – Video

WARNING, and let me say it again, WARNING! If your computer speakers are turned up or if the kids are in the room, put on your headphones or something, ’cause there are some words used in the following clip that some might find offensive.

During a brief break in the music, Minaj went off, saying, and I’m paraphrasing here, that some men are weak and need a strong independent woman as their partner. Minaj then listed some strong women, saying Barack need Michelle and “Bill needed Hillary. She contrast those two women with Donald Trump’s wife by saying, you better hope you don’t get stuck with a Melania. Again, I was paraphrasing.

Watch the actual clip below.

Donald Trump Featured

SNL Examines Donald Trump’s “Stalking” and Sexual Exploits – Video

Saturday Night Live has taken on many elections and candidates in the past, but, with this very special presidential election coming up in a few weeks, the cast of Saturday Night Live has found a gem in its impersonation of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

In this weeks episode, SNL took on the second presidential debate. SNL examined Trump’s sexual exploits and him ‘stalking’ his opponent, and Hillary’s almost robotic style. So good was Trump’s impression that the actual Republican candidate demanded an apology from the show and requested the show ends its long run.

“Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me,” Trump tweeted. “Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!”

With that said, let’s watch SNL’s masterful job on these presidential candidates.


Donald Trump Politics Republican party blows up

Indefensible, And Getting Worse

Political parties blow up. That’s a fact of life. But not all political explosions are similar and this year’s nuclear meltdown of the Republican Party is unique in the United States and, I’m sure, terrifying to other countries who depend upon our, well, dependability to keep the peace, ensure economic tranquility and to fight against injustice most of the time.

Consider. When the Democrats blew up in 1972, the issue was the Vietnam War and the influence of the far left wing, many of whose adherents were communists. That year’s nominee, George McGovern, a Senator from South Dakota, was not the party’s first choice, but since Nixon’s dirty tricks campaign had eliminated Edmund Muskie and scared off Ted Kennedy, this is what the Democrats were left with. Add to the fact that Nixon was popular after having gone to China in February and that the GOP had wads of (unregulated, illegal, corporate) cash, the race was going to be an uphill climb for McGovern. Then he made the mistake of naming a semi-vetted running mate, Senator Thomas Eagleton of Missouri as his VP. When word got out that he had undergone shock therapy and had to drop out, any momentum McGovern was going to get was gone. His policies veered too far to the left and the pictures of long-haired, drug-taking hippie freaks in Nixon attack ads pretty much sealed his fate. Watergate hastened the return of the party in 1976, behind a religious, centrist Jimmy Carter, but that was just the drain plug that couldn’t hold back the conservative tide that won three elections in the 1980s.

Ah, the good old days.

The Republican Party’s descent into political hell that Donald Trump is leading makes 1972 seem like a peaceful transition in a Scandinavian country. His especially noxious brand of politics, which by the by has been on display from Day 1 of his campaign, is unprecedented for a presidential campaign in this country. He has decided that the issues don’t matter, except to point out that he would arrest and jail his Democratic opponent, arrest millions of immigrants, and build the wall with Mexican money. Everything else he’s said over the past week has been offensive, sexist, contradictory, or just plain unintelligible.

His focus on women’s looks and bodies is a reminder that we not only continue to have a race problem, we have a gender problem in the United States. We also seem to have a problem understanding how destructive words and actions can be and we also have a problem realizing that words can be equal to an assault if they cause someone to change their physical or psychic behavior. The latest right wing defense of his words seems to rely on the fact that he didn’t act on them, and that those women who said that he did act on them should have reported them contemporaneously. But that’s not how power relationships and bullying work. Plus, in some ways, it’s easier to let it go if that person, and Trump certainly is one of those people, might have control over your financial or personal future.

And his incessant talk about physical appearance is beyond any locker room I’ve been in. Men joke, men comment, men wish, men hope, men beg, but decent men do not talk about grabbing, groping, or physically assaulting women, and if they do, most of the time they get called on it. Trump’s comments saying that he would not have tried anything with the women who’ve accused him of lewd behavior because they aren’t attractive enough for him is far beyond the bounds of respectable behavior. Forget about disqualifying him to be president; that behavior should disqualify him from being an employee at any corporation with a functioning Human Relations department.

It’s a good thing that he’s going to lose badly, but the terrible part is that he’s going to drag down our political culture over the next three weeks. he will not discuss issues and he won’t allow Hillary Clinton to say much about policy in the final debate this Wednesday. He will likely challenge the results of the election and I’m assuming he won’t concede in the traditional manner. What we as decent citizens of this country need to do is to explain to our young people that this election is an anomaly, and that it should wake us up to the danger of any candidate who objectifies groups of people, shames them or speaks dismissively of them.

This quote never gets old: “Have you no decency, sir?”

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Politics

New Poll – Clinton Leads Trump by Double Digits – Video

Women, and African Americans, and Latinos, and Educated Whites, and the Middle Class, and the disabled, and all the other groups Donald Trump has offended, are getting the last laugh.

A new NBC poll shows a 14 point Hillary lead over Donald Trump, 52 to 38.


Donald Trump Featured

Donald Trump about 10-Year-Old Girl – “I am going to be dating her in 10 years” – Video

What man would look at a 10-year old girl and began formulating thoughts of being with her albeit, in 10 years? A grown man looks at a 10-year-old girl and is so intrigued or turned on by her that he couldn’t help but say “I am going to be dating her in 10 years.”

How sick is that?

In a December 1992 wire brief in the Chicago Tribune, Trump is described as having spotted a youth choir singing Christmas carols at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. He asked two girls how old they were. When they said they were 14, Trump, then 46, replied, “Wow! Just think — in a couple of years, I’ll be dating you.”

On Wednesday, CBS News reported a similar scenario involving a 10-year-old girl around the same time, when Trump was between his first and second marriages.

In footage from the archives of CBS-owned “Entertainment Tonight,” Trump asks the child if she is planning to ride the escalator at Trump Tower. After she says yes, Trump turns to cameras taping a Christmas special for the show and says, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”


Donald Trump Politics sexual abuse

“People” Writer Accuses Donald Trump of Sexual Abuse – Video

The year 2005 was a busy year for Donald Trump. In addition to all the other women who have come forward accusing him of groping and forcing himself on them, Natasha Stoynoff, a writer for People Magazine, posted her story online. Natasha said she suffered unwanted sexual contact with Trump in December 2005, when she visited Trump’s Mar-a-Logo property to interview him.

From the article.

We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds, he was pushing me against the wall, and forcing his tongue down my throat.

Now, I’m a tall, strapping girl who grew up wrestling two giant brothers. I even once sparred with Mike Tyson. It takes a lot to push me. But Trump is much bigger—a looming figure—and he was fast, taking me by surprise, and throwing me off balance.
I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself.

The butler informed us that Melania would be down momentarily, and it was time to resume the interview. I was still in shock, and remained speechless as we both followed him to an outdoor patio overlooking the grounds. In those few minutes alone with Trump, my self-esteem crashed to zero. How could the actions of one man make feel so utterly violated?  I’d been interviewing A-list celebrities for over 20 years, but what he’d done was a first. Did he think I’d be flattered?

I tried to act normal. I had a job to do, and I was determined to do it. I sat in a chair that faced Trump, who waited for his wife on a loveseat. The butler left us, and I fumbled with my tape recorder. Trump smiled and leaned forward.

“You know we’re going to have an affair, don’t you?” he declared, in the same confident tone he uses when he says he’s going to make America great again. “Have you ever been to Peter Luger’s for steaks? I’ll take you. We’re going to have an affair, I’m telling you.” He also referenced the infamous cover of the New York Post during his affair with Marla Maples. “You remember,” he said. “Best Sex I Ever Had.”

Melania walked in just then, serene and glowing. Donald instantly reverted back to doting husband mode, as if nothing had happened, and we continued our interview about their wedded bliss. I nodded at his hollow words and smiled at his jokes, but I was nauseated. It didn’t seem to register to him in the slightest that what he’d done might have hurt or offended me, or his wife.


Donald Trump Politics sexual assault

More Women Come Forward – Say Trump Inappropriately Touched Them – Video

The following is an excerpt from The New York Times

Donald J. Trump was emphatic in the second presidential debate: Yes, he had boasted about kissing women without permission and grabbing their genitals. But he had never actually done those things, he said.

“No,” he declared under questioning on Sunday evening, “I have not.”

At that moment, sitting at home in Manhattan, Jessica Leeds, 74, felt he was lying to her face. “I wanted to punch the screen,” she said in an interview in her apartment.

More than three decades ago, when she was a traveling businesswoman at a paper company, Ms. Leeds said, she sat beside Mr. Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. They had never met before.

About 45 minutes after takeoff, she recalled, Mr. Trump lifted the armrest and began to touch her.

According to Ms. Leeds, Mr. Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.


Donald Trump Paul Ryan Politics

Trump Suggests Paul Ryan is Part of a “Sinister Deal”

Donald Trump is like the visitor who comes to your house one night for dinner and end up staying for a year-and-a-half. You give endless clues and hints that he was no longer welcome, but every morning you wake up he’s still there, eating up all the chitlins, and writing his name on the box of orange juice inside the refrigerator.

And there is no gratitude, no “thank you” for putting up with me and my bull  all this time. As soon as you insist that it was time for him to leave, your visitor cusses you out and talks bad about you to anyone who listens.

In the beginning of this campaign season, Paul Ryan reluctantly accepted the fact that Donald Trump had invaded the GOP. It took a while, but Ryan eventually learned how to live with the crazy man who occupied the GOP’s guest room. Ryan was even willing to  be seen in public with Trump. 

But when Ryan learned of some of the things Mr. Crazy said in the past, more specifically things he said in 2005 about condoning sexual assault on women, Ryan decided enough was enough and it was definitely time to cut his affiliation with Trump. Paul Ryan, Republican Speaker of The House of Representatives, even went as far as issuing a statement saying that he will no longer campaign for or have anything to do with Trump’s presidential campaign.

And apparently that also meant that Ryan did not call to congratulate Trump after Sunday’s presidential debate. Needless to say that pissed Trump off bigley. He took off the gloves and went on the attack against the man who once handed him the keys to the Republican party.

Trump at a Florida rally on Wednesday questioned why Ryan, who effectively conceded Trump’s White House chances during a call with lawmakers this week, wouldn’t come out and congratulate him after Sunday’s presidential debate.

“Wouldn’t you think Paul Ryan would call and say, ‘good going’?” Trump asked in Ocala.
“You’d think they’d say, ‘Great going, Don. Let’s go, let’s beat this crook. Let’s beat her. We’ve got to stop her.’ No, he doesn’t do that. There’s a whole deal going on. We’re going to figure it out. I always figure things out. There’s a whole sinister deal.”


Donald Trump Featured

Teenage Beauty Contestants Say Trump Lurked Around in Their Dressing Room

Buzzfeed reports that four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while contestants — some as young as 15 — were changing.

“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Trump, she recalled, said something like, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”

Three other women, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of getting engulfed in a media firestorm, also remembered Trump entering the dressing room while girls were changing. Two of them said the girls rushed to cover their bodies, with one calling it “shocking” and “creepy.” The third said she was clothed and introduced herself to Trump.

Donald Trump Politics sexual abuse

Chris Christie Slams Trump – His Comments are “Completely Indefensible”

Can you believe it? Just like you I am totally shocked that Chris Christie found something disgusting about Donald Trump.

The former Republican presidential candidate stood with Trump through thick and thin, even getting ridiculed by many for his undying support of Trump’s foolish positions.

But Christie drew the line after hearing the things Trump had to say  in the infamous 2005 tape, where Trump condoned grabbing women by their genitalia and trying to have sex with a married woman.

Christie called Trump’s comment, “completely indefensible.”

“​Appearing on WFAN’s “Boomer and Carton,” the governor told Craig Carton that the 2005 video of Trump is “completely indefensible and I won’t and haven’t defended it.”

Christie also said that Trump’s apology was inadequate.

“He should have been much more direct and focused on just saying sorry and only saying sorry,” said Christie. “When you’re going to make an apology like that, you need to be focused on it (alone.)”

Christie, a father of four, also said he wondered if Ttump was the right person for the job of President.”You certainly have to think about it,” Christie said.

Christie admitted that explaining Trump’s remarks to his children was “the hardest thing.” He said tryimg to find an explanation got “a little tough.”

Even with that though, Christie still endorses the Republican nominee. Go figure.

Donald Trump Politics

Trump Fired Contestant for Engaging in “Locker Room Talk” on Apprentice

Donald Trump is doing all he can to brush aside a 2005 video where he engages in degrading and disgusting statements about women – something he now excuses as “locker room talk.”

But in 2010, while the Entertainer-in-chief hosted his Celebrity Apprentice show on NBC, Trump fired professional wrestler Maria Kanellis for engaging in the same “locker room” talk about another contestant.

The new video comes as the GOP nominee’s campaign deals with fallout from his obscene remarks about women in 2005, which Trump classified as “locker room talk” during Sunday night’s presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis.

“Isn’t it sort of gross bringing that up? It’s, like, disgusting,” Trump said, in reference to a comment Kanellis made about another contestant’s bodily functions.

“This is my board room. It’s not a locker room. Maria, you’re fired.”

If Trump is capable of firing someone because they made “Locker room” comments on his television show, shouldn’t the American people fire him for making the same comments, and stop him from seeking the highest office in the land?

Seems right to me. 

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